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Why am I keep getting stuck on step 51 of Brian Chan's Wolf spider? Diagrams seems so simple but after years of folding I still didn't figure it out.

Always the same. Inside layers are blocking 4 thicker flaps to be reverse folded as picture on the next step suggests. So without tearing the paper, or in best case smashing it, all legs could not be folded side by side. On the other hand, there are pictures of finished model all over the internet. So what am I doing wrong? I compared CP with my creasing lines and they all match.

Could someone find the time to help me stop this step 51 nightmare? I will post the diagrams if anyone wants to try it.

P.S. Except unresolvable step 51, steps 22 and 23 are also mysterious. It says 'repeat behind' when there is nothing on the other side to be done symmetrically.
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The point is that all 8 legs should be equal length and in line after reverse folding. Maybe I wasn't clear enough. Thicker inner flaps can be reversed folded but not all the way.

Steps 42-44 are forming 4 thinner flaps that could easily be reverse folded all the way up. 4 inside flaps/legs I could not reverse all the way, to be in line with thinner flaps.

Maybe you should try to fold without skipping steps. I was always optimistic in the early phase as in that point it seems that reversing should be possible. But in the end after all those sinks I always got stuck.
Thank you. Yes, paper should be thin if you want to get to higher steps. But here I see something similar (rightmost hole) to blocking layers appearing in my photo.
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>The layers seems to be possible to reverse-fold
True, but not the way as they should. According to diagrams, all 8 flaps should be in line and equal in length after step 51. This is what I am getting...
I see...
Well, I need to find thin, large paper to try again without skipping steps nor ripping the paper, sorry.
Hopefully, other anon(s) can try to help too in the mean time.
OK, thank you! I am very interested to see how will it end for you. Or for others, if someone else wants to try. I would truly appreciate any help.

Is it possible to create a highly detailed 1:64 papercraft car?
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Some guy converted every car from old sci-fi racing game into papercraft, I know nothing about the game, but designs are quite varied, at least.
From genuinely weirdly shaped space cars, to small clown car with gritty color scheme put on top of it.
This is awesome
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I came up with this first attempt at work
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Heres the sheet, there are probably better ways to improve the design
posted the color version in 667 but it got deleted
keep in mind it's not tested yet

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ITT: mathematical objects in paper.
polyhedra.net has some good ones.
This guy has two tabs that are impossible to tuck in and glue in place.
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It's a small stellated dodecahedron. Möbius strips aren't very interesting papercraft projects. Higher mathematical objects don't fit very well in three dimensions What more do you want?
get into modular origami
I would, but most of the modules have extra features that occlude the thing you're trying to make with them.
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not made of paper (sorry) but made of wood so close enough I hope

thought people into kusudama might find my carvings of interest, these are just a few

I have an instagram where I try to document the process if anyone is interested
maybe get into cones and conics from a drafting angle and learn to make unfolded volumes like archies do

Hello, this topic is for people to make "public" exchanges, that is, post a file publicly and the other person posts another, so that everyone can download it. For example, I have Origami Double and I want to exchange it for Marine origami. If anyone posts Marine origami publicly I will post Origami Double the same way. Thanks for understanding.
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Heeft iemand nog nieuwe boeken
Anyone gots origami dinos or workin kasuta 2. Thanks yo
I have those two books (Katsuta 2 and Dinosaurs Premium). I look for the Korean book that has a dinosaur on the cover (I'll try to attach an image). If you are interested in exchange, write to atoyac8020@gmail.com
Yo, dat midearth origamin yo? So yea if u could ups em 3. Thanx
Problem is any1 that has that book (it s called The best paper folding series 4) most likely already got Dinosaurs and Katsuta books. Good luck tough.

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Hey /po/, someone on /toy/ >>>/toy/11053102 asked after it, so I figure I'll share here again too as it's been a while since my last thread. Basically, a loose collection of toy-related items that I should go back and source, but hope you all enjoy if you've not seen it before!
Thanks Anon!

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Do you guys only fold paper cranes and glue Warhammer figures? I've never seen a bookbinding thread here.

Printed and bound House of Leaves. Split it into 2 volumes because I was afraid to work with so many pages at once. Covered with paper-backed vinyl (black) and linen fabric (red), which will probably collect a ton of dust pretty soon.
Couldn't decide how to put the titles on. Should have made a debossed rectangle with a paper label glued inside. But I hoped that hot ink transfer would work. So I made the covers first, then printed the title on ink transfer paper, and found out that pressing a hot iron to the cloth-covered board warps the board due to heat expansion. Tried on small swatches first (picrel). This method won't work.

As I understand it, my current options to put the title are limited to
>linocut transfer
>screening (sponging the ink through a trafaret)
>just print a paper label and glue it on top
Don't have any hot stamping tools to work with foil, nor the desire to purchase these materials.
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Is there any way to make these pieces without soldering? I just want to make a 360 sketchbook and the ones sold are too small
Sorry for asking here but I didn't wanna risk killing another thread
Those look riveted to me, not soldered.
different lurker here but that's a great setup
deckled edges on a book is the best thing ever btw
I just do classic Japanese bookbinding whenever I want a sketchbook
You could try 3D-printing a debossing tool to deboss the board you're using for the cover. Then when you glue the fabric onto it, use a bonefolder or similar tool to push the fabric into the recess. You could leave it like that, or try to paint the recessed area.
I've never done this, so I don't know how well it would actually work.

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From the Edo, Meiji or Taisho periods. Here my own attempts at paper models from over 200 years ago.
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If you haven't found it yet, here it is a nice one:
kind of like Violence Voyager (2018)!
That's really good anon, maybe I should attempt one of the other templates myself.
looks good but try painting with watercolors
These are awesome! Consider taking it to another level by putting maybe a black card stock on the cardboard or even start on black posterboard!

Paying my sincerest gratitude to those dedicatied enough to create these amazing templates. Took an entire week, became my most badass room deco.
Any advice on how to expedite the process? Sitting like the hunchback of Notre Dame for 9 hours every day for 7 days is hella unhealthy.
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I've made the Gastly from them lol
I've been into foam lately maybe I should do some paper soon.
(lost his teeth template when I was constructing this guy, got a chance to reprint them)
(or more pessimistically, i exchanged mine for his)
Experience I guess.
I’m not sure I could do it now given how long it’s been since I built anything. But I built this Tyranitar at one point. It took me about 12 hours start to finish nonstop overnight. I did it to pass a lonely New Year’s Eve back in like 2008.
This looks fucking brutal. I'm not a regular on this board but this is AMAZING.
I fucking LOVE Tyranitar

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Today I've found out about the latest tanteidan issue. It has steps for the mosquito on the cover, I would love to fold it. A digital release is not available and single issues can't be purchased; to get the magazine I would need to buy a yearly subscription. Moreover shipments from Japan can take up to three months in my experience. If anyone has a copy I would gladly pay for a scan with Paypal, thank you.
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Yo, were the otha thread go, why you always disapearin
Good question
What other thread?
Thread about OTM 204 that no one wants to share.
Thanks for the Shares

Greetings to all members of Papercraft & Origami. I'm seeking advice on the most effective method for precisely cutting a square from a large sheet of paper. Additionally, I'm interested in suggestions for adding color to my plain white sheet through painting techniques. Any insights or recommendations would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance for your time and assistance :)
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I've always had issues getting a perfect square from a large sheet
folding a corner toward the edge like your picrel marks the square perfectly. Just cut along the superimposed edge. Dont fold to hard if the crease is undesired
Thank you for your suggestion. Digitally painting and then printing sounds like an interesting approach. I found a helpful video on YouTube that explains a similar technique https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gGYK0X99CQI
Im going to give it a try :)

Paint helps protect the paper but the added thickness might not be desired for more complex models.
There's a book called 'origami bonsai' by Ben something(forget his last name) that has a different technique for painting paper, however it's a lot more time consuming.
Good luck!
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This is the best reference that more or less makes it possible to figure out how to make a square from any cut of paper. Otherwise, measuring the length and folding that crease and then using that as a guide for the diagonal fold to make a square is the easiest way if the larger paper is square or rectangular. Also just folding edge to edge diagonally and trimming the excess.

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>Find interesting model, want to replicate
>No diagrams, no instructions, no video tutorial
>Find out which magazine original was published in
>Magazine XXX Issue 123
>Search for scan of magazine on usual PDF sharing sites
>Issues 122 and 124 uploaded

Every. Goddamn. Time.

Pic semi related - sometimes crease patterns exist but frankly I never had the patience to learn from those. May have to at this point.
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Appreciate that, it's really kind of you.

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Does anyone have the pic attached. I can't find shit on google.
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Nope, sorry.
Blessed thread
Hi. Requesting someone creates this Minecraft origami and sends me a picture of how it looks.
i want this one
Thanks for them shares

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if anyone has this please share. (sorry for the quality I only found this image, but the title of the book is NOA Magazine 5).
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If you'll look at the top of this thread, you'll have it.
Please share the complete Chinese New Year 2024 book : )
This is a NOA thread, so no.
Does anyone have the January 1982 edition of NOA magazine they could possibly share or trade?

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Some time ago, several users contributed various NOA magazines to a publicly shared folder. This is a reminder that everyone can access and contribute to this folder to keep it up to date and ensure all magazines are accessible to everyone.

Currently, we have most of the magazines, except for the latest issues and newsletters. Please refer to the index file to see the list of currently shared magazines.

You can access the shared drive using this link:


Please note that the folder has read-only permissions because many items were accidentally deleted several months ago. If you have any missing magazines to contribute, please upload them to this post, and I will update the shared folder accordingly.

Thank you all for your contributions!
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I have NOA 35, 38, 39, 44. But I don't want to upload to 4chan because Capcha never works for me. Could I send you a mail for those?
Of course! You can contact me on oriscans@proton.me
Not the subject, but sadly, Chinese New Year Origami 2024 is sold out.


Do you by any chance have a decent scan of this book you are willing to share?

But let's keep this thread focused on NOA, please.
OK, I just sent you an email.

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Years ago someone made a papercraft of the meme Gundam RX-78 face. Anyone have it?
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Someone will have it
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OP here.

I was going through some old backups and it turned out I actually had this model saved (from 2009 according to the Last Modified timestamp).
The artist was PONGOO. Enjoy.

Also the PDO won't open in Pepakura 5, so you'll need version 4 or lower.
I can't download it
Please reupload

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