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I have these books from NOA for 1-100

3,5,17-19,22,47,49,51,53,58,61-63,66,68,70-72,80-so on

Looking to trade with anyone who has NOA 533 and up or ones that I am missing from 1-100
So you are missing all the interesting ones
I'm down to trade. Feel free to send an email origamifolding (at) proton.me
I have NOA 557-573 and NOA 20. Send an email to oriscans@proton.me =)
File: NOA 020.pdf (2.88 MB, PDF)
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2.88 MB PDF
I don't need you to give me anything.
Just let me know which ones you need by email, and I'll send them to you.

These noa's are too cute. Would be nice to have the entire collection. At least most of them can be found in here. Thank you to everyone that shared them.
Thank You!
Muchas gracias!!! Big thanks :)
grassyASS to your butthole as well Jose
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I have uploaded all the NOAs that I have in a shared Drive folder so everyone can download them... Most of them are pretty common, but people keep requesting them so:


To promote sharing again, I would like to encourage you to upload the NOAs that are still missing here (update the file INDEX so we can keep track of what magazines are shared)
Thank You!
Thanks! I have uploaded them to the shared drive
I share these. Que los disfrutéis!
Cópialos al disco duro para continuar compartiéndolos. Así promovemos que la gente comparta los libros de origami que van saliendo porque es muy difícil conseguir ya el último tanteidan magazine o los que van saliendo de la AEP.
No es dificil conseguirlos si los compras.
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I have updated the shared drive with a lot of shares that I received from an unknown collaborator, thank you! =)

We're almost there, few magazines and books are missing.

Link to shared drive: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1YYwrQLPUqv-aCvyNbRdNKLSHe7Zb-dXO?usp=sharing
Added! thanks!
Perdón, aquí van los libros que antes no he puesto bien:

Libro Del Instructor De Origami
Este otro se llama: Origami Masterpiece

Este se llama: Vol-3-1974

Este tiene como título: Vol.1-1974

Y el otro que tengo es este

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Thank you all! This is the updated index =)
It's not really that they don't exist, it's that they were publishing newsletters
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Just wanted to say thank you so much for making this, this is an absolutely amazing resource. I can now become a recluse and fold origami for the next 3 years nonstop.
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Someone added from 534-548, thanks!

Link to the drive: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1YYwrQLPUqv-aCvyNbRdNKLSHe7Zb-dXO?usp=sharing

Thanks for the clarification, now they are included in the index file
Muchas gracias por el listado de NOA. Ahora ya tenemos más claro las revistas que nos faltan. Una gran revista para todo aquel que se precie un coleccionista del origami.
do nadas Miguel, go choke on a foot
This is how the newsletters looked like

File: convenciones.pdf (55 KB, PDF)
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mi aporte
Thank you!!!
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4.42 MB PDF
File: noa165.pdf (3.76 MB, PDF)
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3.76 MB PDF
File: noa175.pdf (4.06 MB, PDF)
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4.06 MB PDF
Gracias my friend
grassy ass to you to twinky
Ten chuj na kaczych łapach jest zazdrosny bo zna tylko jeden język i nie rozumie że tylko ludzie którzy mówią po hiszpańsku cokolwiek publikują na 4chanie i exavagos. Powinien być wdzięczny
E fuā lenei titi i vae pato ona e na o le tasi le gagana na te iloa ma e na te le malamalama e na o tagata e tautala faaSipaniolo e lafo se mea i 4chan ma exavagos. E tatau ona ia faafetai
90% of people in Europe speack 2 languages, 80% 3 languages, so no idea what you want me to be jelaous about if you can only speak retarded mexican? you don't even know how to prove a point XD what a clown
Jedynym błaznem jesteś ty xD
> Non sai provare un punto XD

Pagliaccio, torna alle elementari e magari impara un'altra lingua
Hayчeтe дa oдгoвopитe вo 1 кoмeнтap, зa дa нe бидe тoлкy видливo зaтeгнaтocтa. И пpecтaнeтe дa ce oднecyвaтe мopaлнo пpaвeднo и cyпepиopнo зaтoa штo cтe caмoцицaн peтapд кopиcтeјќи googe translate. Пoкaжyвa кoј e клoвнoт „XD“
Muchas gracias por compartir!!!
Muchas gracias por el aporte!
no, share yours first

Cause you kid you aint got none
Denada - you are welcome.
what, grass? I got tons ESL, learn to write with causation, else you sound like you just had a stroke
este onions yo
Does anyone have Now 575?
That's the newest one, are you crazy?
As crazy as people asking for books that didn't even come out out yet, I guess.
Point well taken.
Nah kid, you aint got jack
It would be nice if people actually knew who you were talking to when you start rambling on with your "Nah kid" shit. Normal people don't talk like that anymore. That lingo went out years ago with disco.
yeah, you would know underaged 8-year-old kid, you barely reach the keybaord and have no idea what to even type to "insult" people on here on how they communicate and reply, grow a vag first to be PMS'ing on here and then nag, millienial piece of shit. Leave anon alone and let the fucker type and reply however he wants, it's not your goddamn problem to be sticking you nose in the shit
Got your head up your ass again, I see?
Who pissed in your cereal? You're sticking you nose where it doesn't belong either, butt sniffer.
fuck off toesucker
maybe something up your big fat ass, but you prob so fat you don't get it either way lardbutt
Two year old's are more mature than you are, asswipe.
sure fart-sniffer, keep on crying and whining and cutting yourself, that's gonna help real good
You're the one doing all the crying and whining because you hate the world. Why don't you just do us all a favor and kill yourself and get it over with. That would save us a lot of agony from reading your bullshit everyday.
Thank you!

I have updated the index: Link to the drive: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1YYwrQLPUqv-aCvyNbRdNKLSHe7Zb-dXO?usp=sharing
what an emo move from a totally worthless loser on the net that doesn't have any other counter than "kill yourself". Bitchboy, I will live for 100 more years and haunt your retarded gay ass till the end of 4chan. Deal with it whiny shit-eater and go cry to mommy you can't block everything on the net that doesn't suit your retarded safe bubble. Retards go to Twitter, so shoo
You have the worst come-backs that I've ever seen. You only know how to cuss people, and that just goes to show that you have nothing but a childish behavior instilled into your inbred ass. I'm so sorry that you have to call your sister "mommy". Sucks to be you.
still crying like a little Twitter fag, not getting better.... sad
Just face it, you've been outgunned, outwitted, overshadowed and stomped on. You just can't stand defeat, so you just have to keep rambling on and on and on, LMAO. Just give up already, you've literally got nothing left. You suck.
You're come-backers don't even make any sense.
as your life doesn't
Twitter-fag spotted, stop PMSing "m'lady" and get wrecked. Neva gnna stoppa
Same come-backs over and over. I see signs of butthurt there. I'm done with you little one. I know you're like a bad rash that won't go away, so I can cope with you. I just can't speak for everyone else that has to keep reading your garbage.
bu-hu-hu, cry me a river little fawg, go back to your homo fag friends and let them blow your micro vag-shaped dick to feel better and then go die in a corner ;)
There is absolutely no cure for stupid, so good luck with your everlasting disability.
yeah, exactly, dipshit, keep telling yourself that, you need it
Does anyone have full Noa 386? The version you can find online does t have the full diagrams of the "dual Mode vehicle"
File: NOA 386.pdf (2.59 MB, PDF)
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2.59 MB PDF
Unfortunately, this is all that's available. At least, this is all I have as well.
I don't think a complete version exists anywhere.
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1.22 MB PNG
Does anyone have them to share?

6, 8, 11, 12, 13, 14 y 15
Sorry, no.
>Does anyone have full Noa 386?
That would be a great find.
File: noa386.pdf (7.83 MB, PDF)
7.83 MB
7.83 MB PDF
Here you go.
Got the 20MB version from zhezhidaxue ready but thanks!
Thank you!
Actually it's 18.7 MB, and I got it, too.
But, this one is just as clear and doesn't take up as much space, and you're welcome.

You're welcome.
I no longer see files from 533 onwards. What's the problem?
A person called "Nerea" deleted 225 items from the shared drive. Maybe I need to revoke permissions of people to edit.
That would probably be a good idea.
I share mine too. you can use to update your libary.
So none of the actually rare NOAs
THANKS A LOT!!! You DID contribute some new NOAs ... but unfortunately some are misnumbered.

Your 2 actually is 53 (2 = 53)
You 2-34 is 66
4 = 22
6 = 70
9 = 70
10 = 61

Please ignore the UNGRATEFUL imbecile that commented negatively almost immediately ... obviously somebody that has nothing better to do than follow this board ALL day long to JUMP on any uploads and then (out of jealousy? due to some mental disorder??) post unnecessary messages.
Not the person that responded immediately, but jealousy and mental disorder has nothing to do with it. It's obviously that he/she and the rest of us are getting tired of the same NOA's getting posted every time a new NOA thread pops up. We would all very much like to see the hard to find, and the rare ones to eventually pop up someday. Most people already have the ones that have been uploaded recently, with the exception of a few people that may not have them yet. Anyway, I appreciate all of the uploads recently since we are constantly archiving threads due to so many negative replies now-a-days, which eat up the majority of the threads.

Number 5 is here (>>614555).
Thank You!
Sure, when numbers like 69 get shared as well.
Thank a lot for correcting. You are right . the number are not correct. I hope my contribute may have those who need to collect this collection. Btw, you are
oriscans@proton.me ?
no, I am not oriscans and I do not have any other NOAs besides the ones shared here and in oriscan's google drive .... I corrected it, using this; https://www.giladorigami.com/origami-noa-magazines.html
Unfortunately nobody has that number.
It is unlikely that you will ever see that number.
podrian por favor compartir, NOA 552,554,555,556
anyone have Noa: 81, 82, 84, 85, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 100, 101? Thnxs.
File: noa #9.pdf (4 MB, PDF)
4 MB
File: noa #55.pdf (3.09 MB, PDF)
3.09 MB
3.09 MB PDF
Gee, tanks.
Gracias por los Noa compartidos. Comparto también estos:


¿Alguien puede compartir 84, 91, 92, 93, 94, 100, 101? Gracias.
As soon as #111 and #112 are shared , I'll upload #100 and #101
Bueno, de momento me he descargado el 93. Aquí lo comparto.
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Can someone please share this noa book?
File: 91.pdf (3.96 MB, PDF)
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3.96 MB PDF
Lo siento, pero este creo que este no está compartido.
Comparto el número 91. Si alguien comparte el 84, 92, 94, 98, 100, 101 le estaría muy agradecido. Buen verano y graciaaaaas.
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Thank you for your contributions!

I have updated the shared drive with the new NOAs:

Great job once again, Oriscans! Muchas gracias por eso!!! I hope you have made it impossible for people to delete files now.
>I'm sorry, but this one I think is not shared.
I know it isn't shared, that's why I asked for it.
Why would you respond to my post when the one I asked for isn't in there?
Missclick =)
Oh, OK. No prob.
File: 093 NOA 1983-05.pdf (5.41 MB, PDF)
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5.41 MB PDF
File: 094 NOA 1983-06.pdf (5.77 MB, PDF)
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5.77 MB PDF
File: 098 NOA 1983-10.pdf (5.76 MB, PDF)
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5.76 MB PDF
File: 100 NOA 1983-12.pdf (5.96 MB, PDF)
5.96 MB
5.96 MB PDF
File: 101 NOA 1984-01.pdf (5.07 MB, PDF)
5.07 MB
5.07 MB PDF
Thanks for bringing them here from zhezhidaxue.
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Thank you!! I have updated the drive =)

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I have received an email from AB (only initials), who shared with me their collection. Thank you!!! You have contributed a lot =)

This is the re-updated list.

P.D: It is still necessary to update the info about black&white scans.

Thanks, maybe you'll get it full someday.
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I will fill all of these for you if someone ever shares (newsletters 2, 20, 23, 26 and 27) and (noas 41, 42,48, 50, 54,56, 69, 73, 77, 111 and 112).
I have already shared all I have =(
I didn't mean you alone. I meant that if other contributors will share the other missing ones, then I will share all the ones circled in green as well (except for the few I'm also missing of course).
It would be great to see that list of yours completely green someday.
That is incredibly kind! I didn't expect it in my dreams.
Many many thanks!
doesn't belong in this thread. please remove.
update for the register (I am the one who did the green ones initially, but I am happy you've protected it now):
- 74, 75, 76, 121, 133, 144, 155, 217, 269, 377, 396 and 408 arre bad scans and/or black-white.
- 46 is only 12 pages of very poor quality
- from 23 to 44 do NOT exist!
ThanX for updating once again!!
>from 23 to 44 do NOT exist!
Wanna bet?
>46 is only 12 pages of very poor quality
It's only supposed to be 12 pages, but I have a good copy of it.
Thanks! Updated again =)
Aren't they just newsletters?
Genial, gracias a TODOS i en especial a AB por ayudar a completar la colección de NOAS. Un verdadero placer. ¡Me encanta esta revista!

>just newsletters
The "just newsletters" don't have diagrams in them.
The newsletters that we currently have (29, 35, 38, 39) DO have diagrams in them.

I guess the rest of them would also have them
Do you see newsletter written at the top? No you don't. This is the start of the magazine again, before they went back to the color editions with more pages in them and the proper number sequencing.
You know what REALLY 'falta' here, Manuel???
YOUR good manners. We all know that this collection isn't complete by far, but lots of us have contributed to it. And almost nobody has been whining and begging and DEMANDING apart from you! Even worse is that "Viva" person,immediately rushing off to Zhezhidaxue to earn unvisible/worthless/unreal 'coins' (150 per magazine!!!!!!!) as soon as NOAs appear here or in exvagos.I know tis world consists of givers and takers ..... but some takers go way too far!!!!
Yep I also noticed the uploads to zhezhindaxue... That sucks but let's try to complete the list anyway
The collectors will never share the missing ones (nobody but actual collectors have them) because they trade the old noas fur numerous books each, this way feeding their collection ad infinitum.

Our only chance was ajedrez but 4channers pissed him off forever so yeah. Let's be glad that we have most numbers of the magazine and not hold our breath.
Which makes absolutely no sense, because they are just magazines like the others that were shared around the missing ones. They just want to use the missing ones as leverage to hold them against everyone one else who would like to complete their collection of them as well. That's quite shitty on their part. That just makes them collectors and not actual origami oriented people.
Nah, they just don't want to spend a penny on the new books or books they want. They'll give you a Noa they got for free for 3+ books.
Hell, I'd do it if they would offer me the extreme rare ones.
I can't understand why the value is so high. Honesty, NOAs suck in comparison with other magazines or books such as Tanteidans, which can be easily found on the internet. Seems just speculation because they are old.
>YOUR good manners
Lo siento, pero este mensaje no lo he escrito yo. Te has equivocado de persona. ;)
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627 KB JPG
What is this supposed to be? It's just a list of covers.
That looks awfully incomplete. Is this his personal collection?
File: NOA 011.pdf (6.66 MB, PDF)
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6.66 MB PDF
is this 11?
no apparently that's 62 nevermind I don't undersand numbers
Why do they prominently feature the month number in the title? Why is the actual volume number, 62 in this case, so small?
Are the Japanese retarded?
Until the no. 92, the numbers only indicated the release month. In that case, that 11 means november, but it is indeed the no. 62
Does anyone have a full 40 page copy of NOA 343 they could share with us?
page 19 (page 17) had the worst fucking box I have ever made it was not fun to make :(
Kinda looks like pages 16-18 is supposed to be some kind of game, and your so called box is supposed to be a dice.
I duno anyone got some new one
Okay, share those.
Was asking, cause only old
Have you tried these archived links for some that you might need?



Please don't ask for any of these, because they do not exist anywhere.

1979-09 (048)
1979-11 (050)
1980-01 (052)
1980-04 (054)
1980-06 (056)
1981-05 (069)
1981-09 (073)
1981-10 (074)
1981-11 (075)
1981-12 (076)
1982-01 (077)
1984-11 (111)
1984-12 (112)
File: 1981-10 (074).pdf (1.27 MB, PDF)
1.27 MB
1.27 MB PDF
Don't talk nonsense.
All of these are available on some private forums.
Here's an example (obviously at minimum resolution) of one of them.
Want examples of the others?
Sorry, let me rephrase that then. I forgot some of them were actually found.

I meant these.

1979-09 (048)
1979-11 (050)
1980-01 (052)
1980-04 (054)
1980-06 (056)
1981-05 (069)
1981-09 (073)
1982-01 (077)
1984-11 (111)
1984-12 (112)

Show examples of these.
aka jac's private library
OK, still waiting on examples of the "others".
>Want examples of the others?
Yes, please.
So, how large is this jac's library, and how can someone gain access to it or these other private forums you talk about?
For any Anon's who stumble across this and are wondering the same thing I was about what does "NOA" mean? Well it's an acronym for the "Nippon Origami Association".
You won't gain access to the library, to be invited you need to actually contribute something they don't have and they have it all
>and they have it all
What makes you think that?
Jac's library is huge.
You can try to get in if you agree to share only on that forum and not make public anything you find there.


Private forums are just that, private.
If you're not willing to buy books and share them on them, I doubt they'll even let you in.
They have banned the membership of new members, so it is impossible to access.
How and who do talk to 2 bcome a member?
Where's the guy who asked if we wanted examples of the others? The answer would be yes, please, if you would be so kind.
You don't. They are a tight knit, greedy little group, that only care about themselves.
Yah, that's what I thought.
on page 15 they show a graph of preferences of colour for kids up to 5 years and advice one should cater to as many colour stimuli as possible

japs are always smooth in elevating the simplest things, i could throw away the wrapping of candy and they would have a specific folding process to do that
>Want examples of the others?
You're gutless, and don't have the cojones.
>Don't talk nonsense.
It isn't nonsense, they do not exist.

>All of these are available on some private forums.
That's where you're wrong.
Unfortunately, you're never going to finish this list.
Well that's of course obvious. It's nice to have the ones that were gently shared, the models are nice to teach kids.

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