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File: 20220417_144846.jpg (2.07 MB, 4032x3024)
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From the Edo, Meiji or Taisho periods. Here my own attempts at paper models from over 200 years ago.
File: 20220417_144743.jpg (1.47 MB, 4032x1890)
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Another one.
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and here are the original prints:
There should be a movie made with these
These look really cool !
This is awesome!

I love it!
I really like this one. I going to try to do it sometime in the future.
Didn't even know this was a thing, thank you for sharing these, anon! Hope you make & post more!
These look REALLY neat; thank you for the find, Anon!
Cool. Thanks anon, these look great.
These look REALLY neat; thank you for the find, Anon!
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As I said 3 months ago, here it is.
thank you OP for sharing these!
Do you know if these models have a particular name in Japanese? I would love to research them.
Those are very nice. Makes me think that doing something similar with one's own drawings would be very rewarding.
These are called Tatebanko in Japanese,
honestly pretty fucking cute that people actually use this board, i was just expecting porn and shitposts but this is wholesome and impressive AF
Janitors are pretty good about cleaning up shitposts here
We mostly get dumb people from /pol/ misposting here
love the japan culture in art.
Has anyone got any more of these? Specifically very old ones like OP
If you haven't found it yet, here it is a nice one:
kind of like Violence Voyager (2018)!
That's really good anon, maybe I should attempt one of the other templates myself.
looks good but try painting with watercolors
These are awesome! Consider taking it to another level by putting maybe a black card stock on the cardboard or even start on black posterboard!

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