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Made with ow's 60 degree unit
pretty cool man
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>pretty cool man

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How do you make your figures have more consistency? I have thought about resin but I don't know if it is a good option for paper. What method do you use?

Do u have instructions for the wyvern/dragon or is it custom?

It is from this video

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alguien me puede colaborar cargando este libro por favor
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I already told you once that any language is welcome in here. Learn to use Google translate.
Thats not really true. If you speak latinamerican spanish, people from Spain and other countries can understand you, unless you make the effort to use every local word you can think of, or the other persone doesnt "want" to understand you,
no comprende
"Piñata art" Using newspapers and cardboard as a base, colored paper on the outside.

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Just here to flex I got my shipment from Taobao
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Hahaha faggot
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That's pretty nice. I only got pic related after all these years.

Can order things for you
I would only buy tutorials from Taobao
If you stumble across an origami tutorial on Taobao post the page here

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Behold, anons.
Some esoteric Russian origami and papercrafts.
Dated 2005, but I believe this is the fourth edition. Original is from 90s.
This particular one is for children, but I know I have a more "advanced" one laying around somewhere.

We tend to use paper in a very functional manner in Russia, so it's interesting to see some of the more "practical" designs (from napkin-folding patterns to making a paper cup for sunflower seeds / measuring grains), to making drinking vessels.

Here is one of the designs for a Christmas ornament - "fae".

Lots of "playable" papercrafts too - sailboats you can blow on to hover over your table, floating boats to send in streams, and many flying toys.

Paper-folding in Russia has a rich history stemming from the use of birch bark folded into various containers and cooking implements.
Because of the physics of boiling water absorbing heat, these were used for cooking soups and sterilizing stream water without any damage to the birch bark.
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Glad it's not russian cursive, ain't nobody able to read that shit.
Anon you forgot to post it.
fuck you, faggot
slava keef

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Ive done some basic stuff and i want to learn more advanced stuff in origami as a project. What books are good for that?
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this so much.
I didn't have good experience with this book. The theory is nice, teaching techniques and essential ideas in progressively more complex models.
But a lot of the models, in my experience, even simpler ones can be too disappointing/challenging. I mean this book is supposedly written for beginners.
I just checked gilad page, reviewing from memory:
1. squirrel - the example photo and the one in diagram is different, so your result won't look the same as Jun Maekawa's
2. box - "locks" and bullshit don't work. I honestly have no idea how to make this properly without glue
3. spiral shell - good luck making everything aligned
4. giraffe - I really dislike this one, dunno, the fact you fold the back and hide it behind really annoys me
5. helmet - good luck making this stand, even gilad couldn't do it, fuck this model seriously
I think I dropped the book a few models after this. I kept hitting problems that I blame on subpar models.
I decided just to fold stuffs I find interesting from /po/. Not following Maekawa's curriculum. I'm much happier now. I just don't think the book is good recommendation for beginners.
John Montroll's Teach Yourself Origami's first half has all of the essential models they used to teach in schools.
Try to follow this plan to become a successful folder . 1 .Sonobe .2 . Kusudama .3 tessellation .These are good because very repetitive folds practice makes foolproof and you can use glue for assembly
Then 4 .Beetle . 5 .Fish . 6 .Spider .7 scorpion
8 . Butterfly two colours .
9 .Bee two colours
Then try some simple characters .
After that you should be familiar enough with diagrams and precrease to attempt more complex models such as birds dragons .
Start with Alex Jones the Great Reset. You will be doing a lot of folding for the NWO.
wrong board, scipo

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Has anyone used just paper to make terrain pieces for their wargame, sort of like pop up sets like pic related?
I have, a long long time ago during my youth when 3D printers were science fiction and I had even less money than I do now. I remeber making foldable terrain for easy storage. Worked pretty good. The easiest is to make box terrain tho.

Paper figurines are also a thing.
Yes, there are a handful of people publishing war game and rpg papercraft. It's a shame it's not more popular as it has some advantages over 3d printing.
You'll be wanting this stuff:

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There used to be a site called Bladerunner Unicorn that had a diagram from Kenneth Thompson. Site seems to be gone, but I was able to find images of the diagram, putting up here in thanks for all the cool stuff I've found on this board.
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Yamada Katsuhisa.
Imai Yudai.
I also saved the diagrams from Kens website, here's Gaffs Chicken. I think you can still find these on Pinterest too.
The website no longer exists, but it is easily located in the web archive:
I never thought to check wayback machine. Thank you for the link.

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does anyone have and can share the diagram of this parrot, I think it's in NOA magazine 5, but I can't find that book anywhere.
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Cute it’s a parrot <3
what species of parrots is that
twoji mamu
People with this hobby are usually mentally ill and have memory problems.
Imo, don't look for specific model. Just fold what you found and like.

I had a question but none of the existing threads are really too relevant so I thought making a general help thread from the get-go (beyond what’s in the welcome thread) would be good so even if my question gets answered the thread can be used for other people’s questions

I’m making a papercraft where I want to paint part of it gold for some extra pop, but I want neat and clean lines. I’ve seen a lot of artists use washi tape to do this in their art and I want something similar, but I have inkjet prints and don’t want any of the ink to lift up. Any tape recommendations? Or possibly other techniques? I’ve done some googling but I don’t wanna take my chances with buying a ton of tape just to test it.
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Bilibili and NicoNico both video anime type apps have alot of paper craft videos
Your finna seethe though
Have you tried using gold paper??
I'm stuck on step 13 of Robert Lang's crab from "Origami Zoo". Pic related.
I also don't know how that fucking triangle in the middle exists suddenly. It makes no sense whatsoever.
Never mind, I figured it out. I think he left out an important part of these steps. The triangle in the middle was the key for what I was doing wrong. I KNEW I had done everything correct up to this point, so it was just about figuring out what I missed.

I currently have a group dedicated to finding and posting Origami books on Discord. do you want join?
Invitation link: https://discord.gg/JC65pEeN
If you have any doubts, below is a book "as a gift for you" (but the maximum allowed file is only 8 mb)
Anyone on tha whasup? https://chat.whatsapp.com/I7KI066PQif7oPt5Yl1KZu
why did you nuke the link ?
Oh. I reported it to discord.

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good job anon keep up the good work!
I see /vr/ invading other boards, and I'm fine with that.

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does anyone have Paper Pendulum Clock kit or pattern? I have a kind of kit book but it quality is bad. pls share if you have better. I really want to make this one. thank you!
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I am here to pay my respects. Hope this gets archived
At the rate it's going it will last much longer than 10 years.
There's something quite quaint about a thread thats survived this long untouched by the troubles of modern life.
sage in all fields, but in a positive sense.
wow, 2 elections later and it's still here.

i wonder if it'll last until november...?
jessus i remember seeing this thread when among us sussy bussy was a meme i know that wasnt that long ago but 2020-2021 was probably when i first found this thread

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First edition of the Paper Cutting General

Post your tips, ressources, tricks, and inspiration for your papercutting creations !
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This would be sick to figure out on my cricut
I feel pain in my hand just looking at this but it's really pretty.
Can I ask about cricut from here? My brother has one and I can use it too, been thinking about making one of these panorama things. Is there a wiki or library of cricut files somewhere just like there is papercrafts wiki? I found some websites already but even the paid files are very "love live laugh" or "jesus is life" style of crafts. I want to make something that´s not targeted towards moms.
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It's not hard to do by hand and much more satisfying than using cricut. Print your design, tape it to cardstock and cut through both layers with an exacto knife. It's pretty relaxing.

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Anyone here has this model and is willing to exchange?
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wait, here is the correct email soy619509@gmail . com
Can you send me an email? My email is miiiiitpc@gmail.com
I have many to change if you like send me a message to sakuyaac@gmail.com
Could you share it with me? to email: leoskart437_32@gmail.com

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