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>search every inch of the map and collect 15+ different collectables if you want to progress
this game is aids
>noooo I don't want to explore I just want to run forward in a straight line and win!
maybe phone games are more suited to you, OP
Ahh, so calming. Just wandering around, huntin' for shit, listening to Grant's ear worm mix tape. What a relaxing way to spend a weekend.
>play the game to the fullest extent of the law(THE LAW!!)
>get to the second to last note door with 809 notes
>door needs 810 notes
>drop the game, NEXT
>bro you don't get it banjo was so much better than croc!
>15+ different collectables if you want to progress
name them
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Have you tried its predecessor? Grunty's Revenge is also good, it's like bite-sized Banjo.

Or the DKC trilogy? I like Banjo but there's nothing wrong with linear platformers
I'll help you out OP.


Contains maps for each jiggy, Jinjo, note, honeycomb piece, Mumbo token, Bottles move, and anything else you can think of. I never used this specific guide growing up but I've always enjoyed them. Cheers
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>mfw the collectathon game asks me to collect things
I'm fed up with hate on collectathons just by virtue of them being collectathons. Banjo Kazooie has issues but this isn't one of them. It's like playing Resident Evil and complaining about tank controls.
the tank controls suck though
>it's like complaining about the thing that sucks donkey dick
It's a valid complaint because not everybody likes collecting things. The DKC games had a lot of collectables too, but they weren't really mandatory. Again I like Banjo personally but there's nothing wrong with preferring linear platformers.
It's for children, the levels are bite-sized, and the collectables are very easy to find...
There's NOTES and JIGGIES and uhhhh
Not enough. I shan't be playing your game until there is a GTA style minimap, an objective list, and detective vision to see all collectibles through walls.

the way notes work is seriously what where they fucking thinking territory

besides that its perfect but its a SERIOUS flaw
If you're talking about notes reseting when you die then imo its only an issue on the last 2 levels, mostly because of the engine room/propeller jiggy and fall damage in click clock wood (I would also add that one jiggy when you have to swim in cold water too because damn that hole is tiny).
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>phone games
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>noooo we don't want to design a fun and engaging parkour course, just an egg hunt

i always left shitpissfuck hole eggs on the ground and only took the plastic ones because eggs are disgusting
>he never spent hours in a level just walking around it enjoying it's comfy atmosphere and looking for secrets or just walking around to do something while he enjoyed the music

Legitimately sovlless

Theres just too much shit that kills you in this game, the relaxed comfy exploring is dampered because i know if I pass up even one note I am gonna have to come back and get them all again

just give a jiggy for 100 notes and get rid of the note doors. its like mario 64 requiring you to get the 100 coin star in every stage before fighting bowser--- antithetical to the freedom of player choice these games should be about
It's a challenge anon, you're being challenged to get all 100 notes in a stage without dying.

For the Xbox version they changed it so that notes are permanently collected because of bitch asses like you.

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