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does anyone else remember lucky stars? those origami stars made by gently tying paper? bc I've never heard anyone else acknowledge them and i think I'm going mad
I swear I've seen them around but I don't know how to make them
you tear (or cut) off a strip of paper, and gently tie the end. you flatten the knot to make a pentagon, and then wrap the rest of the strip around that. then, you tuck the last bit into a fold. then you bend each side slightly under, to make the star shape.
i suggest looking up the origami way tutorial, as that's how I learned it quickly in 5th grade
those look pretty cool
yes, i used to make a million some years ago, don't go mad, people just never paid attention but they were always around
There's a whole (and old) thread about it >>546816
I made a jar of them in middle school and occasionally still make them with straw wrappers. It was my first longterm paper project so it brings good memories
remember making tons of these when I first got into origami. theyre amazing
Love them, they were a huge deal back in the day. never found how to make them.
i used to love these back as a kid. they're pretty easy. kinda tedious to cut strips of paper but the colored precut papers are a blessing!
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Here is how you make paper stars
I know on Amazon you can buy a thousand strips of paper for making lucky stars for like $10.
I knit to keep my hands busy. One day in the office in a meeting my boss said he didn't like it. I started making those stars instead and he'd take them home to his kids. Why that was any different, I'll never know.
I want to eat these.
My elementary school social worker would hand those out! She was great
I used to write on the strips, make a bunch, and give them away to friends for little boosts for when they were stressed!
you sound like a good friend
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You got more of those?

here they are you absolute retarded faggot.
>never found how to make them.


I'm sorry, did I stumble upon a board that doesn't know that fucking google and youtube exist? ffs
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I saw this thread earlier and got in the mood to make a few. I may add these free with 3D glasses in a paper bag with handles for each purchase when I'm out selling paintings.
do you sell originals ?
My grandma teached how to do them, actually i think they were my first approaching to origami, so i really apreciate them
When I was a teenager all my little Asian gf’s would make me these and put them in jars as a gift
I made those quite a bit, origami in general helps my anxiety, but the stars are my favorite.
hey guys just poppin in to say hi ^_____^
i tried to make them once but i failed to do so, they're surprisingly hard to make >﹏<
yesss my babysitter taught me how to make these when i was a little kid. i wonder how she's doing..
yes, i made sure to buy the wireless/gluebound notebooks for school with perforated sheets so i could make them "for free" with the strips of paper left after you removed your sheet.
I remember making these as a kid. I used to fold them until my fingertips would be worn down
I remember making them until I got hand cramps. I used to think a happy thought for someone as I made the star
Well I think it looks neat
That's so simple I don't even need to do it
I've got hundreds and hundreds of them in glass jars. They used to sell special star paper in shops even. They make really cute gifts.
Used to make hundreds and put them in jars. Some of my friends thought I was mad, but the trush is I was addicted to speed and shrooms and loved doing them high
I do them during tedious meetings so that they aren't a complete waste of time.
And one by one, I am going to fill a bowl aquarium with them. Bought some blue ribbons to cut and make them.
Gonna finish the aquarium full of stars and then put some origami fish in it at the end, maybe some boat at the top.
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here's an update, I made a little boat and bought more blue ribbons for the stars
looks cute
would be cool to make the sky a mix of white and a lighter blue. maybe add a island/palmtree on the other side of the bowl.
Well, fuck off then :|
I have a bunch of these, used to love making them a decade ago. Can find them on my old laptop if you want
Why did they stop being popular?
I made the fuck outta these for a solid 3 years of my life. I used to write wishes and stuff on them before constructing.
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What did you wish for? Did you achieve your dreams? What other arts do you do?
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Today's your lucky day, faggot.
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Peace out, nigger.
that's lovely.
Mandela Effect is at play. That is literally impossible in my time stream.
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man i love making those!
What's on your screen?

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