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/po/ - Papercraft & Origami

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Anybody have this?
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Go 2 Kinkos
Or I guess Fedex now.
Or whatever your local print shop is
get a knife out of your kitchen and cut it out of your screen, faggot
you do have a kitchen, right?
rad awesome thank you
>print this
>add a small explosive and make sure it doesn't burn the paper right away
>The hacker known as FoldChan

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I really, really, really wish there was a PDF or PDO of this pepe. It's so beautifully done.
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Any anonymous designer who can please remake it and upload it, I would greatly appreciate it.
figured I'd share this here

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Endless garden 6 modular units
Nice work anon!
gj anon!
reminds me of simpler times

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I accidently printed 99 sheets of homework , any ideas?
What about a paper clock? We need a new thread with one of those

i did this like a gift, "When I finished this model, I thought I would feel satisfaction, but I felt nothing, hahaha. I make 6 models for 6 people every year and give them as gifts."
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Do they appreciate your work anon?
damn, anon. how did you make these? I'm new to the hobby.
Hello, I am Rhondafojchi (Rhondar). Regarding your question, well... I really hope so. It really depends on how each person takes care of or receives details like gifts. I like giving them. I've been doing origami for a long time, and I think I'm in another stage now, hehe.
Hello again, there are several paths I followed: tutorials, forums, and diagrams. If you are new, I hope you continue. If you need help, im here for help and show my work.
Post moar

guys, I beg you to tell me how to make origami using patterns. I wanted to make an origami xenomorph but I only found a pattern. I want to learn how to make origami using a pattern. I did pretty well with the wizard from Satoshi Kamiya according to the instructions and I want to do it
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While you learn to decipher CP's, I leave you the diagram of that alien
I too would be grateful if somebody told hints about how to interpret those patterns. Or maybe I should just stick with diagrams for now and folding straight from the patterns comes with time if I ever get to that level, a bit depressing but fortunaly there are tons of diagrams around.
Maybe this can help?

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>always liked origami as a kid
>like every other kid i guess
>recently decided to get back into it
>started working through a book
>using printer paper because i don't have origami paper
>got to about halfway through the intermediate models
>having a ton of fun
>one night i accidentally leave one of them out on the kitchen table
>wake up next day
>mom rips up the origami
>starts yelling at me
>says she knows i've been "wasting" paper with this shit
>calls me a retard and tells me to stop right away
>all joy is sucked out of it
>haven't felt the need to make another one

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if you think he might be receptive you should tell him you regret how you treated him, and ask if you can waste paper with him again. I hope you can mend your relationship, anon.
Been doing origami since I was 6 off and on. I stopped doing origami for years after my grandmother yelled at me for saying "it's like I'm god creating stuff!" after making an origami deer.

I quit origami for a long time after that, but I got back into it.. I can't find the book the deer came in now. It was a very nice model.
You know she's right.
The difference is you need to eat. OP is just wasting paper.
You have to be 18 to troll here. And what a pathetic effort it was.

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i like to draw playing cards folded in weird ways. but i just have to make up how it would look in my head, and guess. is there any origami that would be possible with a playing card? so that i could use it as an actual reference? that would be cool.

playing cards are typically 3½ × 2½ inches
Actually folding a normal playing card into even some basic shapes would most likely be tough shit because they tend to be rather fat. But why not take inspiration from candy paper origamis, for example, the size is about right

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>British Origami Society | Origami is increasing

>Cranes for Ukraine Take Flight British Origami
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>British Origami Society
Yer 'aving a laff if you think am goin' all t' way down there jus' t' fold some bloody paper. Can do that at home or at local if I really fancy it like.
Someone got a pattern for the houses of parliament?
>*Sound of small footsteps approaches from behind* What are you doing, daddy?
>Ora..oragam-origami? What's that?
>Can I try it?
>*Climbs up and wriggles into your lap*
>What do I do?
>Like this?
>*Reads instructions* Ok..
>*Folds, then frowns* Is that right? Oh, the other way?
>*Fold fold*
>Like that?
>*Fold fold*
>Hmph, it won't do it how I want
>*Fold fold*
>*Prrrrp!* Shifts uncomfortably* Sorry daddy, mummy made me beans on toast for breakfast
>*Fold fold*

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Is this seriously why there is no brit/pol/ rn?
gee golly, sucks, I can't escape pol and fake and gay psyop wars even in the origami world

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how did I do?
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usually i use my finger to wipe the glue onto the tab so its not so much, i have tape strips on my table I can wipe my finger on then lol, qtips are goot for cleanup too, I have some gundam ones that are hard and pointy I like to use.

I use tacky glue too, i only ever rememeber it because gold and purple bottle
I'm getting better at this. I *almost* completed a Herbie the Love Bug model but ended up ripping it when I foolishly decided to use CA to bond two tiny parts that were different to hold together. I figured it would be easier to do it that way so that it would dry quickly and then use regular glue for the rest. It did work well until I pulled back my finger which somehow got itself stuck to the paper. I won't do that again.

This is a very fun hobby.
get yourself a tweezer set, i have a few bent ones for purposes of holding stuff together
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some more stuff I made

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more here:
Cute OINK!
I love that /po/ is so slow that there a bits from the April fools still arround
is it possible to get the pdf of any of the mother papercrafts from 2008?

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Hey I’m just getting into origami. Made a couple lotus flowers already. Can’t decide what to do next, please send me some instructions to pick
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Do you have the guide to do it? I would like to try to do it
not OP, but I've got you.
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(Origami Fighter v1 ch3)
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This one pairs well with the lotus flowers because the butterfly sits perfectly inside the petals

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Is there any masculine origami/papercraft ideas that are masculine for a chad like me

Certainly. Btw better not try to fold space itself outright. Tricky operation.
Use sheet metal instead
Fold Ryujin 3.5 out from a 4-ply napkin.

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Recently got back into Quake with the release of Quake II remastered, and came across some photos of this model online-I thought I used to have a copy of it, but can't find it-I can only find the similar Ninjatoes version.

Does anyone have a copy of this model they could scan and preserve for the future? It is pretty old; from 1997! I've been searching for it for awhile with no luck.
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Sorry dude, I've got this one already! I appreciate it though :)

This place still has and sells them, at least as of 3 months ago. Pretty cheap. Someone should buy one and upload it.
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He-Man re-color
Anyone able to confirm they still sell these 1 year later?
Image expired

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Hi, I'd put this information before, but I think that thread had been eliminated. But one more time, and sorry for all you :( Do anyone have that book? Could anyone shared in this thread? Thanks for your atention
jew gotta be kidding me

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