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/po/ - Papercraft & Origami

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File: DSC06369.jpg (86 KB, 640x480)
86 KB
Anybody have this?
File: 4chan Party Van.jpg (294 KB, 1511x1076)
294 KB
294 KB JPG
yeah its in the /po/ archive
all i got is a jpeg of it
Share with us then.
awww this is cute make me think of the mario cart map on tf2
This is cool
do I look like I know what a jay peg is?
How do I make models like this? I'm very new to origami and i'm not sure how to look up guides for this.
this is not origami. it's papercraft. just cut it out with a razor and ruler, and glue the tabs together
reviving this
>just print it bro
>you have a printer in your house right
Go 2 Kinkos
Or I guess Fedex now.
Or whatever your local print shop is
get a knife out of your kitchen and cut it out of your screen, faggot
you do have a kitchen, right?
rad awesome thank you

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