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This popped up when logging out of a youtube account, what is this? im just gonne go reset my pc

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Can someone remove the face tattoo and make him look younger/less wrinkly? Even better if he looks more feminine.
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Face tattoo removed + younger
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(Subtly) feminized

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I am a medical student and i have acquired a medical book pdf for free (medical book are so expensive) but the pdf is very laggy! I already tried to compress it on websites like ilovepdf or pdf24, it kinda helped but at the end either the quality is shit either it's still laggy!
Here is the mega link to my pdf: https://mega.nz/file/YBoBgRZT#Se9BpPE_xrnaOqsJTmmSborM10lficbg4wmuIKKfGPQ
If you have any solution anons you will make my day!
6 replies and 1 image omitted. Click here to view.
seconding SumatraPDF, it's extremely fast
try doing it as print, select chapter page range, and save as pdf rather than send to printer
Looking at the book, the problem is that you're using a book that was scanned. The only alternative to the proposed solutions left, would be to look for the e-book version (which should be 10-20 times smaller).
>Use SumatraPDF.
Not possible on android

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Requesting good games that can be played sparingly (as opposed to time waster that gets you hooked like paradox grand strategy etc.)
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GBO2 is peak ragefuel and requires you to be a slave for a while at first like any gacha

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I befriended some kid in a shooter after a few days ago, plays nice, speaks mature for his age. Recently we had a conversation where he brought up that he was still in school, which then resulted into complaining about his assignments. I said that it couldn't be that bad, but then he sent me this shit: "There are 10 red apples and 15 green apples in a basket. What are the chances of pulling a pear out of the basket? And the apple?"
Do Ukrainian folks really be solving this as freshmen?
0% pear, 100% apple.
It doesn't say there's no pears though, that would've been wrong. If you have a can of coke in the fridge, it wouldn't mean that the chances of a tomato laying there too were 0%.
That's the simple logical conclusion that you have to make. Wouldn't really make sense for them to answer their own questions.
And the chances of my dick being in your mouth is not 0% but here we are.

Genius alert.

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can you rate this meme on a scale of 1-10
1 reply omitted. Click here to view.
fait enough
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Low effort. 1/10
This is great I give it a 10
imagine believing the original is superior

>Posts the original to show OP who's boss

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What's some good piano music that's similar to what You hear in the first season of The Boondocks?

When I was in Grade 10 or 11 (2009-2010) my class was shown a 2D animated film about people either wearing pig masks or they were pig people. It felt like a critique on capitalism or something? I think there was a post-apocalyptic setting? I remember the film was dark and uncomfortable. It felt very European. I also think the film was maybe 10-20 minutes long. I think I remember one scene where a group of pig people were on a subway/metro. There might have been another animal race that was in control of the pig people. The animation had a lot of shadow work and reminds me of The Maxxx in terms of art style or maybe animations from Pink Floyd's The Wall.

I think we watched this film for an English exam. I also went to high school in Canada. The tone was similar to Pencil Face which was another film we had to watch for an English Exam in High School.

Any ideas on what this film could be?
uhhhhh there's a famous scene in The Shining
Animal Farm? The animation in that has always reminded me of The Wall, funnily enough.
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>pig people
Might it have been some kind of 2D version of that episode from The Twilight Zone? Pic related.
okay so I asked my girlfriend if she remembered the film, she went to my high school.

She told me that they did not have pig masks but the people in the film did have masks on.

There was a child acting out and their mother puts a mask on them and they calm down and conform with the other people.

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I need someone who can read old time cursive to decipher what's written at the bottom right of this photograph
1) 'old time cursive' -- it's bizarre that zoomers can not write or read cursive
2) It's in Portuguese, maybe /int/?
3) Looks like "I am going to love and..." something something something Name and Name 3-9-??
I can read cursive, but that some doctor handwriting type of shit cursive that I can't decipher
Yes, it's Portuguese
Can you decipher the names?
Viviana? and it looks like Javier? but spelled jaEvier
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this didn't really work :(
You should try Portuguese from Portugal and not Portuguese Brazilian

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Is there anyone who can approve a wikipedia article i wrote for submission? I have wrttien 2 articles of experinental and punk bands but i keep getting rejected because of "lack of citations from reputable sources" , but i literally used news articles from multuple independent journalism websites that cover local music, ive seem worse get approved. What's more, these bands have hundreds of thousands of youtube views and one of them toured across America . Lesser bands have entries. But they being punk and experimental dont really like press and like to be quiet online. these bonehead moderators are gatekeeping because they assume im jusy some kid making articles for bands he fangirls over or something. Anyway, if there's any moderators that can help me i would appreciate it. I hate wikipedia culture but these bands have followings and have contributed significantly ti local music.
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>wrttien 2 articles of experinental
Maybe you should let others write the articles.
Just read WP:N like everyone tells you to. OR factors like youtube views will be treated as utterly irrelevant, and even brining them up is likely to make them dismiss you. If you read enough of their policies, you'll eventually learn how to game the system. Also try looking your topics up on google scholar and google books, and shoe-horning in anything relevan you find: non-self published sources are usually acceptable. In any case you will need at least one acceptable source that is primarily about the topic, not just mentioning it in passing.
also, there's no such thing as a wikipedia moderator and talking like there is will make people with more power than you dislike you.
>Wikipedia:Administrators, who carry out many of the tasks assigned to moderators on other sites
Close enough.

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Morning lads. I have a quick request.

Can't for the life of me find the original version this this meme (attached)

The original had the lady on the left saying something like "you want to r** me, your wives will hold me down..." stuff like that.

Couldn't search for it without getting either normie memes or weird fetish crap. This is the closest I could find.

Any help would be appreciated. If not, whatever. Not a huge deal.

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Hi all, I'm writing a book about my time spent in Ukraine last year. The current working title is:

An Englishman's Explorations in Ukraine: Part 1


An Englishman's Explorations in Ukraine: The First Exploration

Could someone, using the pic related as a template, make a very professional-looking book cover, incorporating the title into the cover, please? I mean to get it published on Amazon Kindle within the next few months.

Much appreciated, and my disc is barrrelrriderrr if you wanna add me and catch up on the progress of the book, once it sells I will be more than happy to pay you for your time and effort if I use your cover art. I'm planning to write at least 2 more so it would be great to stay in touch for more artwork. Thanks again - an Englishman.
11 replies and 4 images omitted. Click here to view.
I mean like, I wanted the background to be edited or whatever, not just the text to be put on it, I've already done one of them and it looks better than what people have made here.
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Can't say it's especially professional, but here's my crack at it. Good luck, anon.
You did not explain this. Wouldn't it make sense to explain as much as possible what you want, and give feedback on the work already done?
Post a higher quality photograph first. Looks bad when you fully open it.
Thanks Anon this is fantastic!
That's the point, so people can edit it to make it look better.

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Youtube link if you dont want to click on the gofile one
i tried google music search
nothing matched

Can't find this one wherever i go

This was the funniest shit I've ever experienced on this site (I was the Jeb, legionnaire and online search poster guy)

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