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/po/ - Papercraft & Origami

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>British Origami Society | Origami is increasing

>Cranes for Ukraine Take Flight British Origami
you've done me
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Wait a minute...
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Lads I made a paper faggot
corr imagine a paper munchie box
the secret thread
heh heh no flag ID here
If it's anything like brit/pol/ they'll be no discussion of origami here
>hiding in plain sight
8d political discussion
Is this the racism convention?
Can you outline the steps you took? I'd like to recreate it.
>I was here and /po/ is queer
I'm a master of origami because i fold pube up like paper
unfathomably based
Where am I?
origami blockhead when?
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>British Origami Society
Yer 'aving a laff if you think am goin' all t' way down there jus' t' fold some bloody paper. Can do that at home or at local if I really fancy it like.
Someone got a pattern for the houses of parliament?
>*Sound of small footsteps approaches from behind* What are you doing, daddy?
>Ora..oragam-origami? What's that?
>Can I try it?
>*Climbs up and wriggles into your lap*
>What do I do?
>Like this?
>*Reads instructions* Ok..
>*Folds, then frowns* Is that right? Oh, the other way?
>*Fold fold*
>Like that?
>*Fold fold*
>Hmph, it won't do it how I want
>*Fold fold*
>*Prrrrp!* Shifts uncomfortably* Sorry daddy, mummy made me beans on toast for breakfast
>*Fold fold*
>*Sticks out tip of tongue, rapt with concentration* Hmm..this is tricky
>*Fold fol-RIP!* Oh no! I tore it!
>I need another one
>*Fold fold* I'm doing it, I'm doing it!
>Easy...easy..*Fold fold*
>I'm finished! *Holds up a wrinkly and slightly torn heart shape*
>Oh daddy I really like it!
>I'm going to show mummy! *Kisses you on the cheek before disappearing out the door*
Is this seriously why there is no brit/pol/ rn?
gee golly, sucks, I can't escape pol and fake and gay psyop wars even in the origami world

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