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What kind of paper plane is this?
Looks like a simple glider to me.
It'll probably be on foldnfly.
Looks like a Battletech Cheetah without the vertical stabiliser.
Found it under "stealth bomber"
Thanks bro
looks like the Shuttle from Star Trek TNG
File: sypaq.jpg (26 KB, 800x609)
26 KB
>What kind of paper plane is this?
Do you know a CP for pic related?
Asking for a friend in Ukraine.
It looks like you folded this with the skin from your dead uncles dick. 0/10
I actually used to make this one exept the triangle on the nose is the bottom part.
Posting my favorite paper plane. It flies great.

You just reminded me that I haven't made one of these in close to a decade...
My uncle doesn’t have a dick
a wide one for gliding
that doesn't even look like a paper plane desu
It's called the Space Cruiser. I've had a book of paper airplane instructions since I was a kid and this one was always my favorite plane. The book says to hold it from the back and give it a push to fly it, but you can grab the triangle on either side and launch it straight up as hard as you can, and it'll glide down nice and easy.
If you do a little tiny crinkle on the flat part in the back you can get it to do some cool tricks too.
Same, I made hundreds of these as a kid
It looks like a paper jet.

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