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hello, can anyone help me to convert pdo to pdf?.
i found the nilou character pdo but i have a hard time accessing the fdo file because it's too big and besides i don't have a pc.
please help guys!
Sure, drop the file.
I don't know if there are online tools for this, but I'd use poppler-cmd on PC.
Ok,you can find the file in this link
File: Nilou-Juntay81.pdf (7.35 MB, PDF)
7.35 MB
7.35 MB PDF
Here, but there are no instructions for it.
oh right, sorry I was wrong.
it's really hard to find free premium papercraft hehe:)
sorry to have troubled you!
This is not a premium papercraft, it's a cheap copy of the character and not even posed like in the picture, which is from S.V. The papercraft you have here is a shitty craft that isn't even unfolded the right way, has too many pieces, is too complicated and not reduced, the parts are not even attached together, and the flaps are all wrong. It's a cheat, shit copy that is uesless, because it can't even be assembled, since it's so shittily made. Sorry to dissapoint, but this papercraft is pure crap and I can guarantee nobody is going to make this, since it's a shit model anyway. That's why S.V. is worth money for her work, because the thing is actually buildable and looks gorgeous, and the one from VN is just pure shit.
You wouldn't know your own ass from a hole in the ground, so your shitty attitude wouldn't know anything about papercraft either.
Imagine >>612057 knowing what the fuck they're talking about and you coming in here like some piss ass baby. SV is worth what they charge because their shit is good, he's right too the file from VN is a shitty knockoff, different pose, fucked tabs, and a shitty copy that again isnt even unfolded that well.
Imagine the designer of this file >>612053 not even building their own models because it's so poorly designed.
If I really gave a shit about papercraft, I would take offense to your bullshit insults and your whining about what's a knockoff of some other papercraft dolly, but I don't. You people can just keep playing with your little paper toy dolls all you want. You probably play dress-up like them too, but that's your business.
BTW, I'm not OP. OP asked someone to help turn the pdo into pdf, so I helped out, miss Piggy.
Good luck assembling this "masterpiece of a badly posed directy model ripped from the game! I can't wait to see how the fuck you are going to assemble this trainwreck, because "I have no idea what I'm talking" 'bout. Make my day basedboy
I never had any plans of assembling this shit. I hate papercraft. I just converted the pdo into a pdf file to help out like OP politely asked anyone to do. I don't play with dolls, asswipe.
YET, you comment on shit you have 0 knowledge about, stirring up shit for nothing and talking about doll-playing retards which we all know is a weakpoint of yourself to even mention it and think about it... damn, is that neo-vagina not working for you? You will never be a real woman, just deal with your metal retardedness already. But please, not on here, nobody cares
You must care to be running your shit foul-smelling mouth, sticking your butt sniffing nose in place it doesn't belong. Why don't you try minding your own fucking business every once in a while, and there wouldn't be near as much controversy in here. You cheesy ass bitches always want to call other people retarded when you should be looking into a mirror and saying that shit to yourselves.
Oh, btw, I do have plenty of knowledge in papercraft and how to assemble the little pieces, but I still don't like it.
Are you supposed to be some kind of self-proclaimed mediator with your little 4chan police badge at the end of your little speech?
thanks for the explanation and advice from all of you. here I am still a beginner about papercraft so forgive my mistakes, so in conclusion to get a papercraft model we have to buy from the original designer (s.v). That way we can support and motivate his work
That's apparently what all the advertisers for SV are trying to say.
/po/ is usually a shit show anyway
its mostly that VN is full of fake and stolen hings, not to say there arent good papercrafts n the website, just that this specific one is a shitty remake.
Still never gonna be a real woman, deal with it tranny
SV Made a lot of free models..that nilou is paid but there are others thats as good and free..
You don't know what I am, you dumbfuck. You come up with the stupidest shit to say. You must really be retarded.
Still not a woman, sorry to hurt your tranny feelings. Keep it coming btw, I love this rage on here of all the retarded people that don't know how to shut the fuck up, that's why I'll never leave
You're really not hurting anyone's feelings, and btw, you're the one who won't shut the fuck up. That's why you'll never leave. On a final note, I have no intentions of every being a woman, and if I did, I would be a hell of a lot better looking than that gutter-trash ass-sniffing mommy of yours.
Ahhh tranny, it just won't work, even if they cut up that micro-pp, your are never gonna be a real woman. Sorry, not sorry.
OK, thanks for the info.
Np, anytime tranny
You are absolutely fixed on tranny, aren't you?
Are you sure you're not one, and sorry you did it, so you're taking it out on others? That's sometimes the case when people make stupid decisions they wish they hadn't. But anyway, good luck in the future and have a great day.
No many times you deflect the facts, you are still no real woman. Really, it's getting old
But this non real women loves you.
Thank you, it still doesn't make your micro-pp into a vagina. Real women don't have pps. Sad.
File: Nilou-2.pdf (813 KB, PDF)
813 KB
813 KB PDF
Do not fight, there must be peace and calm. Here I leave Nilou:
File: Nilou-4.pdf (434 KB, PDF)
434 KB
434 KB PDF
File: Nilou-6.pdf (1 MB, PDF)
1 MB
File: 2-1.png (393 KB, 1654x2339)
393 KB
393 KB PNG
Do you have more? Pls share i wanna make it
Don't fall for this obvious trap, have some dignity. Obvy it was a provocative posts not meant for sharing but stirring up shit on here for the 1000x time
This is PO. People do not want to pay for things.
thats why no one gets much anymore, creators dont want people sharing designs to thousands for free when they charge a measly 11 bucks for it.

po itself is ruining the craft
Do these so called creators send royalties to the original creators of the designs they create? Do they even get permission to create these designs they create from the original creator? If not, then they are thieves, and shouldn't be charging anything for them in the first place.
creators like sv usually gets permission, idk about guys like youlingke tho.
specifically, genshin doesn't really mind.
she looks attractive
boy that looks good.

But if you are looking for a pdf converter,try "adobe acrobat".I pray it works.I never heard until this day about "pdo" format and this caught me offguard.Also anon,could you please send me the "pdo" please?Maybe I can print it.Please...preety please.
pdo can be opened by pepakura viewer app on pc.
that app can print it to pdf
can't find pepakura viewer on their website
that is designer not viewer
are they gatekeeping and excluding builders who are not papercraft designers?
and this won't directly install on my mac, linux test machine, or smartphone. gatekeeping against anyone not on winblows?
i'm starting to wonder why anyone would ever use this thing.
cos its the one that works?
The download includes both the Designer version and the Viewer version nowadays. Search Paper-Maker and you'll find a website where you can open PDO files in your browser without having to install anything. You will have to make an acoount I think.
Cambio el papercraft de MarĂ­n hololive por el papercraft nilou
Hello, I would like to know if anyone has the instructions for Hatsune Miku 5th Anniversary Symphony

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