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How can I play the canaan visual novel without having to beat 428 shibuya scramble?

I've got some questions for people running AI llms locally. I thought about doing it, but a total noob with zero knowledge on the matter:

- is it comparable to current free AI in the browser like gpt 3.5 when it comes to quality of the output for models that can run on RTX 4060 (my graphic card)?
- best model that can be good for cooming (so uncensored) and link to a guide that can help setting it up step by step (where the technical jargon that is usually heavily used in this context is actually explained)?

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looking for a picture of a blushing biblically accurate angel gf
its after the dude in the picture holds her hand she looks like she's about to faint

a friend asked
> does anyone have the "holding out for a hero" video of joe biden's results after the 2020 election? you know what i'm talking about

I do not in fact know but if you do please send here thank you

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i saw the kris tyson drama lately where it came out they were fan of shadman's loli and other shit. so i wanted to post this meme cause i thought it would be funny.

Im looking for a meme. This meme was a parody of another meme where loli fans were calling a transgender woman a pedophile. The trans person is brown with pink hair.

The parody version depicted the trangender person as a lolicon fan. I've seen the parody posted on 4chan before, but the original version got spammed a lot (though I cant find it)l

Both of these memes were "SFW" (as sfw as any weird anime meme can be)

pic unrelated.
i assume this is the right board to ask this., if not move to another i guess.
i probably dont think anyone will find it

Need some manga recs

Looking for some Seinen stuff that's got supernatural elements to it, stuff kinda like K or Fate Stay/Night in the urban magic sense is a bonus

Already read bungo stray dogs and watched most of monogatari

Monogatari is a really good example of what I'm looking for actually, at least the serious parts.

Where can I download ANY YouTube video on an Android phone? Prefer a website, but if must install an app to download content, so be it.
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What is listed there?

bro just use Seal wtf are you doing lmao
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Okay. I tried this and it works.

Wow, what an ordeal that was.
I usually use 9xbuddy, but I usually do it on my desktop

What are some ways to actually, practically, improve your life, especially ways that save money? I'll drop some that I know of.
LED bulbs are way more energy efficient than any other kind of bulb for the same brightness, can be EXTREMELY bright if necessary, and in my experience they last several years longer than incandescent or CFL bulbs.
Putting an awning over your window outside saves you a lot of money on air conditioning because a lot of the heat in your house comes from light getting in through the window and getting trapped by furniture, curtains, or carpet inside of the house.
You can buy UV bug catchers on amazon that plug directly into your wall, they catch bugs by trapping them on glue filters that you can throw away and replace. this is the cheapest way I've found to catch gnats, fuck gnats, I hate gnats so much
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I pee too strong for some paper to stand it...
I thought he was jerking off in the drawring
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You can just attach a HEPA filter to a box fan and it works about as well as commercial air cleaners but much cheaper. Air quality is important for your health and well-being. Living in a dirty room causes your nose to be stuffy. Not tasting and smelling as well has a negative effect on your mental well-being.
somewhat related to this:
the air indoors is about 5 times (if i remember correctly) more polluted than outdoors
this might seem counter-intuitive if you're thinking
>cars and factories and whatnot pollute the air outdoors, not indoors, so indoors is safer, no?
but in fact when indoors you are surrounded by paint, glue, varnish, etc. that continuously seeps into the air you breath
just spend the most time you can outdoors if you want to live

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What's a good hobby that's inexpensive, fun, and allows you to socialize with others? Been trying things one by one. Finally got the free time.
Taking baits on 4chan.
If there's a board game shop in your area, I highly recommend checking it out. They often have open game nights where you can waltz in, with or without friends, find or join a table, and play; some of these places will even have open copies of games you can borrow while you're there, and if not, other people will bring whatever it is they want to play. The shop owner might look at you funny if you don't occasionally buy something, but overall, it's a good way to have some fun and make some friends.
Tried it and it's just not my crowd. I might have just outgrown friends versus working on projects with colleagues with a common goal.
That and just playing a sport to be active and competing with new people, maybe chatting in between here and there.
I still enjoy stuff that lets me meet new girls though, although they wouldn't really be friends.
non-competitive mixed-gender softball is the most socializing-prone sport i've played
>chatting while waiting for your turn at bat
>light banter with the player guarding your base or vice versa
>beer after (during) the game
I'm sure it varies from place to place, but where I play (downtown Montréal) there is a strong sense of community, family and friends come to the game, people from the neighbourhood, dog walkers, etc. stop by and chat
every other game turns into a barbecue

doesn't cost much if you already own a mitt
again, i'm sure it varies, but for me it was about $100 for the summer season, which is more than 20 games
plus I substitute in other teams from time to time so more bang for my buck

Scenes from Anime/Movie/TV of Boys getting haircuts from Girl Barbers Please

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What are some games similar to Elden Ring that scratch the itch of exploration and fantasy but for if you don't have the patience to die 50+ times to the same boss?
Witcher 3

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does anyone know who this girl is? she is from a ripoff life lesson video, probably tomorrows teachings

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What's this a reference of?
The Passion of the Christ
Where had The Passion being depicted with black face actors?
The black guys are the "Pool's Closed" negros, the girl is Yotsuba—both popular/memes on 4chan—and the general arrangement is Jesus bearing a cross while being... mocked? Jeered? Something like that. In short, it's a 4chanified crucifixion of Jesus.

Whether it bears resemblance to a scene in the movie of the same name, I couldn't say, but the phrase "Passion of Jesus" broadly refers to the brief period before his death and includes the crucifixion.

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It's like a humanoid japanese monster with a long head with eyes arranged vertically
Sorry I am not a good artist
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Appreciate the help - did not get me there unfortunately. I tried AI. Imagine this thing, but with 3 or 4 total larger round eyes instead of the 7 smaller ones.
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It's not an insect or dragon or anything. Just a humanoid with a long, cylindrical head, featureless face except for the line of eyes. Undetailed. Definitely jarring. Maybe I saw as a blink-and-you-miss-it gag in a Sseth vid?

From that pun pun manga?
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>pun pun manga
KING you found it thank you

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Does anyone know what song this samples?
Thanks anon!
for future reference, i recommend using whosampled

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