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Link to Origami Library in Discord again:
We really need your contribution, please participate if you can
Haven't you fooled enough naive people and you need more people giving you free books?
Do you think they posted it so people could give them books? No, they join to exchange and find books, not just to donate
You're wrong.
Take a look and you will see that both LOSER and Spellbinding have not shared anything, and if you look closely, they are the creators of the group (if they are not the same person with two nicknames)
They only hope to receive "donations"
All of these in the screenshot are available at zhezhixueyuan without having to go to some crappy discord.
I am the character LOSER. And I'm here to correct that
First of all, this library was created in early 2024. And when people entered, there was already a large amount of books in there.
You should know that all the books in the VOG books section and the Creased section are shared by me
Shared or bought + shared? Big difference. Being able to find links and repost them doesn't make you a benefactor
I have only seen two people put something new and interesting in that group, and both have removed their links due to the selfishness of the group's creators.
I repeat that they seem like one person to me (LOSER and Spellbinding):
-Registration at the same time and day
-They share a drive where they "apparently" upload their contributions
-They have even put on the clown masks at the same time.

And now to make matters worse, they practice censorship. Yesterday there was a message from Camino criticizing the copying of the links that she had posted here and today that message is no longer there. Does it bother you that much that they criticize you?
I in particular have no problems, since I am interested in the files that Zarzalejos posted about the CDO, and he provided them to me by MP
>all the books in the VOG books section and the Creased section are shared by me
All stuff that's already available on the internet.
Anyone on tha whasup https://chat.whatsapp.com/I7KI066PQif7oPt5Yl1KZu
If you ignore the contribution issue, this is still a pretty good community
It sounds reasonable because they don't talk much :)))))))
Anyone gots the last 2 dragons from Chinese origami 2024. Thx
I have the whole book. I commented on a post about a possible exchange, but only one person responded. And in this "discord" there is a guy named "kindagami", who is the most nefarious, as long as he is there, I would never share anything
Ok, dont need all jus last 2. Ty for possible share
hi man, what is your discorg account ?
Yes I looking it
"Marine Origami" has just been shared here, please join quickly
Thank you my friend
Could you share this here? Please original size.
Marine Origami

Origami Butterfly

Collection Happy Folding

Origami SAOC Chinese New Year 2017-2024 full ( no 2023)
Already shared on 4chan. No Chinese New Year 2024 (with two complex dragons).
>Origami SAOC Chinese New Year 2017-2024 full ( no 2023)
No 2024 either. What you have there is 2024 Year Of The Loong, not the 2024 Chinese New Year book.
If you could please upload the rest of the Chinese one when you can ; )
He doesn't have it, otherwise it would be there.
Hiya! I'm looking to trade the African Penguin diagram from JOAS 34 for the Fenrir diagram from Between Folds 18. No, I don't have the full magazine, and yes that is the only thing I've got that's worth trading. Any takers?
As someone who has done a fair bit of searching on my own for uploaded scans, thank you. This is so much simpler.
Anyone got tantidan - korea 24, origami pros mythogy or tha sleepin cat Tx. Dat wasup kick out peeps
Not for you, we don't.
Not askin U yo
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does anyone know about this magazine which regularly has origami tutorial and article ?
>"Anyone" got tantidan - korea 24, origami pros mythogy or tha sleepin cat

You asked for "anyone", and I gave you an answer. Again, not for you, we don't, dumbass.
Told ya aint askin U Kid. If any1 else gots ups coo, na na
And I told you, no.
Ya aint gots nuffin so noon askin u daawg
In a nutshell, you're the one who "aint gots nuffin", because you're the only one that's always begging for everything (even when it hasn't been released yet).
Hate thread
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Not available yet. Only pre-order.
Who asked for this?
Hey! Any1 knows a japn site or any site where 2 BUY the JOAS34 mag, 2nd hand even? I really dont want 2 buy a susbscription much less a membership.
Nope, and since it's brand new, you're not going to find it second hand right now either.
Why don't you offer money for a scan?
The subscription that offers that issue is

13500 Jpy so about 90 USD.
There's 6 magazines, 1 special and like 2 extras.

Make an offer accordingly.
Sometimes these things show up way later on Yahoo Auctions or ocassionally ebay. Yahoo Auctions is a pain to buy from outside Japan, but there are forwarding services to other countries.

Honestly just paying for a membership is probably the cheapest and easiest way to get a copy until someone posts a scan.

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