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I made this little puzzle box called a soma cube for my girlfriend for Christmas. I was going to make a little wooden box to put it in, wood burn something on it, and then wrap the box up for Christmas with a few other things I have since returned since, well, she broke up with me. I haven't made the wooden box yet, and I'm kind of lost on whether I should finish it up for the sake of completion or if I should just make a paper box and wrap it up just to sit on a shelf, maybe for someone else or the next girlfriend, or just to sit as a trinket.
Hey man, I’m new to this board but what you’ve made looks super cool. Even though your relationship isn’t still going, I think you should finish it and repurpose it for something new. Art is still art even without a recipient.

All the best to you Anon. Have a great day
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if you give it to a future girlfriend, do NOT tell her you made it for an ex lol.

that one is really cool with all the same color mine was a pain in the ass getting it to not look like a mess of random colors and i think ill give it to the one girl ive been talking to. She's also pretty crafty so i feel like she will appreciate it. Also, it perfectly fits inside a cube ~3x the size so I think im going to make a Christmas colored big cube instead of the white one i threw it in so it was locked up i think white red and green would be good
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well i think this is good :)
Someone got a template for a simple box?

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