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ive done nothing but re-read Akira and Ajin lately
and I already have a mechafag pestering me irl. even after watching 2 of his recommendations and 3 model kits (1 fully painted) i never truly got into mechashit.

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Where can I buy this jacket, it looks great

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Looking for fantasy anime and manga that aren't inspired by Medieval England/France/Germany etc. I just read Duranki and I really liked the Bronze Age Greece setting


Hello my wonderful friends. I need your help with an assignment of mine convincing an absolute qt3.14 but sadly woefully mis-educated grill. For that I will take 10 arguments against the person of Karl Marx with citations, and 10 arguments against marxism again with citations.
In this thread we will list the failings of Karl Mordechai Marx as a person and the theories he may have plagiarized and formulated into what is now known as communism.
I'm aware it's a hopeless endeavour but an anon can dream.

Who is the person that took this picture? When was it uploaded to the internet and on what site? Who is this legendary man?
that's me irl
Took long enough, but thanks.

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What's the name of this old video game song that plays during this annoying youtube video?

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I've been hunting for a scan of this and about on IRC and haven't been getting lucky, does anyone have a decent link or scan themselves?
6 replies omitted. Click here to view.
Hopeful Bump.
Hopeful Bump.
Hopeful Bump.
hiding this thread
Hopeful Bump.

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Hello everyone, this is my first time using this site, so I apologize in advance if I did something wrong.
I'm asking for help finding the video, I couldn't save it by liking it, or otherwise.
What I know is that this is an animation
in the style of "veirdcore" or "dreamcore". It is simply called "minecraft". The animator used screenshots from the game as backgrounds. Also, the video sequence is somewhat pixelated to enhance the feeling of the old minecraft. The content of the video consists of a simple set of scenes in which someone walks, interacting with objects in those screenshots of old versions of minecraft. That's all.
A thumbnail is attached to the question, which I tried to draw from memory in the paint.
Thank you in advance.
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Thank you anon

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Is it normal for students to go to the rooftop in Japan? Or is it only in highschool anime?
ive seen it in hentai plots. suicide rate is too high in japan to let teenagers go onto rooftops

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I am ancient. I stopped following anime in early 2000s, so for me, best titles out there would be

>Ghost in the shell
>Serial experiments Lain
>Possibly Ninja Scroll

What "best food" did I miss in the last 20 years? Thanks.
5 replies and 2 images omitted. Click here to view.
You listed some of the most normal popular titles of all time. So just check some top lists, here:
Don't listen to this bot
Let me help you filter out the crap, OP.
Have you seen seen the following? Some of them are from the early 2000s:
>Welcome to the NHK (Highly recommend, just saw it this year and it's in my top 3 favorites for sure. Great OST. Came out in the early or mid 2000s)
>Outlaw Star (90s)
>Gyakkyô burai Kaiji
>91 Days
>Paranoia Agent
>Promise Neverland (Great opening theme for season 1)
>Dororo (The newer one, not the 1960s one)
>Summer Time Rendering
>Daily Life of Highschool Boys (very nice)
It would be wild if OP claims he never read or saw Death Note. I would think he's lying if that were the case.

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
I'm not a bot.
that's even sader

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happened to me a few days ago. I immediately filled in the recovery form but they haven't responded yet, even though it says that they would respond within 24 hours. what I want to ask is if anyone here has gone through this and what was their experience. did you get a response and how long did it take? did you manage to recover your account? I'm reading horror stories online and I'm losing hope.
3 replies omitted. Click here to view.
I completed the form almost fully, only thing I left blank is "favorite pet's name" but I gave them everything else, including old passwords and xbox IDs, it should be enough. the problem is that they haven't responded after that and it's been days. I'd just like to know where I'm at in the recovery process. I'm actually glad to hear that you got your account back, I just hope it doesn't take years in my case.
>not answering a security question
I should still get a "we could not verify your account" reply but I got nothing so far. someone just told me that I should reply to the ticket confirmation email itself and that will maybe make them notice me. I did and I'm waiting for results.
Complain about it on twitter or whatever, they won't care otherwise.
still no response. I guess I'll ask one more thing. there's a suspension appeal I could do, anyone ever tried that? does that lead anywhere? do they usually show understanding and approve appeals?


Does anyone know the name for the song that plays in the title screen of this flash game? It feels so familiar yet I can't tell why.
can you post a vocaroo or an audio clip on catbox, I don't wanna clikc that shit


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23andme says that my paternal haplogroup is "I-Y13946" and my maternal is "W3a"

Dafuq does this mean?
It means you're uhhhhh black. Celebrate Kwanzaa.
Idk why but for some reason I get the feeling that the answer I’m looking for might actually be something else entirely

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best loli anime?
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anime with loli
The Sacred Blacksmith
Ro-Kyu-Bu, ichigo mashimaro
Then Ojamajo Doremi. It probably is the anime with more lolis in it.
If someone knows an anime with more lolis, please tell me.

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How to read this obfuscated QR code?
20 replies and 2 images omitted. Click here to view.
Yeah, I'm dismayed all it took was 0x94** to have file label it as such.

I chose Base91 because its encoding table includes all the characters in the decoded QR code.
Base64 also includes all the characters in the decoded QR code, and uses equal signs for padding.
There are 27 characters used in Base91 that Base64 doesn't use, and none of them are in the decoded QR code.
121 bytes is a weird size
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I've been using georgeom_net-StegOnline-image (replace _ with . and - with /) to get the alpha channel, but the website could be useful for other things. One thing I noticed when threshold'ing the channels, is that the red channel is the only one with a noticeable amount of noise. The least noisy I could make it is picrel, and for my previous post I had to color it in. This could maybe mean that plaintext or other interesting information could be hidden in the file hex.

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