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It works without issue in incognito and other browsers like Edge, but for whatever reason it just keeps looping.
I've opened up chrome's task manager and killed every process to see if it was an extension causing it, but it still loops.
what do?

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I need a potent laptop. Price isn't an issue, but I was thinking about the perfomance-cost edge.
2000€ tops. I don't care about software, I can pirate it.

A laptop for gaming and work; I have a good pc and I don't expect it to be better than my desktop unit, but I want something good.
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give links bro let us be thorough
Seeing as maybe you don't really know what you're in for, I think I should mention that when buying a laptop you don't get the equivalent PC performance.
RTX4070 Laptop GPU has ~10-15% higher performance than the desktop 4060 aka not as performant than the desktop 4070.
I'm not saying these laptops are bad, they're insane. I've got a Lenovo Legion as well and it's top tier machine.
Just don't expect desktop performance and bear in mind the small form factor means heat is harder to dissipate so the fans are working overtime when gaming. When playing AAA games on high settings mine sounds like it's taking off. Need headphones.
Here, it is a spanish page. Is the one I use. I just want the best cost-perfomance laptop but something good, I already have a high tech pc.
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I hear conflicting information. Some say its Conservative and other people say it's been taken over by feminists and socialists. Even having a woman from a feminist death cult involved with killing 300 students become president. Are the men ultra sexist and evil? Are the women? Maybe both? Is there a lot of sex crimes like rape that go on reported? What happened to that feminist website with the male cp? Who are the eight goddesses and is 4B a cult? What is the Korean "4chan" (the one that's build like reddit) and are they involved in politics?
3 replies omitted. Click here to view.
>I hear conflicting information. Some say its Conservative and other people say it's been taken over by feminists and socialists. Even having a woman from a feminist death cult involved with killing 300 students become president. Are the men ultra sexist and evil? Are the women? Maybe both? Is there a lot of sex crimes like rape that go on reported? What happened to that feminist website with the male cp? Who are the eight goddesses and is 4B a cult? What is the Korean "4chan" (the one that's build like reddit) and are they involved in politics?

If you look this stuff up, you'll find answers pretty quickly

There was a cult but it wasn't feminist. the first female south korean president was a member of a cult: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Park_Geun-hye
But she was part of a far right political party. Not feminist at all

The leader of the cult was also a woman but it was started by her father: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Choi_Soon-sil
The 8 goddesses thing is a reference to myth and also to that cult.

The death of those students happened after she was already president, and i cant find anything that says it was part of a cult sacrifice: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sinking_of_MV_Sewol

A lot of the information you hear on 4chan about south korea is total bullshit. This is the only place i've heard it being called a feminist cult. Im guessing they made a massive (and incorrect) assumption that any cult with a woman leader would be left wing and feminist.

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>The phones there have to have sounds because of upskirts.

>It's not regarded as full on rape if you assault an unconcious woman

korea has problems with hidden spycams being used for sexual purposes:

they have a lot of issues with digital sex crimes:

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do you guys also figure all this misinformation must be coming from North Korea/Russia
OP, go look up Hell Joseon and Korea's birthrate. Being a young male in Korea today is basically hell, that's why they're constantly complaining online. That being said, it's far from being a feminist cult and you should stop listening to /pol/. Also, anyone who says a female politician is far-right must have brain damage.
She belonged to the right wing party at the very least.

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I'll need info on this angel please
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>I guess she's not in China.
I think she is. She has a Douyin account but Douyin isn't accessible in the United States even though they're owned by the same company as TikTok and nearly the same thing. Could probably get in with a VPN.
Good thing she found a way.
The chinks need to consider letting these cuties use the full extent of the world wide web while only keeping their retards isolated so we can avoid India 2.0 internet infestation.
Nothing special but here's some of her Douyin videos. I'm done here.
youre the mvp
>filter face

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What is the name of this short animated cartoon? It was made around 2006. Image search would not do for some reason.
I sadly don't know, however I will say that you can bump your own thread, it will make things easier for your and people trying to help.
Oh ok

4060 TI used, Black screens randomly but on Furmark I can get it to black screen within 5 minutes. Audio still plays and USB sometimes still works until about 1 full minute the PC restarts. I put GPU to lowest watt limit and MHz and still crash. I just want to know if anyone had the same thing and if it happened to be the GPU failing cause I don't think I'm gonna fix it. I will never buy used GPU again if this is the case.

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For some reason, season 3 of this show seems to have never had any kind of official release; even Disney+ ceases at Season 2. Are there any good places to find the final season in decent quality?
Bumping to see if someone can help~
8 Simple Bumps

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Does anyone know what this mecha is from? I found this action figure at a second-hand store. It says "BANDAI 2006" and "made in china" on the back.
MagiShine from Mahou Sentai MagiRanger
although I assume the toy was made for power rangers mystic force, which was the western localised version
That is very epic, thank you so much!!!!
I was able to find this with the information you provided. I can morph it into a Phoenix? This is so cool. I've never watched this show before, but now I'm gonna. Thanks again!

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How to watch age restricted videos (id or credit card) on youtube using vpn? i heard you can watch them on some countries without verification. What country should I select? Invidious no longer works.
install the tampermonkey extension and then the bypass age restriction script on it
I was asking for something like this for My Android phone yesterday and Someone recommended Me this app called Seal.


If You install the apk and enable the yt-dlp option in the settings after You've downloaded it, it just werks.
just put nsfw in front of youtube in the URL.
why did you make a thread that's easily answered by a 1 second internet search?

Is there any way to unlock Naotora and Mai in Dead or Alive 5 Last Round on PC even with the DLC being discontinued? Like with a mod or something other download online?
Apparently you can buy Naotora but not Mai anymore
So is there a way to pirate a version of DOA5: LR to get Mai?
Did you try CreamAPI in automatic mode?

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Hey,My team of graduate researchers are trying to do an experiment related to Spanish spam and phishing emails/sms and see their impact on non native english speakers.After multiple days of trying we were unable to secure a publicly available Spanish spam dataset, except for the ones on hugging face which, as they themselves specify, are just machine translations of the original English spam.The closest we could find was "SPEMC-15K-S" dataset mentioned here: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2402.05296After contacting the authors of the paper, they said that the insitute that they got their original data (RedIRIS) has revoked the access and they themselves can't access it.
We were not able to contact RedIRIS...We are now in the process of creating one ourselves by setting up a honeypot.We would appreciate any help or guidance if someone can point us in the right direction on how to set up our email to receive spam in spanish, or if they have access to a prebuilt dataset.Thank you!
>We were not able to contact RedIRIS
wouldn't it be waaaayy more worthwhile to work on contacting them rather than on creating your own dataset?
with no previous experience in honeypotting i would guess
>make a facebook profile with a public email address and subscribe to all the spanish pages you can: news, memes, christianity, etc.
>repeat for twitter, instagram, and so on
>subscribe to all the spanish newsletters
do you think you could contact a data broker and ask them to include your email in one of their datasets?

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What are some light novels similar to boogiepop zaregoto and isolator?

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I want to get the best quality (and res) rip of 2 episodes of the Simpsons BUT in 4:3 (as they are) SO NO CROPPED 1080p.

Marge Gamer Season 18 Episode 17
Papa Don't Leech Season 19 Episode 16
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Oh ok. Can't help you there. I got DVD's but mpeg 2 720 obviously ain't what you're looking for and HD rips I do have are not cropped.
Well did HappyLee make a remaster of season 19? There's one of 18
>Marge Gamer Season 18 Episode 17
Just grab the BATV release of season 18 that is publicly available. Webm releated.
I didn't bother to check for s19. It seems that halfway through s18 they switched over to 16:9. Safe to say that s19 onward they're all going to be in that aspect ratio.
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>I didn't bother to check for s19. It seems that halfway through s18 they switched over to 16:9. Safe to say that s19 onward they're all going to be in that aspect ratio.
Doesn't seem to be the case for that episode though
Yea it was season 20 when they actually switched. Good luck tho I don't care for those later seasons of the show so I won't bother downloading them

I'm having a problem accessing 4chan through my router. I've scoured the internet, I've done a bunch of shit. To make a long story short, it's specifically the router, I can access 4chan on mobile network or if I bypass the router and direct connect to modem. I've hit the netgear forums (I have a nighthawk AX5400 router and the modem is a nighthawk CM1000v2) and the only help I've had is from a furry who refuses to read what I've posted in the op.
Here's a link to the thread
This seems to be an issue others have with random other websites and I've tried everything they have. I needs help, and I'm tired of needing to be on mobile data to browse this place
12 replies and 1 image omitted. Click here to view.
I'll give it a look when I get home tonight
Interesting, using https://4cdn.org/ I now get pic related. I also tried just 4chan.org and it looks like that too. So now I have styles loading but not images....
But as I'm trying to post (while on wifi) it says connection error. This would be on my phone, let me try my laptop....
Nooope, laptop is getting the usual blackness. I guess it was just remembering stuff in the cache on my phone from earlier
That was supposed to be blankness not blackness. Fucking auto cucumber I hate using my phone for 4chan
Going to go out on a limb and suggest setting the DNS to something other than what your ISP provides. Try setting it to or in the router.

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I'm looking for more books that are along the lines of stuff like pic related or Revolution in the Head by Ian Macdonald: extensive looks at a band or solo musician's discography that talk about who exactly performed on each and every one of their songs.

I'm also curious as to what genre or niche these kinds of books may be considered as so I could try and look for some more of them myself.

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