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File: penguin-origami.jpg (238 KB, 1920x1080)
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Is there a term for this type of 3D models? I love this one, I'm looking for more.
A lot of (animal) models are unfortunately too flat for my taste. I tried to google "3D animal origami" but I only got a bunch of tessellations/modular origami. Please recommend me some diagram/models to fold.
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More of what I'm talking about. Both are on youtube.
"Origami with Jo Nakashima" on youtube has some good tutorials like these. I'm not sure if there is a term/name for them or not since I think it is more about the style the artist uses when designing the patterns rather than them being inside a specific "category". Try searching for "standing animal origami" or "realistic origami". Good luck!
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The penguin model is from that youtuber. Unfortunately I couldn't find anything else I want to fold on his channel. This penguin is my favorite from his work.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=yvv3yrlRA5Y [Embed]
>>617743 (OP)
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Idk if there’s a term for it but David Brill makes some good animal models.
One of those flat models I meant. They look much better from the side.
>>617743 (OP)
i would call these shell models but idk if that means anything to anyone else
Not really.
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ahh. yeah, i tried googling different terms and there doesn't seem to be a name for these sort of husk-like models. i'm not sure if this fits what you're after, but i've always been fond of Anibal Voyer's ghost model
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q0tLjyoC_7c [Embed]
3d print the 2d image.

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