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Expect some downtime in the next few minutes for upgrades!

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Spot the differences!
(hint: it's really just a color change ;o)

Get the parts and instructioins to build your own free papercraft LEGO minifigs (and lots more!) from my papercraft webpage:

Have fun building!
Thx a lot ninja...
I still love making them, and I think it's really just a lot of nostalgia for myself! :o)
Just clicked on /po/ again after I don't know how many years, it's good to see you're still creating these.
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For this year's Halloween papercraft, I decided to finally make a LEGO Fright Knights Basil the Batlord 'mini'figure (he's about 27,5 cm tall).

Get the parts and instructions to build your own free papercraft Bat Lord Basil (and lots more!) from my papercraft webpage:

Have fun building and enjoy a spooky Halloween!
Thank you so much
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I used the original PlayStation Edea from 1999 but I had fun making her!

Download the parts and instructions to download and build your own free papercraft Sorceress Edea (and lots more! ;o) from my papercraft webpage:

Have fun building!
A papercraft Gordon Freeman to go with my free paper 3D shooter series:

Have fun building!
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Is this helpful thing?
Do you mean for 'edge-coloring' (coloring the cut edges of the parts before folding and gluing them together so they don't show up as 'white lines' on the finished papercraft model)?

It is probably even a bit overkill to use Posca paint markers; I always just use cheap kid's color markers like Bruynzeel Super Points or Crayola Fine Tips (and Crayola Colours of the World Markers for skin tones). You can really use any cheap color marker with an even finer tip that's a (more or less) matching color. It probably won't be a perfect match in any case, and you can get cheap markers in many colors for the price of just a few Posca paint markers.

It's good to use cheap markers because the cut edges of the paper can be a bit sharp and can even damage the felt tips of the markers a bit. So save expensive markers for drawing! ;o)

Check the color on a scrap piece of paper first. Markers always turn out a bit darker when they bleed into the cut edges of the paper. FOr light colors it's good to use color pencils most of the times, unless you have a really good matching color!
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I have *a lot* Advance Wars units to paperfy still and I realized I hadn't released as single one in 2022. But 2023 isn't going to be the same. ;o)

Download + build the papercraft Black Hole Lander (and lots more!) from my papercraft webpage:

Have fun building!
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I've got tons of ideas for new papercraft vignettes from the classic Tomb Raider series, but this time I made a papercraft of Lara from her 2021 Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 6 incarnation!

Get the parts and instructions to build her yourself (and lots more!) from my papercraft webpage:

Have fun building!
damn its cool to see youre still around.
What can I say? I still love papercraft! ;o)
you blog and HyrulePapercraft are the reason I even found the hobby B)
That’s fun to hear! If you like Zelda papercrafts, there’s more than enough to keep you busy for a while I think! ;o)
Not one, but TWO new papercrafts this time!

I didn't post many updates on my papercraft blog about Deus Ex's J.C. Denton (because basically all went pretty well so there wasn't really any to tell ;o)
But secretly I've also been working on Lay D Denton, from the fanmade mod The Lay D Denton Project (including a new voice, changed text, several new characters, etc.!)

You can download both Deus Ex papercrafts (and lots more!) for free from my papercraft webpage:

Have fun building!
Wow!! Very nice ninja!!!
I guess syndicate next?
Mister J.C. Denton in da fresh
>>611812 I don't even know myself to be honest :op probably one of my "regular" series next, and in the "3D shooter series" I'll have to think
>>611745 In da paper, at least... ;p
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Unlike Nintendo's Re-Boot Camp, this 104th (!) release in my free Advance Wars papercraft series is NOT a reboot of course, since I never stopped making them! ;o)

Download my free papercraft Advance Wars units (+lots more!):

Have fun building!
I finally did it! I made a papercraft of LaraCroft without any clothes!
(and without skin either - get your mind out of the gutter! ;o)

Download your own free papercraft Tomb Raider Chronicles X-Ray Lara vignette (+lots more!):

Have fun building!
Kino, very cool
My newest papercraft model is available to download for free from my papercraft webpage now: https://ninjatoes.wordpress.com/

Have fun building!
I'll have a new free papercraft for Halloween again like previous years, but in the meantime you can build my new Lara in her Russian winter camouflage getting harassed by an overhead crane...!

Download + build it(and lots more! ;o) from my papercraft webpage here:

Have fun building!
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Thank you, ninja. I remember having a lot of fun building Homer and Kim.
I’m glad you enjoyed it! They’re fun characters so I had a lot of fun making them! I think your builds turned out great! :o)
Heinrich :3
I like to make a special papercraft for Halloween each year, and for 2023, it's the Faceless One, from Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne

Download + build your own papercraft Faceless One (and lots more! ;o) from my papercraft webpage here:

Happy Halloween and have fun building!
Faceless void..

I noticed you have a tutorial for ripping 3D models from the scenes in game, but is there a way to get specific models from the game? mainly Majoras Mask, I'd like to make them all but have no idea how to rip certain items and the idea of playing the game entirely for each mask to get it from that scene sounds daunting
I think for some Nintendo 64 games it might be possible to extract specific models, but I think you would need different tools for different games then (not sure?). I always use the “emulator + Lemmy plugin” method because it works for almost any N64 game, so I never looked into other methods sorry…

Sometimes it’s possible to download emulator savegames for specific games. The only thing is, they need to be from the same emulator that you're using (one that support's Lemmy's plugin of course!) and probably from the same ROM versions too.

So for me it’s always only a very small chance to find savegames for the specific ROM that I extracted from my own game, so personally I do always end up just playing the game until the object/character I want to extract is on the screen. (another reason I only make papercrafts from games I love myself to be honest. ;o)

I’m sorry that I can’t really help you better than this with your question, but Majora's Mask is pretty popular, so maybe you'll be able to find some working savegames (or maybe you can find the time to play it again…)

Most importantly: have fun! :o)
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I'm sure I can prolly just do an emulated playthrough, getting all the masks shouldn't be an issue and I can just wear them to get them into the scene I think

I already have the keaton, Zora, Gordon, and four boss masks cooked up in Pepakura too
I’m honestly surprised that not all the masks are made into papercrafts yet - although I do understand that it’s quite a lot of work and can get a bit tedious after a few masks. So take your time and make sure it stays fun, it’s the only way to papercraft I think anyway! ;o)
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BIG boy
Hey, I remember him! :o)

But was he always so big...? It seems like he's closer now? :op

Majora's Mask is one of my absolute favorite games, so I had a lot of fun making the moon out of paper (instead of cheese I guess?). I hope you had fun building him too, he looks great!
ngl smoothest thing ive seen today
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Last week I:

1) Fixed all the broken image links on my webpage!
2) Paid for a Wordpress.com subscription so that my webpage doesn't show ads anymore
3) Got a personal domain name so that now my #papercraft webpage can also be reached using http://ninjatoes.com

The image fix didn't seem to stick though unfortunately, so I'm re-uploading and re-linking all the images again; I already re-did the homepage and some other pages and I'm working hard on the individual download posts, so hopefully everybody can enjoy my papercraft without any issues soon again!

Have fun building!
I founded this on Twinkid.
Any one has a copy of this lego?

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