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i did this like a gift, "When I finished this model, I thought I would feel satisfaction, but I felt nothing, hahaha. I make 6 models for 6 people every year and give them as gifts."
File: PAINTING.pdf (137 KB, PDF)
137 KB
137 KB PDF
Here other ones about the paint and before looks like.
Do they appreciate your work anon?
damn, anon. how did you make these? I'm new to the hobby.
Hello, I am Rhondafojchi (Rhondar). Regarding your question, well... I really hope so. It really depends on how each person takes care of or receives details like gifts. I like giving them. I've been doing origami for a long time, and I think I'm in another stage now, hehe.
Hello again, there are several paths I followed: tutorials, forums, and diagrams. If you are new, I hope you continue. If you need help, im here for help and show my work.

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