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What is the best way to play Chrono Trigger?
Manipulating buttons on a controller with your fingers
On a comfy sunset/night after work, with your gf/wife cooking something nice for you, whioe drinking a beer or hot chocolate.
And on a CRT on a SNES of course.
any time you want to play a game go on wikipedia and play the version that was released first.
snes or ds (don't play the bonus content)
think the steam version is fine now too, used to have a bug where you'd get stuck by a save point
On ZSNES 0.150 for authenticity.
is then you'd have to turn off one of the transparency layers when you get to the domes in the future?
DS version has extra content, Chrono Trigger+ romhack has an MSU-1 set up. choose
I like the ps1 version on my vita because old JRPGs and ARPGs are really good handheld fodder. I'm sure the SNES rom on your phone would be fine but I have only played the ps1 version
keeping ayla in your party as much as possible
I can't figure out why but this game's combat wears on me, even uniquely among jarpigs. I still hold it in fairly high regard overall, but I've always wondered why the battles felt so boring over time compared to any of the SNES FF's, for example. Always think of replaying it and then get this feeling like I just ate McDonald's when I think of spamming techs through unlovable random encounters
Unlosable* but kek
Fuck it bros I'm gonna go for it and see if the combat is more bearable now that I'm a decrepit boomer
Emulate the SNES version on a beat up Dell Latitude laptop with a shitty screen and a DS4 controller
On the PS1 with the long loading times
So far I think it might be SNES with the Colosseum.
wii virtual console
DS for the expanded story . It gives you a bit of content that is the closest we will get to a third game connecting to cross and still has the psx fmvs
by not playing it at all bc dat shit is poo poo
Original Super Famicom version
The DS extras aren't anything special, that's all I know. Lost Sanctum gave me brain tumor
The extra content is awful and the overpowered rewards you get aren't worth the grind. You can quite literally speedrun a New Game+ in the same amount of time it takes to beat the DS extras. The DS version is a major case of "what the fuck were these retards actually thinking?" So much wasted potential.
Steam is the definitive version, it is the SNES game with the PS1 extras, the DS extras, no slowdown, best music, translation etc. No downsides.
I unironically like the filter in the Steam version of Chrono Trigger. What usually makes a filter suck is that it mutes the colors and the smoothing removes more minute pixel details like shading. CT looks smoother but still has the above elements intact.
How has this game still not been rereleased with a fucking NG+ Hard Mode
with your mom

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