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/po/ - Papercraft & Origami

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Can we have a thread for sexy papercrafts?

Posting a few pics to spark interest, but I sadly never found the files for them.
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I might have this one it will take a while to look fpr it though.

No body has the OP?
I think its a modified version of the already existing Maid Kagami papercraft.
still, lmao@geometrical tits
That model is R-18 from the start. You just need to be a bit lazy.
A bit lazy, why tho?

Do you habe said model maybe?
>A bit lazy, why tho?
To "forget" to add her bra, or something like that maybe?
Yes now I see what you mean. I'm going to have to search my collection, pretty sure I have it somewhere
It's up on mypapercraft.net, btw
It's Kagami, just in case you don't know.
Thanks. Sometimes I wonder why we bother hoarding HDDs full of crap we're never going to build anyway.
You lack a collector's heart my man.
Now, seriously, sometimes it serves a purpose of making sure something doesn't disappear from the internet.
True. I had a collector's heart, then I looked over my collection and saw zeros and ones, but nothing of tangible substance.
And to transform the ethereal into the material I don't have the time for. So, being the owner of vast collection only suits to remind me that my time is limited; and I am faced with the reality that I am a slave to things that lack value.
What does it pay to have all the treasures of the web, if you lose your passion for them and no time to enjoy them or like most of us, hoard them.for ourselves.

Sometimes, I think it's better to let things disappear. Dinosaurs, after all, would seem quite the inconvenience.
I'm not really too experienced with these kind of things and feelings, but I can just tell you this much from what I have been through:
A slave to things with no value is not a slave, as he doesn't have a master nor chains of speak of, In comparison, a slave to the material will have to cut his own wrist to free himself.
If you have lost passion in your hobby, just give it a rest or leave it behind, just move on something else, there is no wrong in doing that and searching for something else, if you have lost interest in your collection, there is nothing wrong with leaving it.
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Lived a charmed life or practiced Buddhist?

The passion is gone because my energies are allocated to the valueless pursuits. I'm at my worst working at a job I don't care about, for people I don't know, for money I won't see. It's very demoralizing. I'm at my best when designing, building or talking about arts. There's nothing else I'd rather be doing. Even spending time on /po/ gives a small boost of dopamine.

Then, I look at the collection and models I want to build and design... And well...

Your perspective of chain's is insightful, though. I'll have to think on it over the weekend.

Could you post the model please? Its amazing!
No, her top and skirt are separate parts, I have this model in my file but I've never built her. Very sexy though.
I have this Kagami, but not built.
Not sure where /po/ falls on lolis, but I've got a bikini Kobato (Hagenai) on file that's anatomically accurate and cast off.
Same goes for the upgraded version of whatshisname's life sized mannequin.
Understandably I haven't built either [spoiler]because paper pussies[/spoiler]. Though my existing mannequin is in rather poor shape and in need of an overhaul.
>Not sure where /po/ falls on lolis
Could post pdf filename and filesize (bytes) so it can be googled. Unless you can link to it directly, or to a torrent of course.
Kobato was a set of bmps or jpgs I believe. The mannequin was the 2nd or 3rd revision of Migero's Large Doll on Papercraft museum (which surprisingly still exists).
>sometimes it serves a purpose of making sure something doesn't disappear from the internet.
Yes, this is really important. Websites have a habit of just vanishing overnight, but the community will still be there.
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Delete this image please. Doesn't belong here.
no, it's paper...(or rather, cardboard)...
and disgusting and gross. Doesn't belong here.
here a sexy paperplane
Well maybe you're the one not that does not belong here, on 4chan.
Learn how to write and speak better Engrish, faggot. Like I said, that paper-mache shit doesn't belong here.
layered cardboard, and while I think the person is a bit off (to put it mildly), it is an impressive piece of paper engineering.
Damn, the curve on those wings 10/10 would bang!
>layered cardboard
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I approve of this thread, but sadly don't have anything to contribute. I've been looking for sexy papercraft patterns for years but haven't found a single one. All the lewd site seems to be in moonspeak, and all the english ones are worksafe.
I recently tried to find this dude's works again just to show off the crazy shit he made on a mechanical level.
Anybody know where I can find the pictures?
not paper mache.
Yes, paper-mache.
Its fucking papier
But not origami or papercraft, dumbass.
it is papercraft, if this isn't then all your vehicle models aren't either, because they use layered cardboard.
OMG, you're an idiot.
wow rude
Anybody have a link to this one?
wow bery cute succubus can succ my dic u kno
underrated, poignant, deep, nearly poetic post.
Would spunking on that Kagami cause her to melt?
G-guys, I'm having lewd thoughts about paper
He is on twitter, but he locked down his account so unless you followed before you can't see it. sansogyorai00
He's recently joined Fantia which is like Japanese Patreon, he hasn't posted much but there is a free option to follow his PAPERCRAFT work. https://fantia.jp/fanclubs/14783

It also looks like he's reactivated some of the old videos on his Youtube https://m.youtube.com/user/sansogyorai00

Maybe someone can rip those proof of concept videos before they disappear into the abyss again.
And here is the pictures scattered around her. Very NSFW.

You can follow this to find the uncen.ver of this Kagami.
Mein respektung
well, it's not a warthog so i cant masturbate to it.
Die Worte brennen auf dem Papier
Das Papier ist me-meine Haut
Verdammt! Das ist sehr tief!
Here u go https://www.mypapercraft.net/download-attachment/1487
seconding this.

here are the important vids, anon
thought you said spank lol
so is there anyway i better myself and learn how to create 3d hentai manga papercraft
i prefer the lower polygon figurines. this is something i'm looking to add flavour to my home.
Perfect for your child's bedroom.
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Good Morning Girl,from defunct website of creator Pikapyon. Here are the instructions.
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Good Morning Girl, parts.
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Sexy French maid,part1
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Sexy French maid,part 2
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Sexy French maid base
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Sexy French maid,optional nude parts.
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Girls with deadly weapons really crank my tractor.
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Here are the parts for "Chiaki".
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i see this post is like a year old but i wanna make one of these

for obvious reasons
don't cum on it
Unless you spray it really well with sealant.
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Why haven't any of you made a life size poseable papercraft waifu anon?
What are you waiting for?
If you're that hard-up, then you make one.

Looking forward to see if you can find it later.
Heres the OP:
There are both clothed and nude versions in the same file.
Anyone got pic related?
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because she dwells within my heart
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just wondering what type of glue do you guys use? I am stuck with Elmer's. Which is not that bad, but feel as though it doesn't give me enough time to adjust the tab position before it dries.
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Has anyone got the other version of this doll by "Migero".
I need a nice plain anime base model, unposed. I plan to harden it with wood glue and resin then possibly cast it and add a few perverted things. Is there a community for this type of interest?
I have a doubt OP, can I cum on them or it will ruin the paper?
Although this is made out of paper, these two comments are inappropriate in this thread. Please delete them.
>Is there a community for this type of interest?
No but there was an absolute degenerate who made an asuka fuckdoll. His twitter posts were posted here a while ago, they were extremely cursed.
Join the freemasons, they will help you out.
I was in the same trap, I didnt know what life needed to feel beautiful, but now that I found it and have children the future seems bright again. I think science and god are one and the same, but folklore guides you to healthy lifestyles free of insomnia and fear.
The masons should allow women however, men are too easily influenced by money.
Actually no
Men are too easily sex programmed
Women are influenced by money
You guys probably would've had a promising career as a NASA engineer.

Tell me, does this seem familiar to you?

If it does, you might want to take a nofap break.
Intelligence programmed too, they're terrible fathers but want to build artificial wombs, robot parents and colonize mars. Truly we live in dark ages.
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Are you some kind of fruit who gets offended for absolutely fucking nothing you damn fag?
Those were totally legit questions after all, you pussy.
I would have to say that you're the fag and pussy if you're the one who wrote those comments, because even after you've added a few perverted things to this doll, I don't think you would actually know what to do with it. Say some more dumb shit, mother fuckin' piece of shit pussy.
>Is there a community for this type of interest?
Yes, there is. It's called a mental facility.
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Cant you take some that kind of posts with humor instead of you rectum?
You could probably do a better job posting if you didn't have that pecker in your mouth.
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It's a lineage night elf. Just google it.
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do you have have a pdf of this my computur does not like pdo files and yes i do have pepakura
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Here. no lines
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just found a bikinnia girl at
Keeping the thread alive
>wanted to find something to do other than looking at porn

>explore the other boards

>first thing I see is literally sexy paper

Alright.. very cool though!
I'm new to papercraft, and I am interested in creating some of these as they are cheap alternatives to figurines. I Found a website with multiple lewd papercrafts, although it seems you have to pay for them..
I will link it anyways:
There is a Facebook revealing the pages, however I bet taking screenshots of the preview would result in blurry models.
Hopefully some kind anon will share the pdf.
same, came from /pol/ thinking /po/ would be more wholesome. tisk tisk anons.
Anyone have this source?
But how do you keep it clean when you cum on it?
I highly doubt anything here could be worse than where you came from.
Worst I’ve ever seen on /po/ was somebody asking how to make origami genitalia.
how does he get the parts all shiny and smooth?
Is it possible to have sex with it at least once? Or maybe some light BDSM?
To re-sell man
Fiberglass, sandpaper and paint?
Holy fuck! This is old
Possible? Probably, though the thought of a papercut there doesn't sound particularly appealing
No, jizzing over paper is retarded (retarded)
What is this program called?
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h-hot.. I wish I could make these
Cumming. On paper.
I suppose you could potentially harden it by coating it with something, and the use the hardened version to cast a silcon model from,
is there a way to completely crack pepakura?
File deleted.
Genuinely thrilled I'm not so touch starved that I contemplate spending 20 hours building a woman.
bypassing password and things like that? i think so,just be careful,i tried once and i download a virus
Do someone remember the site where this 3D model came? I remember someone uploading tons of those 3D models
Any sexy men paper crafts? Or late teen dudes
Those Asukabot pics are nightmare fuel tho i wonder if it looked nice with final coat of paint.
stop being stupid and toxic, it's just paper
I want this I need to coooooooom
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Respectable, reasonable gents.

To all of you, I have a book suggestion. It's called the easy peasy method, a very informative book about porn addiction and its effects. I'm sure you would prefer a physical version, given your clear affection for paper, but for now I can only offer you the online version @ easypeasymethod.org
There is no loss in giving it a quick read, worst case scenario, you aren't a porn addict and you got some interesting info. Best case scenario, you found your ticket out of the trap.

you in particular, you should most definitely check out the book.
Install a fleshlight in it.
Sounds retarded, how is jacking off any different from having sex? I used to bang my ex 5 times a day. Now I jack off once every 2-3 days through porn. Porn addiction isn’t any different from any other addiction. Just fix your life and it will go away along with any other negative aspect in your life.
is that mabingo
I downloaded this file with the idea it was origami . Actually I was looking for an older obelisk (obchen) works named Saber from stay night .
I downloaded this abs can share it here
matate virgo de mierda
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Originally from here, shows a vague process but it was modelled off of... something. Visit at own risk, I don't 100% trust the website myself
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>Deliberately enters a thread full of things that they do not like
>now they are grandstanding
Checked out the book ya' shilling, it fuckin' sucks.
Reading through the "warning" section and I'm just thinking "What the fuck are they talking about? This shit is all baseless assertion about their audience, their desires, and their relationship to porn. The very concept of having a healthy relationship with erotica is obviously impossible to the author."
Yeah, no thanks. It reads like some dogmatic zealot shit trying to tell me how I'll go to hell if I don't burn my Japanese heathen books and go to church with them. Manufacturing a problem I have so they can sell me a solution to it, even though I'm not buying into it.
c00m for sure
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>crank my tractor
Thanks for the valuable knowledge anon
Was she consenting?
Wasn't expecting to see a Mabinogi one in here or anywhere. Nostalgic
callate marica
he put a wig and bikini on it LOL

Took me a couple minutes to find it.
Are you boomers or what?
any astolfo figures?
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Lowpoly porn without a PC. Truly 3rd world experience, not that i'm complaining
did-did chicky nuggy die?
what is this program called?
Post me some saucy spooder and I'll tell you, google-let.
Does anyone here has a sexy papercraft with very big breasts? I am talking about hentai tier breast (tits bigger than head by a lot)
what the actual fuck, you know what. im actually find this endearing, reminds me why i picked up the pencil to draw porn
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I think so, I mean I never initiated because I was an awkward retard who was scared she'd say no so she would always initiate
Interesting thread
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Have this in my "unknown_sauce" directory for years. No idea where to get it.
Jesus fucking christ and I thought /ck/ was a slow board. Is this thread really four years old and still going?
You have no idea. /po/ have maintained some of the longest threads (talking in terms of how long have been alive) in 4chan history, and there was a thread about halloween papercraft where some anon send greetings to the residents here for two years.
Oh thanks still. I will do my best to find it, if anyone else does it please share it.
>it works
I wonder how many anons have died, but their posts are still up on this board.
Merry Christmas, anons!
Its pepakura dipshit
Do you have to curse everybody when you leave a reply, ASSHOLE?
With my little donkey I go walking
All the way to Bethlehem
With my little donkey I go walking
All the way to Bethlehem

See me go, see me go
On to Bethlehem I go
See me go, see me go
On to Bethlehem I go

Our path is lit so very far
By the bright and shining star
Our path is lit so very far
By the bright and shining star

See me go, see me go
On to Bethlehem I go
See me go, see me go
On to Bethlehem I go

With my ukelele I go singing
While my donkey goes a springing
With my ukelele I go singing
While my donkey goes a springing

See me go, see me go
On to Bethlehem I go
See me go, see me go
On to Bethlehem I go

Tukie tukie tukie tukie
Tukie tukie tukie ta
Hurry, hurry, little donkey
'Cause you know we're almost there

Tukie tukie tukie tukie
Tukie tukie tukie tu
Hurry, hurry, little donkey
Jesus waits for me and you
Very cute.
>when you're on this board and dont know what the fuck pepakura is
yes bitch
Asshole, you can't expect people that are new to papercraft to know what the fuck peepeekura is, you dumb fuckface little turd.
die mad about it
read the sticky dumbass
>anons will argue that it is unreasonable to expect them to read the sticky on the boards they browse
Merry Christmas guys. Here's to another year of slow, painful death.
There's only one dumbass on this board, and that person would be you. You're just going to have to live with that. There's no law or rule that says you have to read the sticky's prior to browsing, so most people don't.
For the rest of you in here, I hope you have a great Christmas and a Happy New Year. For the Idiot that likes to call people names (you know who you are (>>609828), I hope you have a shitty holiday.
knowledge is power
too bad, having a great holiday
sorry your feelings got hurt
There seems to be very little of that in here.
cuz its /po/
Being /po/ doesn't give assholes like the one above the right to tear into newbies who may be in here for the first time. They still have to learn the way things work in here.
>doesn't read the sticky which would teach them the basics of the board

It takes more than a little name calling to hurt my feelings. This dick (>>609828, >>609832, >>609834. >>609835) is just a waste of time to deal with, and obviously a waste of breath.
Oh, i see now, you're the dick.
Anyway, you can keep running your shit mouth, but I am done with you. You can't reason with some dickheads.
>goes on a huge whiney rant
Im not hurt
cry harder
anyway I been here long enough ill drop this
Christmas is coming, and it would be amazing if someone shared their papercraft scans, greetings, wink, wink.
Happy New Year, sexy papercraft thread. This thread turns half a decade old this year. Here's to another good one.
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that looks easy ..
its pretty simple smooth model
heres a link to the DL with a PDO
Friendly reminder that your cum works as hot glue that makes stronger your papercrafts.
I just got an erection over a papercraft net of a bunny girl.
I'm hitting levels of mechabare fetishism that shouldn't be possible, what the fuck is wrong with me
its okay to hot glue them
Can't let this die.
then post something :(
What program is that, fren?
one more
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Ok, I've got some more

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Have fun getting paper cuts!
Did you guys hear? They're going to be airing a documentary about this thread! It's paper view only.
Prove it; I want to see links or names etc.
It's a play on words anon...
>>599706 Where would I find instructions for this?
Thx dud..been wanting these ones for a long time..post some more..
Love me some stormtrooper ladies
Any Teri or Paper Mario fags here? I was going to post a Teri image but it might get me banned here.
a kek if you will
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please post impreg version
Crazy how this thread is literally 5 years old and still alive
holly shit i just notice that too.
how is this thread still up
well goddamnit
Hey! That’s the one I made a billion years ago. She was a custom build though sort of. The head that came with the body was too small to fit, so I contacted him and he sent me that head.
She was my greatest papercraft, and the last one I made to this day. Not for lack of wanting to make more stuff. But my skills have deteriorated so much that I don’t think I could do it anymore.
Late as fuck but I'm pretty certain this is
/po/'s old nemesis from back in the day, masamune washington. All his designs were private or commissions.
>105 days ago.
PIGjita lost btw.
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>he's here
Have you had sex with it anon
Anyone mind re-uploading these?
Imagine nuting to a piece of paper
ever heard of porn magazines?
Y'all /po/ niggas be real af. This board is a shining beacon of 4chan's beauty.
You guys make some absolutely amazing papercraft. Keep it up!
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Sad there’s not a lot of nsfw paper crafts, seems like a great art medium to do classic Greek/Roman statues or bust of nude women in all shapes poses etc, I just finished the thinker(see pic)
>ignore bad workmanship I haven’t built one of these in years do to life stuff
>last time I posted I was build a large scale paper women but the thread got pruned I think
Any way I think the thinker is sexy!
Reminds me of mabinogi.
I need to cum on these
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how much papercraft can I buy with my portfolio
epic numbers bro!
why is there so man /pol/ bros here today lol
People are trying to preserve their event posts here for months/years lol
I doubt the sticker will stay after today but maybe possibly some of the CSS will
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Im one year late dammit, but yeah can anyone share these?

Bumping on how to make this one
Has anyone made any sexy twink/femboy papercrafts?
Why, are you into queers? That's just fucking nasty.
closet fag spotted
I guess you finally looked in a mirror, didn't you?
Why else would you have requested that shit (>>621453)?
It can't be gay if it turns me on because I'm straight, retard
If it turns you on, then that's proof that you're gay, dumbass. Straight people are disgusted by that kind of shit. That's why we want it banned.
No you fucking retard, LISTEN

I am HETEROSEXUAL. Therefore, if I want to fuck boy butts and cum inside them, doing so would also be HETEROSEXUAL, otherwise I, a HETEROSEXUAL man, wouldn't want to do so. Idiot.
Gay dude on the defensive spotted.
No normal straight guy would screw another one in the ass.
Debate over, faggot.
I don't see what's gay about enjoying the sensation of being balls deep in a cute twink's ass, sounds like you're just being defensive
You really need to look up the definition, queer boy. You are Homosexual.
Well if being ""straight"" means you're not allowed to cum inside cute twinks then what the fuck is the point?
It just means you aren't really straight, but it's okay.
Plenty of you people have come out of the closet lately, so you might as well be true to yourself as well.
The Democrats are all for your kind, and even made it legal for you to wed.
This board is legendary, 6 year old threads, funny posts, and a "sexy papercraft" thread that has many more comments than pictures replied. Never change /po/, never change.
and they were just so very close to losing it all
it does
I approve it and that's the end of it.
That would have been a good thing.
>>571713 i have some of his pictures saved somewhere

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