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Just fuck my art and music style up, SEGA.
Nintendo were still responsible for the art direction and character design.
>implying it isn't the single greatest arcade racer made to date
I wish we got more monkeyball engine racers
Why the hell was this rated T? It's a fucking racing game. At least Smash has actual violence.
The only way that I was able to beat all of the GPs on master difficulty was by ruthlessly hunting down and murdering any rival that had more points than I did.
This is a great game, I respect it. The art and music are stellar. But it's just too hard for me.
>One of the only worthwhile games on GC
>It's bad because Sega x Nintendo console faggotry
Nigga please
>But it's just too hard for me.

same. I got stuck on Diamond Cup hard diff. Couldn't getting gooder.
You've got to learn to live in the flashing red zone and boost like a mad cunt. Learning A-tier boosters like the skull helps a lot too but you'll have to relearn how to take a corner. Turning the sound down to avoid the siren putting the fear in you helps too. And lastly learning to be overly liberal with the sideways slam ram in to your rival ensure success (I'd start by aiming to take 3 successive rivals out for the first 3 races). As the courses for each cup begin with the simplest tracks, building a points buffer by destroying rivals in the first 3 tracks usually means you can focus on the difficulty of the courses for last tracks of a cup. On master you want to be aiming for a buffer of about 5-6 rivals destroyed on the first 3 tracks coupled with solid racing to ensure you still finish first. Especially on ruby cup for the first two tracks (mute city and the first casino track) you basically don't want to stop boosting on laps 2 and 3 for both tracks. I could go on as I've pretty much 100%'d most of this game bar a handful of staff ghosts which I've never been able to beat and at this point never will. 1000+ hours easily.
thanks for your input.
I always was a "clean" driver, barely used the slam attack. At this point, I'd need to relearn the game from scratch, as I also liked planted vehicles. Basically, I played the game with training wheels on and my competition changed to using VTEC, yo.
Maybe I'll find the motivation sometime again.
I'm biased so I'll say it's worth it, and to keep in mind that the game is arcade-style but not like the regular arcade-style we're used to, where we expect to come first every race. I'll clarify as well when I say taking down rivals I mean almost exclusively in the first lap of any race before you get boost power. Laps 2 and 3 on master focus solely on racing. Learning to boost+nose dive then land flat/smoothly on aerials, particularly the dragon slope track can give you a huge advantage over the AI's limitations. And lastly a lot of people say don't do the story mode until you've beat master on all cups. Bullshit. On normal mode, the story teaches you advanced mechanics that will help you win on master before you return for hard and very hard story mode. The chapter with the chain gang levels up your ramming game big time, and if you've not destroyed your controller, snapped the disc, and set fire to yourself, you will eventually save jody summer and ascend to greatness.
Good question
it's a game about race supremacy
the art is excellent, but the music might be the worst of sega's arcade jank-rock I've ever listened to
CERO didn't exist prior Gamecube
The art style is fucking brilliant though. It's exactly what F-Zero should look and feel like. Part of me sometimes doesn't want Nintendo to make a new F-Zero game, because I know they'd scrap all of Sega's innovations and base everything off of the SNES game.
It's tagged as Suggestive Themes, so it may be related to the FMVs
ignore all other machines
use the Hyper Speeder
it's so goddamn stupid fast you'll be in first before the boost laps and from there you just get further and further out, and it actually handles well (if a bit stiff, quickturns are your best friend) and can take a hit unlike the skull or zoda's missiles with cockpits. goddamn i love the hyper speeder
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Nevermind, there's the back cover. I haven't played enough, but the intense combat and FMVs are enough to get a higher rating (E10+ didn't exist until 2005).
Same anon, we'll never get anything like X or GX again.
Kidnapping, theft, attempted murder, terrorism. I never really thought about it before.
I agree hyper speeder is the generally agreed upon "best" racer to choose but you've also got to do every cup/difficulty with every vehicle to answer the interviewer.
you don't HAVE to, that's just completionist 'tism
E-10 didn't exist yet.
I still like the music and visuals it's just not as a good an art style as SNES and X games. MV was fine but that is its own thing inside of a vacuum.
If you finish the game you get to see samurai goro's tiddies.
It's like they put everyone on 1 game and nothing else

I guess it sorta works. Doesn't make sense why they don't make these more than 1 player
Sequel never.

Honestly wouldn’t be a bad title to resurrect for Switch 2 launch since nobody is making a futuristic racer anymore and this has to be the most requested game to get a sequel other than Half-Life.

Had it when it was new and it kicked my ass non stop. The kept me from getting very far in it but I was really impressed with the speed (both in frames per second and visually perceived) speed of the game and the graphics, it really pushed the humble cube to the limit.
I honestly can't imagine Nintendo doing a proper sequel. It would have to be remake with some new courses at most. I wouldn't even trust them to re-balance the vehicles because they'd just make something like Fat Shark complete shit.
Especially when it comes to the Staff Ghosts, I just can't see Nintendo ever putting something that difficult into any of their games ever again.
they should have kept the mid 90s indie comic art style, but the music was pure sovl
Actually mate, I think that's Mighty Gazelle.
I love doing that.
Am I a lunatic for insisting on the Twin Noritta? Problem is sometimes I am going so fast I am just flicked off of the track by the slightest bump. Basically the whole track is filled with landmines and some of them let you cut big corners.

the music and artstyle were good
The art style was cool but the music was absolute trash.

Except for this one, it's awesome:

Oh god you MUST murder everyone possible in these games, it is just natural and good, to say nothing of how much it helps you win tournaments
You mean there's another way?
Noritta is slick as hell.
That's my problem with it because I love everything about the ship and the pilots and I use it for Ghost Staff is I wasn't so acclimated to Sonic Phantom.
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For me it's Fire Stingray.
Damn this game has been on my "eventually" list for literally 20 years but this comment makes me wanna finally play it. You make it sound fun thanks anon
Kate Alan booty game too strong for ESRB
The scratched and weathered paint on the vehicles give this game so much fucking soul.
>made to date
weird way to write "of all time" O.o
>sega's arcade jank-rock
Filtered, it's futuristic electronic kino
What's actually wrong with the music outside of the nostalgic "not muh F-Zero" angle
It just seems like the most low effort criticism on the game
It's ear grating.
That's not really detailing anything
That means it sucks to listen to.
You're not good at this.
You asked what's wrong with the music and I told you clearly and concisely. What more do you want?
widdle pussy baby can't handle a big chune? try putting on a sesame street album maybe it'll make the game less stressful for you :)
This is good:

This is also good:

This not so much:
neckbeard moment
There's a movie where you can see Captain Falcons panties
and a movie of a guy flamboyantly dancing
those two incidents make it very sexual, so it's a T rating for sure
Did you just step off the Mayflower?
I don't own a switch so only played on a friend's but it's amazing how f-zero 99 uses almost all of the assets from the snes game including OST yet is bankrupt of soul. There's collectible bits that when you fill the bar give you a shortcut on an easy stretch of track, and it has added boost power but not sure it needs it. Cool concept in theory and you'd think it would work based on the original game also requiring higher-placed finish per-lap too. Something's missing by adding more though. I guess it's good we never got another after gx, it's pretty nintendo to still be ass-mad 20 years after a contractor made a better game with their ip than they ever could, and proceed to kill their own stuff (outside of the easy nostalgia money).
Oh no the contractor we hired made us money time to commit seppuku
Wrong, grow up and listen to some extreme music
Captain Falcon calls the dude in the Fire Stingray a faggot for driving a pink car
For me it's Red Gazelle
>the yoshi of f-zero
Tell me you're trans without telling me you're trans
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How can a cool as fuck robot be the gay option?

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