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File: cover200.jpg (64 KB, 510x720)
64 KB
Today I've found out about the latest tanteidan issue. It has steps for the mosquito on the cover, I would love to fold it. A digital release is not available and single issues can't be purchased; to get the magazine I would need to buy a yearly subscription. Moreover shipments from Japan can take up to three months in my experience. If anyone has a copy I would gladly pay for a scan with Paypal, thank you.
It has the cp of the mosquito not step by step diagrams
Can some1 please share it herefrom zhezhi daxue? Thanx.
>share it herefrom zhezhi daxue
It doesn't have it.
Yo could u up dat? Tx kid
Don't understand. Speak properly.
I believe he is asking for someone to upload #200 but his reading comprehension leaves a bit to be desired, since he clearly did not read the post directly above his.

pic not related.
#202 is here:

File: ke.jpg (48 KB, 512x640)
48 KB
New book?
Looks intetsting. Anyone got details? Is it a new origami house book?
New OTM.
I know where it is, and what it is. I was answering the other dudes questions about details.
found website with links to keep you busyhttps://mediafiretrend.com/search.php?q=origami%2Btanteidan%2Bmagazine%2B200+mediafire&start=25
Im not sure how zhezhixueyuan works, is origami tanteidan magazine 204 available there or not? Anyone?
Not, unfortunately. One person asked for it, but that's it. Sharing completely stopped on zhezhixueyuan.
Good to know. Thanx.
It has just bout been available for a year
like , if you want it you'll have to share your body or something
Could could you start upin some stuff to thezhed
there are some groups you can join to buy resources collectively
Ant of these accepting PayPal? I don't care about the physical copy, the pdf is enough. I can also scan
Yo, were the otha thread go, why you always disapearin
Good question
What other thread?
Thread about OTM 204 that no one wants to share.
Thanks for the Shares

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