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/po/ - Papercraft & Origami

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Day 2
988 to go
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It was very humbling, I will say. I never wanted this to be something that I kept as a trophy or anything, so I was always going to get rid of them one way or another and throwing them out felt like it'd just be disrespectful. I wondered if I'd regret doing it after a couple days, but I still think this was the right thing for me to do. Of course, everyone ends up folding the 1000 for their own reasons, so I don't think destroying them is the what everyone else should do once they finish, but it was the fitting end for my journey. Life is all about moving on, and that is want I most wanted
that was me. still thinking about what could've been. tried to find the same kit online to no avail, similar ones look worse in quiality and are much more expensive. it's a stupid thing to get upset over, but to me it's just another proof that i can't finish anything i start
Congratulations on finishing, anon. I'm sorry about what happened in the middle of your folding journey but it's nice that you finished on Tanabata.
>it was the fitting end for my journey. Life is all about moving on, and that is want I most wanted
These are some beautiful last words to end your journey. It's been a treat folding with these cranes with you. I wish you the best in whatever you do in the future.
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Thanks so much for the kind words, anon. Admittedly, my life's still on hold for the time being, but at risk of turning this into a blog post, I'll just leave it as "we'll see how things end up". I'll say that it is nice to be able to fold things that aren't cranes again. To keep things on topic, I keep a set of paper at work that I usually fold with when I'm bored. It isn't the easiest paper to work with, but here's a horse I attempted today.
I will say that I hope someone picks up the journey sometimes soon. I know threads aren't at huge risk of dying here, but I'd be lying if I said that I'd be ok letting this thread die out.
As a side not, I guess some of my images got deleted? Not really sure about that one but alright
>the front legs on the horse
Yes, I fixed those after I took the photo
I think that, if it really is something you want to do, you should still pursue it. Cranes are very simple to fold, so you can really use whatever paper you find to fold them with. One ream of A4 can easily be cut down into 2000 squares if you want some easily accessible paper. There is also something special about origami made from found paper, so you could also get creative with were you get your sheets from if you're short on money. I guess what I'm saying is don't let it get to you too much. I've never liked the whole "it's not about the destination" outlook, but I'd hate to see you quit the journey over this. It is a very cool thing to dedicate yourself to that few people rarely try

I'm making an effigy of a McDonald's nightmare golem
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Here is the file-
The Reup is 30 days only. Anyone else have a site that keeps it longer?
try catbox.moe, I think you can save indefinitely there though the link will go down if not accessed for long enough iirc
Reeeeeeee anon become alive again
Also I'm not aware of catbox ever expiring files, even if they're inactive. FAQ says they stay up forever and I've never seen one die myself
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Moonman Classic

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stickermaking counts as papercraft right?
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That reminds me of graffiti tagging. Do they call it that? Not sure. I feel like we should embrace this and stick funny stuff onto things that aren't used/important anyway.
Something like >>622278 makes me happy to see, quite honestly. It's the small things in life that can brighten it.
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my original idea was to spray paint basedjaks or whatever i thought was funny but i have no idea how to do that kek. i did try it once. picrel is how it turned out. but yeah, basically what you said, putting up funny stuff everywhere, it makes me happy thinking someone might get a kick out of one of my stickers. i should expand to other things besides basedjaks...
make spray paint stencils!
>print out jaks, add alignment dots for multiple colors
>glue onto plastic or card stock
>carefully cut out with a craft knife
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Make a sticker out of this
>that one anon who jacked commie propaganda with gorilla spray glue

Been looking everywhere for a manual on this but no luck. Anyone has a good way to start?
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already built my town. but I had to dig brazilian websites since the original creator anheroed. I needed the textures so I can print them. Not hard at all you can make this on mspaint you can also use free textures online for this.
You see in https://papermau.blogspot.com/
that is where I found it first but the links are dead. had to dig until I found a web archive of the files and most were low rez.
My old bookmarks - some may still be live
I really like the first one.

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Hey /po/, someone on /toy/ >>>/toy/11053102 asked after it, so I figure I'll share here again too as it's been a while since my last thread. Basically, a loose collection of toy-related items that I should go back and source, but hope you all enjoy if you've not seen it before!
Thanks Anon!
Cheers bud! Been looking around for this.
Does it include the pool?
It does indeed have the pool. I need to go through and update it.

Made a origami transformer (brawl). Personaly think its way better than a lot of whats been on the internet. Could only use printer paper so the model is still very limited and simple, tho i suppose thats a strength depending on how you look at it

Is it like a computer program or something
People usually just draw them in Adobe Illustrator or Inkscape or something.

Programs that let you "fold" virtually and generate diagram kinda exist but they aren't really suitable for serious stuff and they step images they generate aren't that good.
wouldn't using serious 3d cad software be better for designing complex models?
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I just followed this tutorial to make my first diagram in inkscape https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8TMICjVvALc
Soon I'll be shilling my own models everywhere!
I know there are ways to mathematically create models but can't you just iterate faster with paper in hand?
Then you just trace over photos.
I don't think anyone is using physics simulators to create their diagrams. In addition, diagrams often have over-exaggerated proportions on some steps to make them easier to read/understood by the reader (instead of being realistic).
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>How are origami recipes made
>Is it like a computer program or something
For those who are really serious, there are in fact strings of words or symbols that abbreviate the folds.
For example, the crane you posted begins with what we call the "bird base" (step 8). We use this base for many other origami projects, so we all learn how to make it.
From there, your crane uses kite folds, petal folds, and reverse folds. A formula of sorts can be written to describe the entire process.

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It's been pretty dead lately, not even requests, so I don't know if any one will read this. Can some one please re-post "Origami Pro 7" and "Origami Tanteidan Convention 29". They've been shared everywhere else already, so why not in 4chan?
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I don t supose u could share joas 34.i d b much obliged.u can t buy the damned thing anywhere.
Do we have any OSN members that would like to share or exchange books or magazines?
This crap doesn't belong here.

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Origami paper is pretty much out of my reach.
Cheapest possible printer paper (also marketed as "drawing paper for kids") is usually very thin, and it's not that bad for origami, it's not that tough but I've folded many many complex origami out of it. Because I'm a cheapskate and I really don't want to pay the paper jews when I'm just fiddling around and not making some superduper exhibition pieces.

tldr thin cheap perinter paper works for many many many complex models (it's the size that is more limiting than the paper itself)
Grocery stores have print circulars/coupon paper that work, are in new condition, and are free. The colors are pretty loud though.
I always enter this board by mistake
But never regret it.
See if you can get a roll of parchment paper at a grocery store (the stuff people use for baking -- not the waxed paper stuff), it's pretty cheap, easy to get, and you can cut big squares from it.

Also some wrapping paper can work pretty well, but it's kinda hard to tell which ones are nice for origami without opening up the roll and testing it
I have this problem as well living in Ausfalia.
It'll cost a shit ton to import decent paper.

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Anyone here has this model and is willing to exchange?
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Could you share it with me? to email: leoskart437_32@gmail.com
damn i didnt know 4chan is going back to being open about e-mails lol
The whole exchange is gay as shit, just dump the shit.
it's to prevent glowniggers (and all kind of fedniggers and lawyerniggers really) doing the lowest of the low "baits". With the exchange model they too are implicated in copyright violation themselves and they really hate that.

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I wanted to try origami and decided to use the recommended websites in the mod thread and it might be my autistic brain but how the fuck do I follow this
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You got a legend right there, you only need pic related to know how to fold it. You even have a picture of the finished product
This is not actually considered as origami this is more like paper craft. The first thing you wanna do is get a coloured print of this image and cut down the niyama with a cutter. A scissor would work as well but the result might not be as perfect. Then you have to fold all the mountains and valleys drawn on the insect. I would not preffer making this because it won't be that 3 dimensional but I can design a proper origami like this which will be 3d and will not require scissors.
If you need help I will make a crease pattern.

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Does anyone know the name of this origami pattern? I saw it in this video, and I want to make one in the same style but with different colors.
maybe it's in here. good luck

Hello, it's my first time posting here and I don't know the lore about the artists who create papercraft or where to get the material
I'm looking for papercraft models from the anime Love Live! School Idol Project (especially Maki Nishikino or Hanayo Koizumi)
I would appreciate your help, and if you can guide me better, sorry for the inconvenience,

Thank you very much for the help and happy new year!
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hola tengo unas mikus muy raras que quiero intercabiar pueden escribirme en mi email
If anybody want to trade, i doubt i had anything you want but who knows?
Starting up trades again if anybody is interested: GoddessAmaterasu13 at protonmail dot com

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I wanted to make a template for miku using her 3d model. does anybody know how to go about doing that?
Rip the model
Import into 3D package and simplify/optimize for unfolding
Import to Pepakura and unfold
Export to a vector package for final tweaks
thank you. I am forever in your debt.

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