Pizza Cube
>>620391Very origami energy, truly a thing
am i a joke too you?
>>621779This whole thread is a joke.
>>620391this isn't a good excuse to keep ordering pizza, anon
Hey guys. I recently pulled this card. Do you reckon it would be possible to make this?
>>622120Man, waiting 900 secs to answer is the end of chan, so will be hard to get them. But probably there is, this would be a modular origami, i saw a Link from zelda that looked similar to what you want, so maybe looking for it and modifying it. Also Little Prince should be similar. All the luck
>Paperboots get smaller
>>616475someone got some instructions for the standard boat?
>>621882seconding this
Just one new free papercraft from me this year, and to be honest it's an Abomination: hope you had a great Halloween, have fun building!
Here's one of a '92 Chevy. Feel free to contribute your own or construct the ones in this thread and posting the results.
print pages 1-2 if your printer does double sided prints well and cut along the linesotherwise print page 3
>>621935new version
am i just retarded or is this really hard to parse? i've folded this many times and i still can't make out what the instructions are trying to convey. i had to watch a video to see how it's done the first time
Anyone got papercraft for the C3 Corvette?
Any instructions for 1/12 accesories or diorama parts? something like ruble or barricades?
I have met a really beautiful girl at my university, she is someone very interesting. In a very nice act, she gives me a paper crane (it's the one in the photo).I want to make something special in origami, I would like you to help me with some romantic and cute ideas, it could even be flowers.PS: The level of difficulty does not matter.
Simply make an identical crane, gift it back to her, and ask if your paper cranes can date. Just like, be cool about it yknow
>>621857Not op but thats cute af.Gl op. <3
kek you have the same mouse mousepad and keyboard as me. how about a snail. I knew a girl once who found a snail beside us while we were sitting. She gave it to me and I think I put it in my pocket and then threw it in the grass idk don't remember but she jokingly was like upset I tossed it. Later she got actually upset and ruined my life lol
>>622037Jeez man that sucks for you, but also I'm kinda hooked with your story, care to elaborate?
If you can make this thing a reality I'll resign as an art (netzach) tutor. oragami is kino
>>621121How did you make it?
>>621664The author is Fernando Chura
>>617695How come everybody is so nice here? Every other board is full of dickheads competing to see who can shit on each other the hardest.
>>622109The fine arts brings the joy out in everybody.
The threads that have torrents are gone, but I am still seeding.
>>615996OP here, just mirrored this on my seedbox.
Is there any good origami book collection torrent that is still alive? I lost everything because I dropped my external hard drive. I tried to look for old torrents and links which I've downloaded before. But they are all dead. There's the 8-part 20 Origami Books Collection. But it's kinda meh. There are also Tanteidan torrents, mostly dead.
>>611100>-po-v3.torrentSeems dead now, sadly. Anyone mirroring it?
Phonefag here, how can I download it?
>>620503Seedbox is a shitter off and on, But I am still seeding. Gonna move the torrent to a different client in the coming months so uptime should be better.
You can fill a jar up with paper stars, its a cute room decor item.
>>621412Tried this a while ago and my hands started cramping bad after 20ish stars. Can't do this shit no more.
>>621428kek, my stars turned out so crappy. they look like blobs after doing it for 2 hours.
Are you supposed to cut out the text "make your own star"?
why is making paper stars so addictingi can fill up an entire evening folding strips and listening to tunes
Ive done some basic stuff and i want to learn more advanced stuff in origami as a project. What books are good for that?
Search no more mi friend, i started with this book (Im still finishing/reading it) and i consider it a good start:
>>611090this so much.
>>614560I didn't have good experience with this book. The theory is nice, teaching techniques and essential ideas in progressively more complex models. But a lot of the models, in my experience, even simpler ones can be too disappointing/challenging. I mean this book is supposedly written for beginners. I just checked gilad page, reviewing from memory:1. squirrel - the example photo and the one in diagram is different, so your result won't look the same as Jun Maekawa's2. box - "locks" and bullshit don't work. I honestly have no idea how to make this properly without glue3. spiral shell - good luck making everything aligned4. giraffe - I really dislike this one, dunno, the fact you fold the back and hide it behind really annoys me5. helmet - good luck making this stand, even gilad couldn't do it, fuck this model seriouslyI think I dropped the book a few models after this. I kept hitting problems that I blame on subpar models. I decided just to fold stuffs I find interesting from /po/. Not following Maekawa's curriculum. I'm much happier now. I just don't think the book is good recommendation for beginners. -----John Montroll's Teach Yourself Origami's first half has all of the essential models they used to teach in schools.
Try to follow this plan to become a successful folder . 1 .Sonobe .2 . Kusudama .3 tessellation .These are good because very repetitive folds practice makes foolproof and you can use glue for assemblyThen 4 .Beetle . 5 .Fish . 6 .Spider .7 scorpion 8 . Butterfly two colours .9 .Bee two coloursThen try some simple characters .After that you should be familiar enough with diagrams and precrease to attempt more complex models such as birds dragons .
>>619941wrong board, scipo
I got this picture of a few pins badges representing animals, possibly origami models (that's probably the intended effect).Any of you know if they are origami models and not just polygon-shaped animals?And if they are origami, any idea of who the creators are?
I don't recognize those, I suspect they're just meant to look like origami without being based on real designs.That said, the koala looks a bit like Gen Hagiwara's and the fox reminds me of one by Hoang Tien Quyet
>>622075Thanks for your answer. I'll try to find pictures of those two models you talked about.
even now there is hope for /m/anbut this is /po/ so lets ee 'em
>>616527I've posted this before but here is 5GB of mecha papercraftsPart 1: 2:!
>>616544Nice anonThanks
Does anyone have any Ideon or Xabungle patterns?
yooo its so cool
Why isn't anyone using papercraft as skin for 3D printed stuff?
>>620992No. Encasing it in expanding foam is though.
>>619810That must have took forever lol.You have to glue together tabs at every connection?I don't understand the 3D printing part.Is it to give structure to the paper?
>>620001what was the issue with wireframes?
>>619855how? what material do you use for these? i cant imagine just paper being strong enough
>>620973Prints of this size are limited by dimentions of print area. While ppl do print lifesize figurines they have to turn model into large number of parts and fit them together post print. While I can't deny difference in methods might seem silly, building doll by gluing plastic bricks together doesn't do it for me.>>621383If you mean cardboard assembly I worked on I paper doll thread I had only partial succes as I have not included any marking on parts which made fitting it together more or less guess work. Pepakura can be forced to work with model set of parts clipping throuhg one another at 90° angles but doesn't provide any way to mark where and how those parts intersect.
What paper do you guys use for your origami?And what is your favorite paper?
Just sharing this Kangaroo model I just made.
>>621830This stuff(pic related) is my most used as far anything that requires any larger paper with colors. It arrives perfectly square and it's cheap. There is better paper I've used, but it's usually for special models. I think my favorite so far is shadowfold. It's thin and easy to use.
I use car paint masking paper for more complex's strong, thin, keeps it's shape and it's dead cheap.
I've always admired people who can do these things. It's impressive dexterity and a performance just watching it and the results can be so beautiful and tacticle too. Crazy the talent I can see browsing this board. Making me consider trying it so it's interesting to see what papers people are using.
Hemp paper
Hello!I currently have a group dedicated to finding and posting Origami books on Discord. do you want join?Invitation link: you have any doubts, below is a book "as a gift for you" (but the maximum allowed file is only 8 mb)
Anyone on tha whasup?
>>619775why did you nuke the link ?
>>619894Oh. I reported it to discord.