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/po/ - Papercraft & Origami

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File: 2024-09-02 (19)1.jpg (3.7 MB, 5198x3460)
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What paper do you guys use for your origami?
And what is your favorite paper?
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I thought I'd share this dragon I made.
My first time trying to make this one, it's definitely the hardest piece of origami I've made so far.
I've put some effort into taking a better picture.
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An origami turtle I made.
Tbh the paper I use the most are post it notes, I like to do easy origamis while taking breaks from studying.
During finals my desk is always cluttered with post it animals and shapes lol
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cool, thanks man.
I used to pilfer brochures for origami, but nowadays I use the stuff from Daiso and sometimes memo pads.
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I mainly use printer paper, I haven't really used anything else, so there's no other to be my favorite
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Nice I just got some 21cm paper from Tuttle.
BTW do you have Instructions for how you made the space shuttle.
Thank you (:
I'm trying to get some of the Tuttle papers to try but they're nowhere near as cheap for me
Yep, it was on sale for me when I got it. Maybe online will be better for you if you can find it.
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Just sharing this Kangaroo model I just made.
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This stuff(pic related) is my most used as far anything that requires any larger paper with colors. It arrives perfectly square and it's cheap. There is better paper I've used, but it's usually for special models. I think my favorite so far is shadowfold. It's thin and easy to use.
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I use car paint masking paper for more complex models.
it's strong, thin, keeps it's shape and it's dead cheap.
I've always admired people who can do these things. It's impressive dexterity and a performance just watching it and the results can be so beautiful and tacticle too. Crazy the talent I can see browsing this board. Making me consider trying it so it's interesting to see what papers people are using.
Hemp paper

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