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/po/ - Papercraft & Origami

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Hello, it's my first time posting here and I don't know the lore about the artists who create papercraft or where to get the material
I'm looking for papercraft models from the anime Love Live! School Idol Project (especially Maki Nishikino or Hanayo Koizumi)
I would appreciate your help, and if you can guide me better, sorry for the inconvenience,

Thank you very much for the help and happy new year!
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If we are re-rolling up trades, here is my mail: papercraft-trader-guy@inbox.lv hit me up if you have rare stuff
hola tengo unas mikus muy raras que quiero intercabiar pueden escribirme en mi email
If anybody want to trade, i doubt i had anything you want but who knows?
Starting up trades again if anybody is interested: GoddessAmaterasu13 at protonmail dot com

There is this beautiful barista at my local Starbucks and I want to let her know I love her but not straight up say it. I want to come in every morning next week and each time give her a new origami.

I am new so please give me simple origami designs a woman will like. Thanks.
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>/po/ - Papercraft & Origami
Great advice at least she still has the value of the dollar to be appreciative of instead of more work if she decides to throw it in the garbage. Unless she really liked you I doubt it would show up as a decoration in her living room. Maybe flattened in a book or something at best if she wanted to keep it. But it is a pretty creative idea imo to do this anyway. Plus she’d likely think it’s cute. When you’re dating then you could make some little origami things and put them around the house in places she might find them
This is untrue. I for one care how old OP is
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The lack of a good /po/+/ck/ thread is absurd...

So here goes, food origami thread.

is this a joke? I love this burger
It doesn't look the same. Is this the pdf that ready made magazine's website shared?
no one cooks, its all fast food and shitposting.
It is the pdf for /OP/'s image.

does anyone else remember lucky stars? those origami stars made by gently tying paper? bc I've never heard anyone else acknowledge them and i think I'm going mad
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that's lovely.
Mandela Effect is at play. That is literally impossible in my time stream.
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man i love making those!
What's on your screen?

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hell freaking yeah this took about 2 days to make, im pretty proud of it
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We just can't quit this anime.
Happy New Year, anons!
Thanks anon for the papercraft
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This shit droves me insane. for last 3 hours i had been trying to make boots for chiyo and it droves me insane
sometimes i wish i was a bird
why are you speaking in english

Spot the differences!
(hint: it's really just a color change ;o)

Get the parts and instructioins to build your own free papercraft LEGO minifigs (and lots more!) from my papercraft webpage:

Have fun building!
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I’m honestly surprised that not all the masks are made into papercrafts yet - although I do understand that it’s quite a lot of work and can get a bit tedious after a few masks. So take your time and make sure it stays fun, it’s the only way to papercraft I think anyway! ;o)
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BIG boy
Hey, I remember him! :o)

But was he always so big...? It seems like he's closer now? :op

Majora's Mask is one of my absolute favorite games, so I had a lot of fun making the moon out of paper (instead of cheese I guess?). I hope you had fun building him too, he looks great!
ngl smoothest thing ive seen today
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Last week I:

1) Fixed all the broken image links on my webpage!
2) Paid for a Wordpress.com subscription so that my webpage doesn't show ads anymore
3) Got a personal domain name so that now my #papercraft webpage can also be reached using http://ninjatoes.com

The image fix didn't seem to stick though unfortunately, so I'm re-uploading and re-linking all the images again; I already re-did the homepage and some other pages and I'm working hard on the individual download posts, so hopefully everybody can enjoy my papercraft without any issues soon again!

Have fun building!

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Favorite Family Guy origami? Post templates.
heres one i made a few years ago
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Made this one a few years back to test my skills. Turned out ok.

golden venture folding is not origami. nice work though.

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I made this little puzzle box called a soma cube for my girlfriend for Christmas. I was going to make a little wooden box to put it in, wood burn something on it, and then wrap the box up for Christmas with a few other things I have since returned since, well, she broke up with me. I haven't made the wooden box yet, and I'm kind of lost on whether I should finish it up for the sake of completion or if I should just make a paper box and wrap it up just to sit on a shelf, maybe for someone else or the next girlfriend, or just to sit as a trinket.
Hey man, I’m new to this board but what you’ve made looks super cool. Even though your relationship isn’t still going, I think you should finish it and repurpose it for something new. Art is still art even without a recipient.

All the best to you Anon. Have a great day
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if you give it to a future girlfriend, do NOT tell her you made it for an ex lol.

that one is really cool with all the same color mine was a pain in the ass getting it to not look like a mess of random colors and i think ill give it to the one girl ive been talking to. She's also pretty crafty so i feel like she will appreciate it. Also, it perfectly fits inside a cube ~3x the size so I think im going to make a Christmas colored big cube instead of the white one i threw it in so it was locked up i think white red and green would be good
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well i think this is good :)

Does anybody have this model?
Or any Low Poly kind of model for a Toucan?
The only free ones you are going to find are on Cannon Creative Park


I've found this one.

There is more on https://paperzonevn.com/ but I dont have the Premium account to downloadt it.

Anybody have an premium account there?

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Is there a term for this type of 3D models? I love this one, I'm looking for more.
A lot of (animal) models are unfortunately too flat for my taste. I tried to google "3D animal origami" but I only got a bunch of tessellations/modular origami. Please recommend me some diagram/models to fold.
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Idk if there’s a term for it but David Brill makes some good animal models.
One of those flat models I meant. They look much better from the side.

What kind of paper plane is this?
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My uncle doesn’t have a dick
a wide one for gliding
that doesn't even look like a paper plane desu
It's called the Space Cruiser. I've had a book of paper airplane instructions since I was a kid and this one was always my favorite plane. The book says to hold it from the back and give it a push to fly it, but you can grab the triangle on either side and launch it straight up as hard as you can, and it'll glide down nice and easy.
If you do a little tiny crinkle on the flat part in the back you can get it to do some cool tricks too.
Same, I made hundreds of these as a kid

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I had something major planned this year during the summer but recent events have been making it seem more and more unlikely. In the meantime, I will make some stars each day until the time has come. Here’s the first ones.
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I'm sure everyone knows how these work but in case someone else sees this and wants to give it a try
what is the plan for summer?

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Hello, I would like to know if anyone knows anything about the user Chamoo323, a while ago I contacted Ninjatoes to see if he knows anything and he told me that before retiring he uploaded all his papercraft in a download file

Does somebody know anything about this?
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Excuse me, but does anyone know anything about this model of the Antlion from Half-Life 2?
I don't check this board much but damn that shit looks sick as hell
I found a old link to chamoo232_papercraft_collection.zip here: www.4shared_com/get/A_GeywWX/chamoo232_papercraft_collectio.html

Also uploaded it to Mega if you don't want to sign up to 4Shared
Just put . where _ is
Awesome share! Cheers mate!!!

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>Paperboots get smaller
You mean paper boats not boots.

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A thread for discussion and posting of anything related to sonobe, kusudama, bascetta, Chinese paperfolding and similar stuff.
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Here's a crease pattern for it. Only took me a few hours to figure out the model. I'd love to see yours when you finish
Filling my archives, the file seems gone. Mind reupping it?
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This model is odd because it requires tape to stay together (or glue)

by siun_kusudama
Rather I should say that tape makes the construction much easier. I think it might be possible without, but very difficult.

I know it's been 3 years, but I gotta point out how incredible it is to make this model, so cleanly, out of newsprint. Honestly wondering if it's photoshop.

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