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File: castigator.jpg (132 KB, 500x600)
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As the last thread won't take any more posts, starting a new one...

Cerastus knight castigator

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>>612645 (OP)
I wonder if you can take these down to the local 40k tourneys
official GW stores won't like you using them (since you aren't using official models and therefore advertising them) but literally anyone else would go "holy shit thats awesome"
it's not exactly using army men as proxies, and even that is usually acceptable outside of a GW store
The workaround is to use a 40k box for construction...that way it's made with GW stuff.
>>612645 (OP)
any good battletech stuff like the chibi hammer models?
File: terminatorv4.pdf (699 KB, PDF)
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New terminators
New terminatorsnrryw2
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File: redemptor torso.pdf (468 KB, PDF)
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Just the torso finished so far. Made five different revisions of it before I made one I was happy with. I will post the legs tomorrow and then begin work on the different weapon arms after that.
papercraft would be better if it were just cut-outs that fit the model.
To each to their own I guess. Here's some Guards.

Anons, should I repost some of the other google links from the other bread? Or does anyone else have them?
based, waiting on legs then ima make this
any new dark angels stuff?
Aetheon Heavy Sentinel



These are awesome! Any chance there's basic primaris infantry (intercessors and the like) to match these?
Yes, gib links, I'm bored as fuck lately, might as well glue some paper
Orky stuf in particular. Luv me some dakka
File: blockheadreivers.pdf (2.33 MB, PDF)
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2.33 MB PDF
and Reivers. I probably need to add the weapons options to make these into the far more useful Infiltrator/Incursor squads
Blade guard Veterans
Captains and Lieutenants with all the weapons options
Outrider bikes
Invader ATV and crew
some eldar stuff?
Aggressors in 9 chapter colors with instructions
Apothecary Biologus to go with them. Pretty much the same instructions will work here
I went to /po/ instead of /pol/ by accident and don't regret it because this is amazing
File: aspectwarriors.pdf (682 KB, PDF)
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I've made a few
wave serpent
Windrider Jetbikes
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Noise Marines Pleasure Giver

Seraptek Heavy Construct

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Chaos Wardog

Not mine but here you go.
Intercessors are good overall and their rules are free on Killteam though
Frickin board removed file. Here u go again.
Here's some sisters I edited a bit. It ain't mine though.
What happenned to the drive that was in the previous OP?
There were so many good files that makes me wonder why is so little beign shared here. I'll start contributing once I get home.
File: Defiler.pdf (1.99 MB, PDF)
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1.99 MB PDF
File: decimator.pdf (1.97 MB, PDF)
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1.97 MB PDF
File: _Heavy Mortal.pdf (2.62 MB, PDF)
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2.62 MB PDF
File: Commander Suit.pdf (102 KB, PDF)
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Anyone have these Plague Marines or anything Emperor's Children or Tyranid-related in this style?

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