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How did Pokemon become such a cultural force that still lasts to this day?
being the mascot of that series. it could've been any of those characters
>still lasts to this day?
Meds. It died in 2015.
Palworld became one of the most popular games of the last few years just by piggybacking Pokemon's popularity
Leave Luck to Heavens
It's fun and the character designs are appealing
Pokemon is a like a giant version of “Rock-Paper-Scissors" Fire beats Grass, Electric beats Water, Water beats Rock, Rock beats Air, etc. etc.
Time, place, the tie-in cartoon that aired on mainstream TV channels across the globe, (no cable or satellite req'd), and the overwhelming amount of merch not seen since star wars.
>the tie-in cartoon that aired on mainstream TV channels across the globe
That's the answer, i had no idea there were games, i just thought its a cartoon like dbz
It's held up by porn now.
I couldnt tell you the name of a single pokemon from the last few generations but I would be able to name at least three female characters from each.
damn i came in here to say this kek
you don't interact with youngfolx much eh
Pokémon Go was 2016
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet were the best selling games in the series in over 20 years.
I disagree. Pokemania was HUGE in my school, but our local Fox affiliate aired the show at 2:00PM in the afternoon so nobody even knew it was a thing unless they actively seeked it out. It still managed to catch on.
they realized that kids love collecting cute little characters, but also they love role playing games with epic battles, so they mashed the two ideas together
"Autism" doesn’t make your mascot so popular that three year olds recognize him more than Mickey Mouse
Rei and the big breasted dragon maid are autismcore, no three year old with nondegenerate parents will recognize them
In my yuro shithole no one had nintendos but everyone watched the cartoon, I had no idea about the games till the 2010s lmao
>three year olds
literally 1 in 10 autism
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>press A to win
>gambling simulator (shiny "hunting")
its the top selling IP of all time retard
porn = brain damage
there is a subset of autismo fans but they do nothing to carry the franchise
smogonfags are the minority
normies just playthough the "games" for "fun"
pokemon does well because long-time fans are allowed to participate with their original monsters they caught
they are passing shiny down to their children\younger siblings
the franchise is held together by core memories and nothing else

most of the switch games are so fucking horrible that ANY OTHER franchise would fail if they released their games in that state
>that still lasts to this day?
It doesn't
The cartoon and TCG are better than the games themselves
must be a democrat
>argument not based on reality whatsoever
Look at the very chart you are posting and how much space the actual games take up
Actual merch is still just slightly higher than Star Wars

Marvel is probably bigger than all of them, and if you are American you see stuff like Minions and Paw Patrol more often
>moves goalposts
the games are STILL 10x more than other franchises on the list?
Well yeah, Winnie the Pooh doesn't have many games
op is stated "cultural force" not games exclusively
I'm pretty sure Minecraft killed Pokemon a long time ago
since when has disney done anything with mickey mouse? has to have been at least three decades, maybe four
Pokemon tapped into the perfect kids entertainment. "My imaginary friend monster can beat yours." Kids exploring a world and collecting a group of cute and/or cool monsters(pets/friends) doing cool stuff.(fighting and adventure) It also scratched collecting autism like beanie babies and baseball cards.
GenX boomer with kids here. Pokemon isn't dead but it's nothing compared to what it was in the late 90s and early 2000s. Minecraft and roblox have replaced it as far as videogame kid crack.
If anything, it feels like the card game/collecting is more popular than ever.
There are lots of reasons but one of them is that it was a lot of kids first introductions to RPGs.
I remember plugging the cartridge into my Game Boy for the first time and realizing that there was a whole little world inside my hands, just for me to explore.
There's nothing quite like playing your first RPG as a kid. I didn't care about beating the game, I didn't even know that the game had an ending. I was just overjoyed to exist in the game's world.

I'd say Pokemon Red is a fine game, certainly an above average RPG. Well worth playing for anyone who's interested in it.
But in the hands of a child who'd never played anything like it before? It's a 10/10, an absolute masterpiece. I'll never forget the summers I spent with it. And every time I go back to it, it still makes me feel the same way.
I thought they were suggesting I should catch angry bugs and shake them up in a bowl to see which lives?

Cockfighting, fighting fish, bull fighting etc. Some how they made something that is kinda hardcore, pretty pastel.
Millenials never actually played the game, only coomlected the cards. My younger friends tried irl tournaments but had negative experiences with problematic individuals so they only play with friends now
Really it felt like at it's peak the games were the third wheel behind the cards and anime.
Yes, almost everyone in the target demo had the games, but they were more passive unless you reached competitive autism, you just came back to the RPG a few minutes a week after the initial playthrough.
The cards were more social and the anime was like nothing seen on American TV at that point. It ended up spinning it's wheels after some years, sure, but it's the single most nostalgic thing about Pokemon.
Cards were everywhere, a dopamine rush in every grocery store trip,drugstore run, whatever.
I know the anime's relevance massively spiraled down after the mid 2000's or so with occasional resurgences in relevance though.
>Millenials never actually played the game
damn who played it? Your fucking grandfather?
Everyone Simpsons and older only jerked off over the cards. It wasn't until the first Spongebob memers that it was actually played. trust me bro ;)
>cute mons
>cool mons
>sexy mons
>human characters
>multiple media formats
It's a carefully constructed psy op
It was an autistic kid's dream game.
Collectable shit? Check
Monsters, including fuckin dinosaurs? Check
RPG? Check
I don't think it's just one thing.

-Releases with an extremely good game. There is nothing else on the GB or GBC that even comes close. They also got virtually everything right the first time. In over two decades, the fundamental mechanics of Pokemon have hardly changed.

-Little competition. There are other RPGs, but surprisingly few "capture and train monsters" games. Moreover, those tend to be much worse than Pokemon, or else have less broad appeal.

-The pokemon designs capture a wide audience. You have a lot of big, strong monsters, but also small cute ones too. Males and females will both love some designs. Women like the aspect of nurturing and caring for a cute pet, guys like the idea of training with a strong monster.

-Many tie in products that were actually pretty good. The pokemon anime was fine for kids, and the trading card game, while jank, benefited from TCGs being niche AF back then. It was pre-YuGiOh, and even MtG was in its early days.

-Ongoing content for two decades. New games, new TCG sets, new movies, anime series, etc. Moreover, even the worst of this was still generally polished and pretty good. It's managed to stay in the zeitgeist for decades.
pokemania died in 2002-2003.
>Moreover, even the worst of this was still generally polished and pretty good.
Ok TPC intern you showed your hand too much with this one
It's true. i knew how to play and wanted to play but all the dumb fucks at my school just collected.

i even had retards saying "let's play without energy cards" so he just throw out zapdos or something.
I can attest to this. Pokemon was huge growing up but it had little to do with the actual games. Even >>11112984 proves it
>i even had retards saying "let's play without energy cards" so he just throw out zapdos or something.
being a big brained individual in a world of retards is painful anon i understand you.
Dragon warrior monsters (Now dragon quest monsters) was and still is better than Pokemon.
Mind control to destroy western nations. The japs got us back for the bombs.
the feds are doing far more work in that regard
trannification is nearly complete
>blatantly autistic creator creates something with so much soul. it becomes akin to religion for people
It's happened at least twice with Pokemon and Star Wars.
At a certain point, you begin to realise they're literally the master race, and the rest of the world revolves around their whims.
>they're going to mind control you into friendship, training, and healthy competition
Uh. okay.
I only played Joker (which I think was disliked?), but on that basis, it's a strong disagree from me.

-Forgettable setting (By the DS era, Pokemon routinely had interesting locations. A city of tree houses, a city by a lake in an extinct volcano, a whole town of flowers, etc. DQM:J had... literally nothing I can remember).

-Forgettable music (I literally cannot remember any of it, and have never gone back to listen to it).

-Forgettable art direction (More recent Pokemon games suffer from this too, but the early sprite art was effective and charming).

More than that, monster fusing (see also: SMT) is a terrible mechanic. Instead of leaving you with a team that you have raised and built up since they were small, it winds up feeling like you are feeding your team mates into a meat grinder that spits out something completely unrelated to what you put in. There's no sense of having companions on a journey. Evolution is a much better mechanic that has almost all the pros and none of the cons.

DQ does have excellent and memorable monster designs, and that's a point in the game's favour, but I can't say it did anything else well.

DQ5 also had the monster catching mechanic, but there it was difficult to justify not just using Hero and senpai.

I suppose Disgaea also has similar mechanics, but it's a horrendous grind-fest.
I don't understand it either.
I liked Pokemon Red fine but when I tried the sequels it's just the same game again but with uglier pokemons and it's not like those games have a lot of replayability.
If I had to pinpoint one single thing, although it was a variety of things all working in tandem like the anime and the cards and the collection aspect, it'd be the social aspect of trading. When Pokemania hit my school I had even the class bullies wanting to trade with me.
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aggressively marketing to children and never letting up for almost 30 years straight

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't pokemon RB the first successful RPG with a modern setting? Only Earthbound came before it.

Never shook its medieval roots so it makes it seem archaic compared to pokemon.

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