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Is papercraft as a hobby dying?
all hands-on hobbies are dying because of vidya and cheap chinese electronics
It's so depressing. I'm not against gaming but people need to find hobbies other than just sitting in front of a monitor 24/7.
Kerbal and minecraft is fine, and everything else in moderation, but I'm glad I've completely quit vidya myself, however I'm still fighting my addictive personality in other ways.
My children just got into it. Hopefully a new generation will pick up the speed. Also, thats a cool reaper. Happen to have a pdf?
All the links for it are dead, unfortunately.
I found this zombie head though. Maybe this will suffice for a while.
You're welcome.
thank you so much anon! Where were you able to find this?
Why? What is the special virtue of handling paper compared to staring at screens? People used to spend all day flipping paper around, you know, and that was actually the same activity of reading most of the time.
It will never die as long as paper exists. It has been around for centuries. Anyone, anywhere, anytime, is able to grab a piece of paper (or something resembling paper) and fold it to his/her liking. It's super accessible unlike other hobbies. The thing is that it's always been niche, and only a small percentage of people pick up on it and decide to make it a lifelong passion.
I just looked at the old site, and the pdf was still there under the image search.
Except Warhammer.
Games Workshop's stock price has increased 1000% over the last ten years.
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>591283 #
A paper craft haven't been dying. It is what I am crafting today.
People needs to use their hands.
Nothing, other anon is being a melodramatic teenager or an elderly youth hater.

In reality there are health issues such as sight problems, addiction and sleep disruption to name three. But also in reality the gym has as many if not more well documented problems and life threatening health hazards, including addiction.
Paper on the other hand is nice and safe... if you don't have trouble clotting or grow lemons.
Sale figures of the figurines are steadily dropping, GW lives off of whoring out their IPs
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Ruskie gang represent m'duud
what did you use as a base for that?
no idea, just learned about it today, but you inspired me to try my first one with this design as it looks fairly simple, so if its of any concern your helping create new patrons
Well, things are only going to get worse every year until something is done about the endless stream of mindless apps and platforms that want nothing but your time. Today's 20 year olds and especially the next generation will have a tough time concentrating on anything, I'm sure of it. But hey, it was neat being able to look at a 5 year old thread.
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I don't think its because people have lost interest in hobbies like these, as much as it is that people are lonely. Online vidya games and electronics allow you that social interaction with other people that hand-held hobbies don't offer unfortunately. If you took this medium and gave it the social advantage that vidya/internet has, and then removed it from vidya, you'd probably have more people doing hobbies like these instead of playing vidya.
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It is kinda depressing how unimpressive my level of craft skills are when you can see the stuff a 3d printer can pop out
handmade stuff has SOVL
3D printed stuff is soulless
awww looks so cute!! i prefer handmade,it always shows the dedication,love and patience
Probably depends on the environment, you can't really do any kind of hobby that could result in a broken model (like papercraft) or hurt yourself/others (like blacksmith) when you have curious children and pets roaming around.
Still requires a hand to make both paper and 3d models (That is if there isn't already a 3d model to print but personally i like to recreate them myself even if too poor for 3d print).
Do not base the hobby off the patronage of /po/. It has always been slow, and it will continue to be slow until the heat death of the universe.
It's been on a steady decline since 2013, look at Google search results for the word "papercraft" over time. I think a big reason for it's decline is the fact that new video game characters are almost impossible to make models of, as they are too detailed and difficult to convert into paper models. Super Smash Bros Brawl and Melee provided hundreds of fantastic models to convert into paper because of their trophies, but we don't have something like that these days.
I was thinking earlier on that /po/ is the only board not to have become completely fucked up but even then this thread is full of wojacks.
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That's depressing.
this is a great point
Not that anon but:
Clearly paper isn't the only alternative to a digital screen.
How many people can build their own kitchen counter today? Or their own cabinets?
Two extremely easy and straightforward things to do, and yet people are instead buying ridiculously overpriced prefab particle-board chink trash.
I think the general lament when people say stuff like that is to lament the lack of self sufficiency and a desire to interact directly with the world.
Everyone consumes, no one creates.
That's the general feeling behind those kinds of statements, most of the time.
How can a people be free when they can't fix their own devices or create their own pass times?
That's the idea, the sociological and philosophical statement here.
It isn't edgy youth or bitter age, sometimes it is, but you're just as shallow and pathetic as those teens/elderly in trying to equate such statements as that.
ironic this is being posted on 4chan
Unlikely to. I started with it just this year. Friend sent me a simple model and I made it and I'm starting to make other stuff for fun and practice. Even if it's just simple stuff, it's fun and very accessible. Accessibility will always keep something alive even if it becomes very niche.
Papercraft is ALL ACCESS and cheap. Tools are universal and printers are everywhere. Can be made without a computer, and done almost anywhere.
3dprinting needs a computer (almost always with Win10) specific software and drivers, expensive single-purpose equipment, $20 spools of filament, and more failure than success (buy a better 3dprinter), all stuck where there is space and power to set up everything.
When a papercraft is done... it is done. When a 3dprinter is done, then there are more hours of filling, sanding, painting, and more.
Maybe, I lost sensomotoric skills by doing drugs just can't do papercraft, but I'm a great painter. Art is when I meditate papercraft requires a lot of focus.
there's ever increasing interest in origami among scientists and engineers for it's possible utility, just as amateur and professional astronomy feed and grow into eachother, i think were about to experience a golden age of complex and quantifiable origami for papercraft hobbyists. there are readily available, albeit simple, patterns available from nasa geared as teaching aids for children but i think its just a matter of time before we have online repositories for professionals and hobbyists. whether the community will it'll grow like 3d printing or remain a niche like demoscene, i think we know the answer to that.
Bless u, partner...
Vidya and internet is oversaturated and boring now.

More and more you'll get ex internet/Vidya addicts like me looking to do more irl stuff
Yes because who the fuck needs to print/have a printer anymore
3d print sheets of a4 , then print on those and make papercraft out of it

Not sure about that
Know a fair amount of friends that make stuff via 3D printing the parts, then painting and piecing it together.
I'm poor so i work with paper instead.
dont worry OP everyone LOVES papercraft


Cup and handle on the yearly. Very bullish
The human is a social being, so it is pretty understandable that he would prefer something that involves socializing over something that doesn't.
haven't had any drive or inspiration to craft since Putler declared war on the entire non-right wing world..... dark times are a coming sisters....
There's also the fact that basic papercraft is sort of a training ground or gateway to working in other more permanent mediums- paper mache skills translate to fiberglass and other practices that drape materials over forms like sewing...cutting, rolling and folding paper translates to sheet metal...origami teaches about articulation principles important in engineering...paper allows young people to experiment and learn about this stuff in a cheap and safe manner and then apply them for the rest of their lives. Lots of professionals use paper all the time to make patterns and models and in other industrial and construction applications, and many of them developed those skills as kids who played with paper as a hobby. In that sense it will never die out and if anything the non hobby applications are growing.
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Just finished this lil' fella.
this, in the context of "mainstream tech", paper is viewed as obsolete but it will always have it's place and "flimsy paper-like substance manipulation" will find utility in the most unlikely places
just yesterday We attended a WH tournament,
with very nice scenery, made of folded paper of course.
I don't think it is dying, but you could try to express your love for the craft in a way that proliferates it, as long as it doesn't impede it.

D t k
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Just made this lil fella
It's weird how similarly our posts are phrased, lol. Nice work!
I don't think Papercraft as a hobby is dying. There's just a lack of a very active community. Back in the day DevianArt was blooming with active crafters responding to each others creations. Now it's a graveyard with the occasional papercraft being posted and no interaction whatsoever. Same with the Facebook groups and Reddit.
A lot of them are still on DA, you just don't know where to look. If you actually posted a comment or 2, actual feedback and not just "download where" or "password to hack" etc. they would be more active, more productive and happy to oblige anything you ask. I do that myself and always get nice feedback in return from any of them and they share their work with me. I guess you need to re-evaluate your aproach to this and actually be a part of the ones that want to make changes to a better community. I really hate whinny people just complaining about stuff and not doing anything pro-active. Nothing against your comment or anything, just in general with this, because it's always the same reply wherever you ask. It's not true and we ourselves are the solution to the problem
That's true. Not knowing where to look. The old DA site had a Papercraft category, which made it quite easy to navigate and find other builders and designers. If you're relatively new to the hobby you'll mostly find websites that post ripped crafts.
Nice, I like that the face can be easily swapped in photoshop, working on one now
>Posted 03/25/21
>Thread still alive
This place is a marvel

I can't fold things precise enough to make origami a hobby. Can seldom make a paper plane work. Did most of you start off this way?
AnxnhasnjsanjhsdI lvoe alchool bro best thign trhay ahas fvever happend to my botringh shit ligfe hioeurfhoirehfoia rjopiadsffoilolololol I love bigh asiuabn asssssss
nigga just do origami and groups
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Holy shit, a thread about Kartana being a new pokemon is still up too
Whilst it has a community for sure, electronics and video gaming are probably responsible for it dying out.
Basically his people can't have fun anymore lest it's productive :(
Which is strange because most papercraft is made using cheap chinese electronics and of vidya game characters.
Results pls?
i was gonna combine both last year's and this year's april fools in the same thread but this gpt one is so lame in comparison lol
i turned to 3d printing because it became cheap with all the chinese machines.
Horse shit.
There’s a scientific reason for that you know. Your optical nerves start firing like hell (the colored light) and your brain releases a shit ton of dmt (the memories of relatives and friends, remembering an eternity of experiences)
I mean it's always been sorta niche... But not dying! I personally am more of a 3D printer person now, but I was thinking of the concept of 3D printing a model of Link from Oot and then using a papercraft model to add textures, then clear coat the model! So if anything it has the potential to adapt
>67 posters
It's not dying, it's just getting started
Paper toys dying?
Paper craft will never die
I don't think it's dying, it's a nice hobby.
Maybe, as sharing and piracy gets replaced with closed trading novadays, board loses main reason to exist, looks kinda brutal when you compare 2016-18 to now.
What a stupid point
Because people buying Ikea shit are likely to be renting and not going to buy expensive wood cabinets
And nobody is fucking buying hundreds of dollars of power tools to build a wood cabinet
Fucking paper folding retard
Maybe there needs to be more focus on the mathematical concepts of origami
Blessed anon
Internet and vidya is full of retards now
Papercraft is still /comfy/
Shut up grass toucher
you don't need any power tools to build a wood cabinet, just some basic handtools (that can be bought dirt cheap second hand these days), patience and skills that comes with the patience
I completely forgot I had comment on this board :o
I know this is an old post, but is there a guide around for someone who doesn't really know how to do any of that stuff? Self sufficiency is kinda based, but we didn't have shop class in my school.
>t. zoomer
You should ask /diy/
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Thank you anon. This was my first ever papercraft.
Looks really good anon, nice job.
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Things sure are looking bleak.
i find it as a hobby too look pretty fun. It is just that I dont have enough money or talanet for these things.
i woulld like to start but i dont know how
>Is papercraft as a hobby dying?
paper as a material dying.
still alive
yes, so we must revive it
make a youtube channel, make a website, make a blog, make an instagram, make whatever, then post your papercrafts

remind people that papercraft exists, make people care again
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made paper cup cutout version a few days ago
it's all retractable, I can fold her back in place and hide her away amongst other uncut paper cups
the other 2 behind her are old proto-types i couldn't bring myself to throw away

she keeps vigil over me seated on my speaker besides the cpu
so yeah papercraft is still alive and going strong in my heart
It's not popular at all. Some people find it hard to get into and boring.
I don't think so but the overlap between 4chan users and people who do paper craft for a hobby is rather small.
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seconded. i go to ren fair every year now since the big sick, and me and my friends make costumes out of nothing but cardboard (last years was a tamagotchi, pic rel). which i guess is more cosplay, but still. there are more ways to use papercraft than making a lil thing to sit on your shelf

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