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/po/ - Papercraft & Origami

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File: thing.png (453 KB, 489x652)
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wow these take a long time.
Looks good anon!
minus the fold lines, is the pdo you have editable?

gonna have to do a no lines one next!
Good job for a first. I’m guessing first draft only because of the black and white and lines.
But yeah, papercraft is very time consuming. The results can be amazing though, so keep at it.
wow you did such a good job! only if it wasnt black and white and without fold lines...
I love paper 2hus
hell yeah dude, touhou!
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This is the new touhou thread, I hope it lasts as long as the previous one. Anyway, I did Sakuya a couple of weeks ago.
let's make it last 5 years!
Hi, share PDF? Thanks
honestly fold lines make it look kind of cool
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1.13 MB PNG
Does anyone have any papercraft stuff for the newhus? I saw one for Chimata.

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