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File: 92.jpg (131 KB, 1024x791)
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Here's one of a '92 Chevy. Feel free to contribute your own or construct the ones in this thread and posting the results.
>>618137 (OP)
Arnt Chevy's made in Detroit that year?
Who cares where they're made?
File: gt1 saxo vts.pdf (724 KB, PDF)
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It matters for the consideration of correct details of the paper and/or origami of this Chevy
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i designed one, have this girl with poor fashion tastes! it has a few parts
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it's the first one i make, but it was a fun one
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and finally, a guide to clarify things. i hope you enjoy! cardstock is recommended
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as well as the final result
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What's the name of that paper that feels kind of like thin plastic but you can still print on it? Or what paper you recommend to print them that feel a bit solid but not too heavy?
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Anyone got something like guillotines or the like that could go with 1/12 scale?
Transparency film maybe?
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print pages 1-2 if your printer does double sided prints well and cut along the lines
otherwise print page 3
new version
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am i just retarded or is this really hard to parse? i've folded this many times and i still can't make out what the instructions are trying to convey. i had to watch a video to see how it's done the first time
Anyone got papercraft for the C3 Corvette?
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Any instructions for 1/12 accesories or diorama parts? something like ruble or barricades?

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