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A thread for discussion and posting of anything related to sonobe, kusudama, bascetta, Chinese paperfolding and similar stuff.
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Good morning! Hope this thread last a while
My humble collection
Do you have the book with the open frame cube? I had it a while ago, but lost it
How many inits did it take to make the menger sponge?
I like the colorplay on the middle star
>open frame cube
not sure which you're referring to

don't have a diagram, saw a pic of it and messed around till I had a product, the color pattern is also my own but I don't have a diagram anymore. Unit is very similar to a Phizz unit. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NlcMwXUqmuI with slight modification you can use these units to make a cube. once you have that you can make the sponge.
The rainbow cube ring
no book but hope this helps https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M_cvstgolHQ
I'm looking for Origami Sin Fronteras by Aldos Marcell and Vera Young. Anyone?

There you go:

Origami Sin Fronteras - Aldos Marcell & Vera Young


You may want to check the "origami books" thread now and then, I'm trying to share my collection little by little everyday, so you might find something cool there
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I made this Bascetta Star out of 2"x2" paper.
Pen's for size comparison.

Well done Anon.


There is some of chinese origami, a compilation of Mikiller觅晨 designs, took them from Zhezhixueyuan before site shutdown, hope you guys enjoy. The .txt files are his own words/posts on the chinese dragon, some tips how to fold it better, I just did not translated it.

Good afternoon. Does anyone have this book?
This is by far the best modular origami book i have, ask if you want more
beautiful collection man, and I love the color choices. Idk if the other anon asking about the diagrams was curious about the same model, I'm wondering if you have a diagram for the colourful ring next to the rainbow cube ring (the one mentioned here >>587339), the big circle thingy. Looks amazing.

seconding as well, the models look really really neato ಥ ͜ʖಥ

also wanted to share a pdf that got me started with modular origami but it exceeds the 8mb upload size
is there a good file sharing website without needing to make an account?

Mediafire.com can upload without account , file lasts for 14 days

1fichier.com same thing
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Does anyone have this book's full version? All the pdf's i found are from page 9 onwards, but the diagrams for the cube units are on page 8, so I can't find nor make them. Even youtube doesn't have a video tutorial specifically for tomoko fuse's cube so I'm at a loss. I know they may be quite basic but I can't figure out how to make them.
Torus (360 PHiZZ) tutorial. English subs available.

Don't have a full version, but it is also described in "Multidimensional Transformations Unit Origami" on page 176/177.
Pages 6-8 are at the end of the book.
The tutorial is much appreciated, I've never heard of PHiZZ units before, should be fun

thanks! I haven't downloaded it yet so I couldn't check, but I'll do so now

oh man, whooooops
I decided I'd do them from easiest to hardest so I didn't even think to check at the very end of the book. Thanks a lot for letting me know!
I have a slightly better version. But it still missing about 10 pages...
And here is a full book in great quality
Great, Thank you!
Hi, i'm looking for diagram argentum kusudama (by Maria Sinayskaya) and antares kusudama (by Vladimir Frolov). Anyone can help? Thank you
I'm searching this one for long time. Thank you very much
Sorry if this isn't allowed, I haven't been to /po/ in donkey years, I'm looking for diagrams for this thing:
>>591052 https://origamiusa.org/catalog/products/compound-dodecahedron-and-great-dodecahedron-pdf

I'm not into this kind of origami so I won't purchase them
Well, damn, I don't wanna pay for that. Must keep looking.
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does anyone have this book to share?
no, and that's not modular origami either
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little late but its a slow thread anyway
thanks a lot, that's gonna help a lot with the planning of the color scheme
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I made these a while back, used 5x5 cm paper
Those are very clean.
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What's the name of this model?
Does anybody have Ekaterina Lukasheva's books to share?
tengo 3 con gustolos comparto
es un pinche sample
Damn, all three are samples
mira no se como cargarlos pues tienen mas de 8 megas
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Great Tutorial.
I used 9cm Paper, cause I couldn't find anything else. Took about a week and was really fun.

pixel-art Darth Vader

Thank you! I'm glad you could finish it ^^
any one have a nice book for these modular origami?
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6 intersecting squares
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Resurrecting this thread for the new year
That's an original model, I'm calling it the Snapping Turtle
Do any of you have any wips or recently finished pieces
That amazing anon!!!
What're some models I should fold if I've got a ton of sticky notes?
i want to make as big modular origami as i can, any blueprints?
What exactly do you mean by blueprints? If you mean folding diagrams, then download any of the pdfs in this thread. If you mean an overall plan of how the project will come together, then you need to consider size and material.
>as big as i can
is pretty vague. The largest (origami) paper I can find in stores is 35cm, but the length will likely exceed that on the finished model.
Trying fora long time to find this one. If anyone has it, please share.
I wish I was autistic enough to bear cutting the paper into those insane ratios. Honestly the biggest filter for me
Atleast for the original F.I.T. model, dollar bills are almost perfect. The slight oversize makes the fitment rather sturdy.
Not American so that trick doesn't work - but I have made F.I.T a good number of times, and a few other wireframes like 10 intersecting triangles and Makalu. But they all have a) not too many units and b) are easy ratios like 1:3 and 1:4 etc. Not some madness like 1.1354453:5.51123121 or whatever bonkers ratios some models require
hi there, the proportion in the dollar bill its 1:(sqrt(2) -1)

you can always grab an A4 paper and make an square. the left paper has that proportion
Thanks for he tip, but like I said before, I have made FIT before
hey guys, when i was a kid, i used to do lots of modular origami. i could find instructions for all the models i could ever want to make online.

but now, it seems like they're all gone. can i still find them for free or do i need to start paying up cash for books?
a lot of the images in this thread end in .pdf, you can open them to get the whole book
Recently completed this out of sonobe units! Simple, a bit fragile and wonky, but lots of pieces. Looking for good models to make out of the rest of the ~100 units in my calendar.
This looks really nice anon
How many units is that? By my count/estimate I'm getting 264 or 288.
I never really like square builds for sonobes, but your folds and assembly are very clean. Well done
Thank you anons. I believe it took a total of 168 units if my math is correct. it's not very visible due to the angle I took the picture, but this is essentially a 3-d "#" symbol.

I will admit that I used tape on some of the interior joints so that it stays together -- this is living in my office, so I don't want a curious coworker feeling bad for it falling apart if they pick it up!

To calculate the number of Sonobe units in a given model, I usually just count the number of right triangular "faces", i.e. where the unit fits into another. Each unit has exactly two, and as long as every "pocket" is filled, each right triangular face counts for 1/2 of a unit. Each square face counts for 1 unit.

If I had to do it again, I would use a sonobe variation instead so that the units fit together more tightly, but I used simple units so that the sudoku puzzles would be more visible.
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The two short answers are 1. experiment and 2. flickr
1. While some things are designed with certain configurations in mind, most kusudama (and especially sonobes) can fit together in a variety of different unit configurations. So the easiest thing before you invest in a project is to consider how many units make up one face or vertex and see how they look together.
2. Flickr has a great origami community and is a good starting point to look for inspiration and often times artist will have instructions or cps for their models. Also with practice you can figure out how to reverse engineer models from pictures and notes about the model.
picrel: https://flic.kr/p/2mbMt8f 90 unit sonobe dodecahedron. most any sonobe will do.
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Man this is a fast moving board.

Anyways I'm slowly adding to my collection.
Very beautiful anon! How did you manage to hold together that pseudo-Sierpinski cube? It seems to hold its shape very well. Are those sonobes?

Also, do you have instructions for the three kusudamas in the bottom middle (dodecahedron and 20/12(?) pointed stars)?
Does anyone have Sinayskaya diagrams?
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Thanks anon!
The menger sponge I got from here: http://origami.barcodebattler.co.uk/l1.htm

It's pretty sturdy, but it's mostly held together by compression, unlike the Torus >>590355 which you can pick up and throw around without it falling apart.
The main issue with the cube is that it's only really stable once it's fully complete so it's quite easy to fuck it up during construction.
only 12 units for this one
/po/ is such a slow moving board.
This thread has been going for years!
But what a cool thing to do with paper.
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my first completed modular of any decent size! underestimated how difficult the last few units would be.
Made a flexiball a while back and had to glue the units together in the end, otherwise it would just fall apart. Also had to reassemble it a couple of times because I'm a dumbass and don't know how to follow instructions. One thing I learned from this is I probably shouldn't deviate from the instruction in terms of color/pattern because it makes the process so much harder for me.
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really pleased with this one!
What paper is good for modular origami? Is there something I should pay attention to while deciding?
My collection so far using the pdf's posted here, also working on a 2nd iteration sierpinski cube but ran out of paper
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I found more paper
some really awesome models showing up in this thread. good work anons.
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Just finished it. 220 strips.
wooow so clean
very beautiful!
very impressing!!
did you use "normal" gramature paper? (75g/m2)
dirty deeds done dirt cheap
I have the physical copy but idk how to digitize it
Amazing!!! Smart idea chaining them up like that
There is a full version already
I meant to delete that when i went over the thread again but don't know how
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Anyone have diagram starline by Uniya Filonova?
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Here's a crease pattern for it. Only took me a few hours to figure out the model. I'd love to see yours when you finish
Filling my archives, the file seems gone. Mind reupping it?
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This model is odd because it requires tape to stay together (or glue)

by siun_kusudama
Rather I should say that tape makes the construction much easier. I think it might be possible without, but very difficult.

I know it's been 3 years, but I gotta point out how incredible it is to make this model, so cleanly, out of newsprint. Honestly wondering if it's photoshop.

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