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--->Tifa (long range materia)
--->Yuffie (long range weapon)

Yuffie can be swapped with Cid, but otherwise this is the party most people should roll with.
Vincent (overflow) > Barret > Yuffie > Cid = Cloud > Aerith > Red XIII > Cait Sith > Tifa > Vincent (no overflow)
For me, it was Cloud/Tifa/Aerith on disc 1, then Cloud/Tifa/Barret the rest of the game.
Yuffie a cute
Is Barret actually supposed to be black or is he supposed to just be like a tanned Okinawan or something? Anyway I liked to go with Cloud, Barret and Vincent because they're cool and the game is easy no matter who you use.
He looks like goddamned Mr. T, of course he’s black.
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I've always ran this party. Partially because barret and yuffie are really good, partially because I think its funny that barret is a bleeding heart that cares too much while yuffie can't be fucked, partially because these three have the exact same backstory (shinra fucked up my town) and yet they all came out of the experience differently

actually using backrows and taking advantage of long range is some corny minmax stuff though, better to keep them up front (and with ATB speed set to max so enemies attack constantly) so you're actually at risk of dying sometimes/get limit breaks more often
You should roll with whoever, it's a jrpg
Peak Nomura designs. After that it went all belts and zippers downhill.
>bro just grind for hundreds of hours until you can kill everything in one hit
Usefulness throughout the game >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> usefulness at the very end after painful grinding
true but not because of that, instead because they're cute girls. also
>can't swap cloud out of the party after he comes back
i mean at least he's dope but they already figured this out in chrono trigger, what's the deal man.
barret's cool but how are you supposed to use him? i remember having him be the healer midgame because it seemed like he was supposed to be a tank but he was surprisingly frail.
Cloud, Barret, Cid

real nigga hours
cloud tifa barret
I mostly went with Cloud, Cait Sith, and Cid, though I swapped him for Tifa during the Sephiroth fights.
He's fucking black.
> i remember having him be the healer midgame
> but he was surprisingly frail.
because healing materia, like all magic materia, gives you a big hp penalty. if you want barret to tank you give him cover+counter and take advantage of his almost as good as cloud attack score, get some nice added effect on there as well.

ironically end game barret is best as a dedicated caster character though because his ultimate weapon scales based on how much AP all his materia have, which means maxed out summon materia
I try to use different parties but ALWAYS end up with Tifa and Yuffie for obvious reasons
Cloud, Red XIII, Cid
I just realized I never used red 13 other than the times he's forced on you.
how has no one said cid and vincent yet. Guess Im the only edgy 90s kid in here
Tifa/Tifa/Tifa (romhack is required)
All other parties are inferior
red XII
Aeris (then barret)
He's easily the strongest character in your party until the end of Disc 1 (because of just being given his 4th limit break) but falls off afterwards.
based avalanche enjoyers
Yuffie fucking sucks you nigger-nerd. You balance end game parties about how good their final limit break is, because it's the only real, tangible difference.

Cloud + Tifa + Barrett/Cid, because they all have limit breaks that hit multiple times. The game has a 9,999 damage cap for each hit. Yuffie's final limit break fucking sucks horse cock.
When I played this game for the first time a few years ago, I used Cloud, Tifa, and Red XIII until I got Vincent and swapped out Red XIII.

I think if I played again I’d go with Cloud, Cait Sith, and Yuffie, though Cid is appealing. I can’t imagine it would make much of a difference, though.

Also, I love VIII and IX, but they did such a better job with the party in VII than either of those. Fucking Zell? Fucking uhhh Quina? The goat looking lady???

retard, you use yuffies 3rd level limit break which hits a ton of times, and fills up faster than lvl 4. better than anything except cloud or cid lvl 4s.

>not enjoying quina, one of the funniest and most unique characters in the series

the problem isnt so much the character designs in 8/9, its that they dont bother to give any actual character development for them throughout the game like 7 does, outside of the protagonist and le love interest/girlboss princess
>You balance end game parties about how good their final limit break is
Without grinding you barely unlock limit level 2 by the final dungeon. Fuck grinding. There's no point in minmaxing this easy as piss game.
I agree with you, though I’m still not crazy about some of the designs. The style of the character models in IX bothers me, like overly detailed chibis or something. I like the more realistic style of VIII but yes the characters are flat and static. VII got it right with the more minimal lego-people style.
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Yuffie is pretty good once you get that weapon from the sunken Gelnika.
Tifa is useless.
Doing a playthrough right now.
I guess I broke the game because I stopped to grind for money here and there and ended up leveling up too much.
>Bosses have 4-5k HP
>One cast of Beta hits them for 2k
But anyway I'm using
>Cloud as main healer / physical attacks
>Red with Cover because he has more HP
>Aeris as main spellcaster / summons / enemy skill
Im no FF7 scholar but isn't yuffie one of the best if not the best character in the game with that one weapon you get that slaughters people?
My only rule is I only ever give the Steal materia to Barret
Cloud, Tifa, Vincel
Vincel is just for mug animation skip
Yeah, that guy doesn't know what he's talking about.
Also her level 3 limit outclasses everything except highwind/omnislash and charges faster because it's level 3, instead of level 4.
for me, it's solo cloud
Surprised to see so many people using Barret, my party was always cloud/tifa/yuffie as a kid but started using cid over tifa in my later playthroughs. Should I give Barret a try next time?
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This is my favourite team, also the three who have the most reason/right to fight Sephiroth
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Yuffie, my forced wife
Can’t wait to see this in the remake.
It doesn't fucking matter. Every character is ultimately the sum of whatever materia you put on them, and the game isn't so hard that individual stats meaningfully affect that.

>barret's cool but how are you supposed to use him?
I don't understand this question. You use him the same way you use every other character; equip materia then use materia.

>because healing materia, like all magic materia, gives you a big hp penalty.
Then you just put some HP plus materia on him, just like you would do with any other healer, whether it's Barrett or Aerith.

It's nuts, I feel like you people are purposefully misunderstanding the utility of the materia system in order to make it seem more complex or specialized than it actually is.
>they dont bother to give any actual character development for them throughout the game like 7 does
No, you're just retarded and didn't notice it. Either because you didn't pay attention, or simply because you liked 7 more and spent more time obsessing over it and reading stuff on the internet, so you think it has more in hindsight.

It's also funny that Quina was the given example because Quina's whole point is that he/she/they/it HAS no character development. Quina is intended to represent the single-minded obsession with hedionism at the cost of all else; an enjoyment of everything life has to offer in spite of whatever shit might be going down. It's not subtle, and it's vital to the game's whole theme.

Let me guess, you guys also thought the characters from FF5 were "shallow" and "underdeveloped" too? I've definitely noticed a trend where I play old JRPGs that people called "shallow" and actually find tons of depth. It's just that the game isn't as melodramatic about it and won't rub it in your face and expects you to actually read text and think about how it would feel to be in each one of those characters' shoes (you know, like PLAYING some sort of ROLE?) in order to pick up on these themes. It's compounded by the fact that the games that wear their super obvious themes on their sleeves (Such as 4, 6, or 7) are the only ones people talk about more, so it amplifies their supposed "depth" while other games get ignored.

ok now explain to me what the point of amarant or eiko was. freya is cool but equally static and just kinda there. even the optional characters in vii have well written arcs

I wont even get into viii, its even worse in that regard
>It doesn't fucking matter.
I clicked this thread wondering how long it'd be before someone made a comment like this.
Everyone knows, man. They understand. They don't care. It's like someone confidently announcing the sun is going to rise tomorrow, or that breathing is a crucial aspect of staying alive.
Everyone knows. It isn't mentioned because it isn't interesting.
Always the lowest IQ mongrel that makes that kind of comment, without fail.
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It was always Cloud-Tifa-Aeris for disc 1 and Cloud-Tifa-Cid for disc 2&3 for me, but as I got older I suddenly started to go Cloud-Tifa-Yuffie the entire game as soon as it was possible to obtain Yuffie.

Aeris getting in the way of the friendship-romance between Tifa and Cloud just makes me not like her, she's just a girl who falls in love easily and her cuteness is to make men make bad decisions in haste with her.
Yuffie is really cute too but she never attempts to romance Cloud seriously, and all her interactions and dialogues in the story moments are the funniest in the game imo. She's worth keeping as the third wheel.
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>Yuffie can be swapped
Not in my game
It always bugged me that the characters felt so interchangeable in combat. My first FF game was II(IV) and WHO the characters are was reflected in HOW they played. The only one who feels really different in FF7 is that Aeris is built more like a caster and has healing limit breaks.
He's an Okinawan.
>explain to me what the point of amarant or eiko was
Amarant was a foil to Zidane. Or rather, vise-versa. He and Zidane are both gentlemen of fortune who live with no strong purpose. The big difference is that Zidane is selfless, while Amarant is selfish. I agree he's one of the weaker characters, but he exists to give contrast. He's so wrapped up in himself that he literally can't even comprehend why Zidane does the things he does. He's basically there to illustrate that a selfless person will find joy and value in things that a selfish person will not, just one more facet to the game's themese of life and existentialism.

Eiko, in a similar fashion, was a counterpart to Garnet; She grew up in the life that Garnet was forced to leave behind. Both suffered from loneliness, despite completely opposite circumstances. She, too, felt bound by duty and the commands of her elders. The difference is that she felt bound BECAUSE of the death of her elders, while Garnet was set free by the death of the Queen. Both are basically a cautionary example of not letting your life be dictated entirely by the wishes of your anscestors, which is a more powerful statement to make in Japan where family legacy is taken more seriously, but I digress. Still an important aspect of the game's themes of life and death.

>Everyone knows, man. They understand.
They don't because someone I replied to literally didn't understand how to use Barrett. FF7 fans are retarded and don't know shit about game mechanics. They just like the game because it's an anime soap opera.
He's a black single father fighting the establishment for the good of the future, and for some reason black people hate him.

They're probably jealous.
>she's just a girl who falls in love easily
That’s literally me except I’m not a grill. Please send help.
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Black people who play JRPGs are roleplaying as Cloud, not the side character of Barret. He's also taking care of a child that was his presumed-dead friend's child, not his own; he's not really a "single father" it's more like he's her godfather and she was so young when her parents died that she only knows of Barret as her "papa."

Let off some steam by becoming a "flower girl."
Yummy feet.
Parasite Eve 1 and Musashiden were good
just pick the ones you like to look at. it's a jarpig, so you can overlevel and brute force everything

IX is absolute shit after the first disc. story goes absolutely nowhere after that, just continually spiraling into nonsense, culminating with the WORST. , most forgettable final boss in any FF. plus Trance Kuja is an absolute fucking joke even compared to easy FF standards, what an incredible disappoint after safer seph and ultimecia. IX fags are just furries and pedos butthurt that normal people think sci fi anime soap opera is cooler than a furfag soap opera.
I hated that you could never swap out Cloud and have the three cuties as your party. Not even just from a coomer perspective, the women all have the most interesting stories.

>boring non-personality that is the last of his race furshit

>cussing boomer dumbass whose boring arc is centered around I Wanna Fly Into Space which happens and adds nothing to the story

>fanfic character edgelord the writers tried to make the coolest thing in the game and just made an insufferable character only an 11 year old could think is interesting

>Cait Sith
>not even a character, just a weird thing that forces itself onto the party because the writers couldn't figure out how to get the characters in and out of the temple of the ancients naturally, betrays you and never gets punished for it, we never even know if it's an autonomous robot or a mutant with free will or a remote control machine

>black, also his arc is over and done with 40% of the way through disc 1, may as well be a guest character

By contrast the women all have interesting game long stories and actually evolve as characters.
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>Yuffie gets one of the best weapons, the best grinding weapon, and arguably the strongest limit break in the game and her sidequest has phenomenal loot for all stages of the game

Actual brainlet post.
True and based. What % of the game you're available for, and joining strong, are both so underrated when it comes to rpg character discussion/tier list. Pretty universal (especially in jrpgs) for people to act like endgame power is all that matters and ignore the Chad character who can carry 70% of the game with no investment because "lol he falls off"
I've cummed so many times to Yuffie tummy.
>Cait Sith
>we never even know if it's an autonomous robot or a mutant with free will or a remote control machine
Cait Sith is a robot made up of the big white puffy thing and the cat on top which is totally controlled by Shinra executive Reeve. It's not too long before disc 3 when this is explicitly revealed by Cait Sith letting the party listen on a Shinra meeting; Reeve is mentioned by name and the party mentions that Reeve's secret is up now.
good for you
I just cummed again to that one

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