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It’s beautiful
autounfold if I've ever seen one
Now that is art
Art for everyone
cool artwork, anon
Thank you for this profound artwork
based now do a wojak
now do soijak
Based and saved for posterity
dumb frog poster
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good job OP
impressive. very nice
you should make a wojak now.
it is nice...
but that doesn't make you any less a dumb frogposter
this. do cobson though
Patrician tier subject matter
no, return to your spinoff
putting this into my pepe folder. looks very good anon
What software did you use to plan this?
another indescriable emotion i can convey with a jpeg of a cartoon frog. Well done OP
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transparent for your board posting needs
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and cropped a bit
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how did that pepe acquire a white outline in the process of cropping?
that's a jpeg of a paper model of cartoon frog
>no one is providing the file
Instructions ??
So based
What's the point of posting a picture of something without the instructions or file?
this is great
Am I reading this right? >>597271
This thread was made in 2021? I didn't know this board was that slow. I should come here more often.
Not enough meme, vitriol, and eceleb bullshit to keep it active. Unlike most hobby boards, /po/ posters actually practice their hobby.
I haven't been on /po/ in like twelve years, I just came here yesterday to see if anyone can show me how to make a paper crane.
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>546 days ago
i was here
i like this board
Where can I buy or download that big toad?
Checking in on dead board lol
Please, I need it to assemble, it's very funny. Where can I get it, or if it's been around for a long time, would you upload it again?
anon made the real art
i just realized that like in a hundred yrs from now people who are looking at like old archives will see posts like this and realize that the anons who said this are dead or incredibly past the natural human lifespan and have like bedpan tier mobility
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I will save this on my computer
I really, really, really wish there was a PDF or PDO of this pepe. It's so beautifully done.
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Any anonymous designer who can please remake it and upload it, I would greatly appreciate it.
figured I'd share this here

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