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/po/ - Papercraft & Origami

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Is it possible to create a highly detailed 1:64 papercraft car?
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>>602191 (OP)
i doubt it, its like a small low poly model, the secret is on the texturing
Where can I get that model?
i think i found it
>>602191 (OP)
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This is my first time on this board and the first origami I did, it was fun and could be worse ^_^
It's better than my first papercraft and I've done very little more than you. Watch out for the more hardcore fellows that might be upset at you for calling it an origami (formally origami only requires folding, no cutting and glueing)
Not highly detailed but i thought i'd share some neat papercraft car models

is this board fucking real what the fuck kek
fuck off pleb this board is for patricians only
>>602191 (OP)
Of course it is
Is there a delorean or a volvo 240? Also maybe a w203 mercedes wagon?
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Speaking of papercraft cars, someone have these for share?
Thanks in advance for any help provided
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who knows, i messaged the guy on facebook since his website doesnt have a way to download, ill return if I find anything out
messaged the due on fb and he sells the models, he has a FB link in his profile if you go to it he messages back on the weekends only apparently, he doesnt speak english so youll have to use a spanish translator
the three of them would be $36 total
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Some guy converted every car from old sci-fi racing game into papercraft, I know nothing about the game, but designs are quite varied, at least.
From genuinely weirdly shaped space cars, to small clown car with gritty color scheme put on top of it.
This is awesome
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I came up with this first attempt at work
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Heres the sheet, there are probably better ways to improve the design
>>619666 →
posted the color version in 667 but it got deleted
keep in mind it's not tested yet
Hi, new to this board, normally from /o/
Recently I found out Toyota had a little collab with Shin Tanaka, a papercraft artist
the problem is, this was years ago for a car collection that is now discontinued, the app is also not on the app store either

I happen to own one of these cars still and I would love to print out the design and put it on my dash
I saw some on ebay but those are a bit price, and honestly I'd rather not pay for something I can print myself

Anybody know if there's a PSD of the tC version somewhere?
Specifically the red one, since its the exact car I have
can you download it? Then how do you print it, regular print on a A4 shiet of paper?
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yes, i just downloaded one
is that paper really?
How to make a paper car | Tutorial - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kTTcOf8hy4E [Embed]
My browser says the site certificate has expired, damn this board is slow.

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