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Favorite Family Guy origami? Post templates.
heres one i made a few years ago
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Made this one a few years back to test my skills. Turned out ok.

golden venture folding is not origami. nice work though.
how would you go about making a quagmire that can move his head back and forth?

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Hello, I would like to know if anyone knows anything about the user Chamoo323, a while ago I contacted Ninjatoes to see if he knows anything and he told me that before retiring he uploaded all his papercraft in a download file

Does somebody know anything about this?
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Awesome share! Cheers mate!!!
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His stuff was legendary
That one was Gollum999

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Papercraft with additional / alternate materials, aluminum, wire...
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I made this for the girl who cuts my hair
What is she, the mothman or something?
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no, admittedly I didn't have any plan when I started and the wings were an afterthought. she just told me she wanted a pink one and I found a pink shirt with a leopard print at goodwill so I went with that. my hairstylist is a derpy hippy chick so I thought butterfly?
I mean, it's a great craf and all, but damn, the shape of the eyes and the color-sheme, it's just so mothman-like, I dunno. Nice work in any case, looks like a lot of handywork and thought were put into it
Well shit. I guess i should make the mothman now

Does anybody have this model?
Or any Low Poly kind of model for a Toucan?
The only free ones you are going to find are on Cannon Creative Park


I've found this one.

There is more on https://paperzonevn.com/ but I dont have the Premium account to downloadt it.

Anybody have an premium account there?

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First edition of the Paper Cutting General

Post your tips, ressources, tricks, and inspiration for your papercutting creations !
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This would be sick to figure out on my cricut
I feel pain in my hand just looking at this but it's really pretty.
Can I ask about cricut from here? My brother has one and I can use it too, been thinking about making one of these panorama things. Is there a wiki or library of cricut files somewhere just like there is papercrafts wiki? I found some websites already but even the paid files are very "love live laugh" or "jesus is life" style of crafts. I want to make something that´s not targeted towards moms.
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It's not hard to do by hand and much more satisfying than using cricut. Print your design, tape it to cardstock and cut through both layers with an exacto knife. It's pretty relaxing.
I'm guessing this is being done with a scalpel although it wouldn't be too hard to make a die.

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How do you make your figures have more consistency? I have thought about resin but I don't know if it is a good option for paper. What method do you use?
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It is from this video
White glue.
It depends on the paper, but resin can work fine too.
I know of people using colorless nail varnish/polish.
Anyway, best bet is to use a little piece of the paper you intend to use, fold a simple model (traditional crane, for example), and cover it with the stuff of your choice and see if it crumble apart, or stay in shape and harden, or any other result.
Hairspray is the cheapest option.
However there are various types of paints that I use for luthier work that also are viable.
You could unironically do a paint spray.
However it would have to be extremely thin and from a distance.
Doing this twice on each side would be enough to ensure it is permanently held this way.
However depending on paper the plant oils would be too wet.

does anyone else remember lucky stars? those origami stars made by gently tying paper? bc I've never heard anyone else acknowledge them and i think I'm going mad
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man i love making those!
What's on your screen?
Wow my cousin in singapore used to make these
damn, that's gorgeous presentation. is there a second sphere inside that keeps the stars pressed against the clear sphere? it turned out really cool
I can really see these as the type of thing I'd get absolutely obsessed with and make thousands of but I've got clinically bad fine motor skills :((( I shall admire them from afar

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I have these books from NOA for 1-100

3,5,17-19,22,47,49,51,53,58,61-63,66,68,70-72,80-so on

Looking to trade with anyone who has NOA 533 and up or ones that I am missing from 1-100
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>Want examples of the others?
You're gutless, and don't have the cojones.
>Don't talk nonsense.
It isn't nonsense, they do not exist.

>All of these are available on some private forums.
That's where you're wrong.
Unfortunately, you're never going to finish this list.
Well that's of course obvious. It's nice to have the ones that were gently shared, the models are nice to teach kids.

Spot the differences!
(hint: it's really just a color change ;o)

Get the parts and instructioins to build your own free papercraft LEGO minifigs (and lots more!) from my papercraft webpage:

Have fun building!
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BIG boy
Hey, I remember him! :o)

But was he always so big...? It seems like he's closer now? :op

Majora's Mask is one of my absolute favorite games, so I had a lot of fun making the moon out of paper (instead of cheese I guess?). I hope you had fun building him too, he looks great!
ngl smoothest thing ive seen today
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Last week I:

1) Fixed all the broken image links on my webpage!
2) Paid for a Wordpress.com subscription so that my webpage doesn't show ads anymore
3) Got a personal domain name so that now my #papercraft webpage can also be reached using http://ninjatoes.com

The image fix didn't seem to stick though unfortunately, so I'm re-uploading and re-linking all the images again; I already re-did the homepage and some other pages and I'm working hard on the individual download posts, so hopefully everybody can enjoy my papercraft without any issues soon again!

Have fun building!
I founded this on Twinkid.
Any one has a copy of this lego?

I have been looking forever for this file. Can someone plz just upload the pdf to Google drive or comment the link where I can find the instructions for this?
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Idk which is which but i emailed Tez back
have you tried leaving the third world ?
have you tried telling your mommy you don't want to live in her basement anymore and keep feeding on her breasmilk every day for 30 years now?
Lifesavers, thanks for the templates!!

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Has anyone used just paper to make terrain pieces for their wargame, sort of like pop up sets like pic related?
I have, a long long time ago during my youth when 3D printers were science fiction and I had even less money than I do now. I remeber making foldable terrain for easy storage. Worked pretty good. The easiest is to make box terrain tho.

Paper figurines are also a thing.
Yes, there are a handful of people publishing war game and rpg papercraft. It's a shame it's not more popular as it has some advantages over 3d printing.
You'll be wanting this stuff:
Yes but DND maps

I had a question but none of the existing threads are really too relevant so I thought making a general help thread from the get-go (beyond what’s in the welcome thread) would be good so even if my question gets answered the thread can be used for other people’s questions

I’m making a papercraft where I want to paint part of it gold for some extra pop, but I want neat and clean lines. I’ve seen a lot of artists use washi tape to do this in their art and I want something similar, but I have inkjet prints and don’t want any of the ink to lift up. Any tape recommendations? Or possibly other techniques? I’ve done some googling but I don’t wanna take my chances with buying a ton of tape just to test it.
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Your finna seethe though
Have you tried using gold paper??
I'm stuck on step 13 of Robert Lang's crab from "Origami Zoo". Pic related.
I also don't know how that fucking triangle in the middle exists suddenly. It makes no sense whatsoever.
Never mind, I figured it out. I think he left out an important part of these steps. The triangle in the middle was the key for what I was doing wrong. I KNEW I had done everything correct up to this point, so it was just about figuring out what I missed.
some sites you use to find templates? im a begginer

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Today I've found out about the latest tanteidan issue. It has steps for the mosquito on the cover, I would love to fold it. A digital release is not available and single issues can't be purchased; to get the magazine I would need to buy a yearly subscription. Moreover shipments from Japan can take up to three months in my experience. If anyone has a copy I would gladly pay for a scan with Paypal, thank you.
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Yo, were the otha thread go, why you always disapearin
Good question
What other thread?
Thread about OTM 204 that no one wants to share.
Thanks for the Shares

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When I was 10 yo, I got an amazing origami book where I learned about origami "purism" philosophy - always using only one square sheet of paper, no cuts and no glue. What do you think about those self-imposed limitations for aesthetic reasons?
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For a while I was kinda into the restrictions, but these days, I've started thinking they can encourage crappy design. I'm more and more annoyed by over complicated box pleated designs that try to jam a bunch of shit into the model, with no real redeeming features other than masochistic complexity.

Compare that to, say, the recent 2 piece Kyohei Katsuya designs. To me, his puffin or chicken make for much better origami than some super complex box pleat where you're just spending hours folding grids.

There's an appeal to pure origami, but it's disappointing when it leads to designers ignoring folding sequences. When "one square, no cuts" becomes mostly an avenue for making models that are impressive to non-folders, I think it starts getting lame. The point here is to make stuff that's fun to fold, you know?
Hot take but I just learned about box pleating a few days ago and I think it's autistic a.f., and I much prefer simple organic designs

Like yeah complex designs can be cool but I think once you start bringing computer software into it then a lot of the magic is lost
I don't necessarily stick to squares, though that is useful for standardization. No matter the size of the square, it's still a square to the folds will just produce a final product of different sizes.

I've never done anything with a cut but I suppose I would be open to the idea. I guess I have a preference for no cuts? 100% against glue or other outside physical ways of holding shapes or forming paper. At that point it's not origami anymore, it's just a craft project.
All the complex origami models I've seen start with a square paper. Are there any complex models that start with a non square base? I think Satoshi Kamiya's eagle ray has a version starting with rectangular base to get a longer tail.
I guess there's Lang's cuckoo clock. Also Maekawa has a couple books of models from 1:sqrt(2) rectangles. though I guess they aren't super complicated designs

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What do you think?
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Let's see Paul Allen's money origami
Its a cool flex
it makes me think of ryan gosling... lovely!!
Waste of perfectly good money.
one time, i was serving on the worst shift of my life. i hope you know that posts like yours help make days brighter. i had received a tip as a little suit, and it still lives to this day in my display. stay you, do this if you want a wife.

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