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File: grayboard.jpg (32 KB, 704x1024)
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What are cereal boxes made of? I know they're comprised of grayboard/chipboard but what do they print on? Is that white part part of the chipboard? Why does nobody sell this?
This is the same as VHS box sleeves, NES, SNES, N64 boxes. Yet nobody seems to actually know how they're made.
>What are cereal boxes made of?
Cardboard and ink
>nobody seems to actually know how they're made
Literally an episode of How It's Made about this subject.
Anyone try this?
Just attempting to make the thread a little relevant to the board.
Paper and board with that characteristic slick white finish used in packaging and high end magazines and catalogs where rich colors and crisp details in graphics and photos are important are clay coated


More info on clay coated board

I would say cardboard but one you disassemble the box you are left with what is essentially card.
Ok, even without the coating what should I look for just the cardboard? I print on glossy paper and glue to card stock already and it looks nice enough. Searching is a pain, results I specifically don't want always end up what I get when I search for these things.
It's a thin card board and they're glued on thin printed paper (think of gift wrap paper) for the design.
the process from this video is similar on how you prep the cereal box, you'll get the idea. This is handmade and of course there's automated machine box that you just place the flat box template and it'll fold and glue the design together with a press of a button.

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