My stuffSay nice things about it
>>615798So cute!
>>615798nice things about it
>>615798I like it.
>>615799Heres mine btw..
>>615816That is a beautiful collection
>>615816that´s way more impressive than mine
thats great dude
>>615798It must have taken quite a while to make them all, even if the paper toys are relatively simple. So it shows you had fun making them! (otherwise you wouldn't make31 of them - and then some a bit more challenging ones too!)
where can I found a site compilation of that paper shits?
>>615816THATS ALL PAPER??? I just got here because I misspelled /pol/ and holy shit I might have to lurk more, thats genuinely amazing
>>615816Another oneAll destroyed unfortunately
>>616008A happy accident
>>616002kinda all over, most people trade shit, but some people are cunts about trading
>>616010How did they ALL get destroyed? That's very sad.
>>616024Not really..i treat them like puzzles..not collectibles..time to move on if its finishes..and i can make them again whenever i want..IM move out..and its a pain to also move them with me is all..I do want to give them to anybody that want it to..but thats another challenge om its
>>616022You still trading? I thought you bought all your stuff?
>>616026I was just mentioning how people get stuff.Buying it is a pain in the ass for most people so I didn't mention it.
>>615798They all look really good anon, great workQuestion tho, what are the robots on bottom right?Also the red one and that green spider?
>>617620They look like Medabots
>>615798Where to get the sword girl tho
>>615798are you from portugal?
idk what you call this style but i fucking love it
Share Pyramid Head and Heather Mason
>>615798Without "i’d win"*
>>615798If anyone has the things in red that would be cool, especially the robots and that pokemon rumble one is great, if there are any moreWhat's the stuff in blue anyone?
>>620330Those mecha looking models i seem to remember those. Do you happen to know the names of them so i can check my papercraft backups. I'm sure i at least had the red one.
>>615798Holy shit it's amazing
>>620338I have no idea what any of these models are my guy, I wish I knew because I want them
>>615798nice job unironically
>>615798Really like the Black Rock Shooter>>617624The character is black rock shooter
>>620522Ye i found it awhile ago, hosting ito n my MegaPassword is : "" fir the rar
I wanted to share this, but didn’t want to make a new thread for it, this thread seems appropriateI recently went to an anime con and this company was promoting their vtuber by giving out paper craft kits of her for freeThis is my first paper craft since I was 12, now I want more
>>615799>>616022>>617655>>620522Nice dubs
>>620338They're medabots. At least the red one is
>>620738You are correct! The red one can be found here as well as a yellow one.
>>620738>>620742Here is another one
>>615798Wow really cute. Where'd you find the patterns for the small hololive ones?
>>615798cute as fudge
i found a blog page that has some pokemon rumble/bloons td/kirby templates!! havent tried any but it's here if anyone wants to check them out (
>>621413person who posted this here, it's not just pokemon rumble ^^ the blogger also provided some chibi templates and links to more detailed papercrafts of the same pokemon
>>615798I'm new here, how did you make the bottom left? I want that for my dorm
>>615798Thats some nice stuff.
>>615798Wow this looks just so cool! !I like the Gura's one specially
>>615798I came to say mean stuff but that's super nice and clean, lots of variation and a dedicated shelf. Shit son I wish I was half as dedicated to anything. Good work!
pretty good job
>>615798 How much time did you spend for this? This is a very cool origami
>>615798That has definitely taken a ton of work and dedication to the goal.
>>615816A mother fucking Ingram!!!
>>615798So clean, so organised, how did you even make these
>>615798Can I get the Mio pape? she's my oshi