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I really like this track I heard from an episode of Code Monkeys I watched, but am unable to pin-point the artist or track title. Here's the video.


The song starts playing at 20:38. Anyone know the name?

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Can someone edit out raichou and gyarados from this background?
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very funny

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Hello, I have not watched anime in about 6 or so years, and was looking to get back into it. Could you guys recommend me some series I have missed over the last 6 years? I don't really like slice of life, i'm more into things with mystery, can be goofy but i prefer mostly serious, good storyline, good action. It can be mecha, historical fiction, anything with an intriguing story and great characters.
Also, I am fine with shows that have tons of episodes but would prefer if there's like 26-50 episodes total.
Thank you very much
Also, they don't have to be from the last 6 years i am down to rewatch stuff
Made in Abyss
Jujutsu Kaisen
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seconding MiA

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I really wish I could remember the song but I only really remember some select details. It's your average 90s eurodance but it has a distinctly Oriental sound to it, and the lyrics mention Japan and karate, I think in the chorus if I remember correctly. Despite the image, I don't think it's by Aqua.
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it's also not Big in Japan
There probably is! It certainly sounds like something that'd exist. Maybe it's a different song by them? Since Japanese-y was kinda their whole gimmick.
Can you remember whether there was a male voice in the song?
Pretty sure there were/was only female voice(s). But I'm still not sure if it's real or imagined lol
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never mind found it myself! The song is called Kung Fu Beat, and while Japan isn't mentioned and there actually are male voices, it at least mentions karate and the Land of the Rising Sun, and it does sound very oriental

thanks for helping to prod my brain guys!
Nice! Happy for you

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'jak this
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There isn't any way this chick didn't do more than be an extra in Surrogates. She's way too gorgeous. Can't figure out who she is, though. Tried IMDB.
One last bump
Try reddit

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Looking for a meme that was on twitter that was this but Pomni from The Amazing Digital Circus
sorry, the best I have is this

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I hear conflicting information. Some say its Conservative and other people say it's been taken over by feminists and socialists. Even having a woman from a feminist death cult involved with killing 300 students become president. Are the men ultra sexist and evil? Are the women? Maybe both? Is there a lot of sex crimes like rape that go on reported? What happened to that feminist website with the male cp? Who are the eight goddesses and is 4B a cult? What is the Korean "4chan" (the one that's build like reddit) and are they involved in politics?
4 replies omitted. Click here to view.
>The phones there have to have sounds because of upskirts.

>It's not regarded as full on rape if you assault an unconcious woman

korea has problems with hidden spycams being used for sexual purposes:

they have a lot of issues with digital sex crimes:

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
do you guys also figure all this misinformation must be coming from North Korea/Russia
OP, go look up Hell Joseon and Korea's birthrate. Being a young male in Korea today is basically hell, that's why they're constantly complaining online. That being said, it's far from being a feminist cult and you should stop listening to /pol/. Also, anyone who says a female politician is far-right must have brain damage.
She belonged to the right wing party at the very least.
Thanks a lot. I wonder why they sank the boat

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Anons wtf is wrong with my display? It seems like all my pixels are dancing around my applications. Ignore my random assortment of games. It does the same thing around my cursor when I move it, so I know that they are not dead pixels.
I’m having the same problem with my other displays (ie my consoles) so I know it’s a monitor issue and not a PC or cord issue
Looks like a classic case of some data connection being damaged within the display. You're best off buying a new monitor.
works on my machine

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Its basically a neko girl with big t-shirt
She smiles 'w' and skin tone of black.
Holding onto a cart to shop.
The text sounds like "I came for copper but found gold" or "found treasure!" Or something that makes it smug
It was popular around 2 years ago or more.
She's not a cat girl but she's from Jahy-sama wa Kujikenai!
There it is.
Thx anon.

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Does anyone have any anime recommendations for me?
List of the one's I watched.
>Dr. Stone
>Neon Genesis Evangelion
>Ghost Stories
>Part of Death Note
>Vinland Saga
>Part of Kotaro Lives Alone
>Part of Komi Can't Communicate
>The Daily Life of the Immortal King
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OP here, I just finished Ep. 1 of One Piece today.
>>Part of Death Note
Finish it
OP Here: Alr, I will
Spice and Wolf

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This internet show: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vbQuJmt_bpE

"Takedown with Chris Hansen" is a show by TruBlu.

I wanna watch full episodes, but I don't wanna pay money.
Is there any way to watch the episodes in full for free?
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I've got you anon, I have the first two seasons and some of the third saved to my hard drive. I'll upload it to mega tomorrow if you don't mind waiting a bit.
I don't mind at all! Thank you!
Here you go, password: takeaseatoverthere
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Thank you, thank you, thank you!

What 4th of July music is playing here?

Bizet's Carmen Overture
Thank you.

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Can someone with an old school calculator put in 55318809 and take a pic of it upside down
Actually can you make it


If it will fit. If not the first thing is fine.
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Looking for a gif or webm of the meme where a guy is singing on some kind of factory rail system and it has caption like "here comes our president Biden" or something similar.
W Nagatoro!

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