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File: Pizza_Cube(1).png (5.24 MB, 4160x3120)
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Pizza Cube
Nice papercraft.
epic awesomesauce
"zabawa" lol
How long will this thread last?
What happened jan 20th?
Wow nice pizza cube anon
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3 pizzas, anon?
Pizza cube
to make another different pizza cube that is structurally more sound you should leave the pizza boxes closed but you would need more pizza boxes i estimate like 4 minimum
no you would need 7 you retard
No, you would need 6. 4 sides, 1 top and 1 bottom.
the 7th is to be cut up for attaching the other boxes
Just glue the edges of the 6 boxes. How hard can that be?
teamwork makes the dream work
Once this is completed it will open a porthole. I’ve seen it before. Not to be trifled with anons.
He's a hungry guy
for you
>how many sides do you need to make a 6-sided object
truly a mystery
The pizza has been cubed
>All that 'za
You're a big guy...
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1.6 MB PNG
Very origami energy, truly a thing
am i a joke too you?
This whole thread is a joke.
this isn't a good excuse to keep ordering pizza, anon

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