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i finished this nico figure yesterday and her right leg needs some support, but i dont know what i could use as a stand, if u have any ideas i would appreciate it
I'd have put some weight (and maybe some wire armature) in her left leg. But you could just make another paper support for it.
yeah you could just use a glued rolled up paper tube cut to size
bro i like it so much
thank you!
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so i managed to do it in the end i filled up her left leg with cotton and i put a wooden stick inside. also put a little coin inside her basket for her to lean in the right side
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also the ankle looks butchered but i guess its a lesson to print the legs on a thicker paper next time since it supports the whole figure
>nico figure
Noice build congrats. :3
What's that thing she's leaning on?
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a fan haha
how long did this take? do you have a picture of what it looks like before you started folding/cutting
I don't know anything about papercraft but this is really cool. I didn't realize you could do something like this.
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what do you mean? like the sheets of paper before getting cut?
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took me like 4days max
wow anon look at that
I could easily make that. I just came to this board and is this a joke?
my cute wife
show me ur talent anon ;3
Awesome character, awesome figure

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