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Yesterday I made this Miku figure, and since her arms could move I decided to pose her like my favourite dictator. I wanted to make a cute hat for her but I can't find a free template of the right kind.
The one I made for now sucks and I believe she deserves better.
If any of you can help me that would be nice.
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Try the one from this..probably needs to resize a bit..and find some gold paper and cut it for the insignia or something..
Hail Miku!
miku is so cute
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>I decided to pose her like my favourite dictator.
Actually that's SS.
Adolf never wore SS uniform and instead only wore party uniform

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share ur fav sticky note origami
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Nice one Anon.

I am really interested in this one:

https://www.yoycart. com/Product/42956856534/

but I have never heard of the site, have no experience and have no idea if it's fake or not. Does anybody know? Is it an actual physical paper print they send you or just online files?

Or does anybody know if these boxy One Piece papercrafts are somewhere to be found online maybe?
Those are cool
its a chibi
Anyone got the files for any of these?

I've emailed them before about shipping because i thought it was just pdfs but this is their reply

"No, it is not only pdfs instructions, it is a half finished goods, it need cut, fold, and paste by yourself"

so yeah theyll ship it to you

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Endless garden 6 modular units
Nice work anon!


Finally, origami instructions I can understand
You can fill a jar up with paper stars, its a cute room decor item.
Tried this a while ago and my hands started cramping bad after 20ish stars. Can't do this shit no more.
kek, my stars turned out so crappy. they look like blobs after doing it for 2 hours.

How do we replicate this?
Source: https://youtu.be/3EbjlJdvPkU?si=IQfAG2LQtanTlYkj
Okay then.
Basically just this in different shapes and sizes and with pieces of paper glued to the popouts
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Sorry I forgot to post the image

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wow these take a long time.
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hell yeah dude, touhou!
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This is the new touhou thread, I hope it lasts as long as the previous one. Anyway, I did Sakuya a couple of weeks ago.
let's make it last 5 years!
Hi, share PDF? Thanks
honestly fold lines make it look kind of cool

been trying lowering the polygon count and all for the past 3 days
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again, thanks for the advice
will keep yall updated
If i (https://boards.4channel.org/po/thread/603852) may give you sort of pro-tip do a triage on what parts (hair, eyes, clothing and accesories) and mercilessly cut it off first before you do any sort of decimation be it manual or automatic. Not only they might make assembly overly hard so you might ultimately give up but they regularly look better scratch. Also do while you might be decimation and testing that model&texture in blender do bear in mind Pepa does its own polygon merging on load of complex model. One way or another thousands of faces gonna perish.
You'll want to look up some retopo and texture baking tutorials for blender. Most of the facial details will need to be flattened into a texture for instance.
Kill yaself
use the rael PSX version , dummy.


Please post images that print well for use as origami paper! I routinely "chop up" a page to easily get 12 to 20+ squares out of a single print.
Multi-pattern images are really cool... allowing for several squares each with individual patterns.
Any good pattern that'll work for several squares with the same/similar patterns.
Black & White can be really cool when printed onto color papers.
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You get 16 unique squares outta this multi-pattern print!
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And a Happy 420 2U
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You get 18 vintage patterns!

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Post some spooky origami I can make please
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not origami but I've made 1:12 brooms for my figures
I'm finished making the hats too but they're a bit shitty
Seeing this thread has made me remember a model of an origami bat that turns into a human-shaped vampire, which i loved (the one i had made lost its shape and didnt look like bat or man anymore). I lost the name of the model and google didint help. I looked it up today and found it (probably because of the season).
Have the instructions and have fun (hey its stilll halloween) also sorry for the blog post lol
A simple skull origami, i also wanted to make monster/undead origamis.

Post your favorite Origami sets
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Nothing special here.
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i like the patterns.

Please share this origami book, I need it for the construction theme
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That would be great, thank you!
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Anyone Could share this?
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J'ai besoin de ce livre, quelqu'un pourrait-il m'aider s'il vous plaît ?

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thank you so much ive been trying to find this for so long
I saw it in memes about ukraine
I saw this in a meme
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I recently bought photo cubes to make dioramas but I really can't find any free templates so I would like to ask if anyone has the pdf of the GUMY art or BubzTea templates.
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i wanna have those as well to be quite desu
Kino gj
I'm trying to figure out some way to have a groudon/ kyogre attached to a winding gear that animates it like the game, plays the cry, then resets. Where would I look for resources to design something like this?
Try looking into paper automata/automaton like Rob Ive's stuff and work from there. Just google it to see examples.
hory shit anon, this shit is fire.

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REQUEST: Side-by-side classic shotgun

Are there any good weapon paper model makers that would either have a plan already made, links to some, or any help to making one?

I've been trying to find one for Quite A While now and have been attemptin to create One by first modeling it out etc. but hit a "bit" of a setback with my computer frying up completely during a thunderstorm.

Looking Now for the classic type of shotgun. Attempting to acquire the level of detail and possible function that are akin to the "Paper Manufacturing" brands level of quality.
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What is super cool is the savage model 24 It is and over under combination, one rifle barrel, on shotgun barrel
no double barreled shotgun, but found some guns.
Might be a help.
This might be as close as you can get.

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