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/po/ - Papercraft & Origami

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File: T6r2lkh.jpg (644 KB, 2560x1920)
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644 KB JPG
even now there is hope for /m/an
but this is /po/ so lets ee 'em
>>616527 (OP)
File: FM4_Zenith.pdf (1.65 MB, PDF)
1.65 MB
1.65 MB PDF
File: FM4_Weapon.pdf (745 KB, PDF)
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745 KB PDF
>>616527 (OP)
I've posted this before but here is 5GB of mecha papercrafts

Part 1:

Part 2:

Nice anon
Does anyone have any Ideon or Xabungle patterns?
yooo its so cool
File: sad2.png (220 KB, 479x558)
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220 KB PNG
man i thought it was megas XLR for a second there and my heart almost stoped
File: MOVIE-4~2.mp4 (1.95 MB, 720x312)
1.95 MB
1.95 MB MP4
It might not be papercraft but i do remember owning a book (or two) on super robot style origami, centered around an 8x8 grid. Robogami was my shit near 5 years ago...

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