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What are some of the most chill/relaxing retro games?
Animal Crossing and Harvest Moon
Swords and Sandals
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Used to leave it going in the background just for the music instead of increasing the speed
Contra Hardcorps
Pokémon Gold/Silver/Crystal. The second generation is ABSURDLY comfy. The game is so easy you can just play through it experimenting with different Pokémon. I like to run through it every now and then while watching the Simpsons. I haven’t done a serious play-through in a while though, one were I carefully consider my team or try to do as much as possible I’m just satisfied causally playing through it.
Damn this sounds nice. I should too.
Agreed. ACPG might be one of the comfiest games ever made.
I always found Super Mario RPG sort of relaxing. It's short and breezy. You don't need to grind and if you are anything but an absolute beginner you could probably beat the game in a lazy weekend. The towns and environments are cozy. I guess you could argue the stakes of the plot are high but the game's humor and dialogue keeps it all pretty light.
It's a game that FEELS like summer vacation to me.
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Extremely comfy.
This is a game I've known about for a long time but never tried due to not really owning any PlayStation consoles after the PS1. Always looked neat to me though
The last level which has you picking airplanes and clouds out of the sky until nothing is left and the credits which has you rolling up entire countries both hit me with a sense of profound loneliness.
You should, and emulation is a thing.

You could say you're a lonely rolling star.
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Shanghai II: Dragon's Eye
Play it if you get the chance because it's a shining example of video games as a medium.
Pff. Try to play it like a chinese capitalist, not like a giga cuck faggot.
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>Mario Party

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