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There was a webm being posted on tv or other boards with a short haired girl, blonde, very sweaty, using a dumbbell, wearing a tank top and she has hairy armpits. Does anyone have the webm, or name of the girl/movie?
She was probably wearing a beanie, outdoors. The webm is short, under 20 seconds
>sweaty, using a dumbbell
maybe look thru muscle girl threads on /tv/?

Lost my old website for getting college textbook pdfs, need help with getting a new one.
maybe you can try here
https://annas-archive.org/ is the best.

How do I change what archive site 4chanx redirects to when viewing deleted files?
It keeps going to arch b4k which is broken
10 replies and 1 image omitted. Click here to view.
I'm retarded, how would I set up a rule to auto trim last 3 digits in a redirect?
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Use a regex.

Include pattern: https://arch\.b4k\.co/vg/full_image/(\d{13})(\d{3})?(\.\w{3,4})
Redirect to: https://arch.b4k.co/vg/full_image/$1$3
Pattern type: Regular Expression

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I want to switch to Linux (currently chose Mint, but will likely end up distro hopping) but I can't disregard the possibility I might want/need to go back to Windows in the future. From what I gathered it should be fine so long as the motherboard is the same and my digital license is linked to the Microsoft account, but would there be any other issues I should be aware of?
Ever heard of dualbooting?
Yes, but I don't really like that and would rather avoid it.
Why don't you set up a dual boot, but then just never actually boot into Windows?

That way if you have some emergency, you know Windows will be there, and you don't have to worry about license whatever.
Take your hard drive with Windows installed. Remove it and use a fresh drive for Linux. Replace if you need Windows

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Hi. Can someone rip and upload the shows via MEGA or Terabox? Thanks.

Living with Dad/Les filles de Dad:


Azuro et La Brigade des Dragons:




ZoƩ et Milo (2nd season only)

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Where can I watch it?
Might need adblock
didnt work

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Anyone got that jewish caricature where his eyes are bulging out like booba?
It's this kind of pic

anyone got this panel but with rudeus and the rat from mushoku tensei

I want to prompt this pose, please help me do so.
Checking if pregnant
learn what openpose is nigger

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I use dm5.com
>Where can i read manga in chinese?
1. Go to e-hentai.org
2. Click all those header blocks until only "Non-H" remain lit up. All the others should be ghosted. Yes, even "manga" should be ghosted because you don't want any hentai manga titles appearing.
3. In the search box, type "lang:chinese" without the double quotes.
4. Click on search and now all the titles appearing should be NON-hentai titles in the chinese language.

I'm looking for a rip of the texture for the Amala Drum in the HD remaster of Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne. Any help would be appreciated.
18 replies and 2 images omitted. Click here to view.
have you checked out the shing megami reddit, this is genuine advice im sure someone might be able to help if you post there
Read his deleted posts, he doesn't care anymore, he's just stealth bumping this thread to try and annoy us. It takes 10+ minutes for each stealth bump, and he's been going over a month, he's committed 5 HOURS to this. Absolutely seething, lol
It only takes one minute to delete a post, though?
Bumping for a great game

sad to see somebody stealthbump like this

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I'm trying to find the Voronoi cell of Lonsdaleite, but my computer is a PoS and can't compute/render it.
I'll post the raw point cloud coordinates here; have to split it to fit character limit.
2 replies omitted. Click here to view.
Post this shit on /sci/
They told me to bring it here.
4chan bureaucracy lol
VoronoiMesh crashes my kernel too for large 3D point clouds, maybe it just isn't that stable.
maybe ask lainchan for help

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Big stretch but I'm just seeing if anyone that has done repair work on a Sega Game Gear might know whats going on with the display. Its been a long ass time I've owned a Game Gear so what I'm seeing could be normal. Was hoping it might be some easy fix like dead capacitors but I'm starting to think it this handheld might have several issues were its not even worth trying to fix. I only have experience repairing Gameboy Colors which are less complex.

I recently purchased a Sega Game Gear from eBay that was sold as potentially not working as a repair project. Seller mentioned that he didnt have a game to test it out so it was being sold as potentially not working. Trying to figure out how much money its going to take to repair it since this repair work might not be so easy as replacing dead capacitors. I just dont want to dump a bunch of money on repairing the handheld.

I'm currently waiting on a flashcart purchased from Aliexpress to test it with a game. But I can already tell theres something weird going on with the display. Each time I turn it on it has 2 or more black horizontal lines and the light seems to dim out slowly. The brightness doesn't seem to be always consistent.
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Same display, display looks less brighter in person. There is a chance the handheld might have been opened before since there is dust between the display and the plastic screen protector.
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Put a raspberry pi in it.
That might be a good idea if I end up giving up on trying to fix it.

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I'm looking for a virtual phone service that:
- lets me create/drop phone numbers to give out to bullshit services.
- Has a web-based portal to make calls/etc.
- Is not Google voice (better privacy than that).
- Can call actual phone numbers and receive texts.
What are my options?
time travel back about 10 years
Why? The registered agent service I use has this service until the end of the month. Mobile tech uses web tech. You could engineer it yourself using Twilio.

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So i finally finished a big assignment that felt like torture for months and now im finally free and feel like i can move on with my life

So the first thing i wanna do tomorrow as soon as i wake up is order food and binge a good anime so i need recommendations

I like fantasy and sci fi stuff but literally anything fun to binge with a good cast of characters will probably be fine
Ergo Proxy
My Hero Academia?
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The Aquarion trilogy.
>fantasy AND sci fi
Besides the usual suspects and accounting to around 12 episodes or so:
Puella Magi Madoka Magica
Cop Craft
Boku dake ga Inai Machi (Erased)
Gargantia on the Verdurous Planet
Vivy: Fluorite Eye's Song
I correct myself: "86" is more than 12 episodes because is more than 1 season. I did binged the entire thing tho.

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