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Fuck man, Angus McBride is one of the best fantasy painters I've seen, but either google is complete shit or his works have been scrubbed from the internet by his estate so you have to pay to see it, i dunno, I just wish I could see this dead guys awesome work and study it.

Could any of you please help me find a big archive of his works somewhere? Hires would obviously be great, but at this point I'm fine with any archive that doesn't have hideous watermarks slapped over them

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can someone geolocate this image from russia possibly moscow
Full video?

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Can anyone please find where this image was taken?
yandex reverse image search bro
The photographer is Ashley Gilbertson and the photo appeared in a New Yorker article about Liminal Spaces, but I haven't managed to trace the thread back to find the location of the mall where it was taken.
This could be AI similar, or possibly out of Kane Pixels - the oldest view series.
update: I skimmed the series and didn't see this particular scene.

Anyone know of any good podcasts focused on the conspiracy theories surrounding the JFK assasination and the conspiracy theories surrounding the Las Vegas shooting? Could be just one episode or could be multiple ones. The lengthier, deeper and wider the focus on the subject the better. Fanks.

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I'm wanting to look into this big Disney leak, because I care about the future of Spectrobes, because there probably isn't/wasn't one. All that said, I'm not really sure where I would find said leak on the internet, let alone look for what I want out of it.
wait - was there spectrobes stuff related to it that you have heard about? or are you hoping that it might be in there?
Seriously hoping.
Like, come on, I heard it was 1.1TB large, with the biggest I've seen saying 10TBs. There has to be at least murmurs about it, if the communications go all the way back to 2006.
Nothing? How does one get info on the Disney leak? All the smelly YouTubers are like "lmao, don't even try, there's nothing you want here." They might as well be paid by Disney.

What 4th of July music is playing here?

Bizet's Carmen Overture

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d8Jb55og1Rk Apocalyptica - Kaamos

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Building a pc. How the fuck do these fan clips clip on to the heat sink?
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Maybe I have to pull the clips in the fan
That wasn't in the manual:p
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I got the fan on the heatsink
Used the duck tape finally, didn't cha?
I figured out how to clip it :3

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So I've been hacked because I downloaded old and new FitGirlRepack (yes I made sure it was the right site) games and fucked up somewhere along the way. Lesson learned.

What steps should I take apart from the ones I already have? Attackers took and disabled/deleted my Microsoft account as confirmed by Microsoft. I regained access to EA and Steam and working on recovery for Microsoft. Can't find any other accounts that have been breached. I am changing all passwords and have reset my machine. But I have a concern or rather some hope the damage isn't extensive:

They seemed to have only attacked accounts that were signed into my Win10 machine not via browser (Brave/Chrome). What are the odds I get continued raping later on via other avenues affecting log-ins found via browser? The first account email change/theft was 7/21. So they've at least has a full 24 hours to fuck me. Ironically I ran a full MalwareByte scan and it came up clean 7/22.

Lastly, how can I make sure my machine is actually clean? Is a simple reset all that's needed?
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You are very much appreciated, anon. Thank you. One last placation of anxiety please: Since USB reboot from potentially infected origin is no go, reboot via Windows build in recovery is just as bad despite no internet connectivity? I'm afraid, anon.
First you figure out how to get into the BIOS. When you turn on the computer, the motherboard logo will appear and during that short window of time you can press DEL or something to access the BIOS menu, try it out or look up how to do it for your specific motherboard.
Once you have that figured out, turn off the computer and stick the bootable USB in, then turn it on and make sure you get into the BIOS since if you miss it will boot into your compromised Windows.
Next you'll want to find the boot priority menu and make the bootable USB priority #1 so it boots first, then you can install Windows normally.
I can sleep easy tonight knowing I have a game plan tomorrow. Thank you, anon.
>Video/audio/pictures basically can't infect you obviously
I mean, yeah. Such exploits are extremely rare and not something random Russian skids are gonna have access to, mostly only CIA and Mossad. Whenever one is revealed it's a huge deal and is usually patched the same day.

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Can someone uncrop the top of her head? Just draw a bit more of her hair on top to make it a full head
none of those are free
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thank you bro!!

what are some manga about people fighting on the streets?
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any yakusa manga
This, highly recommend it.
not really "manga" as it, but there's a lot of that in korean webtoons


some even got anime adaptations (like viral hit/lookism)
There’s a video game about it. Maybe you’ve heard of it.

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Can anyone recommend me some kinos about spoiled princesses? Manga would be good but other things are fine too
Tearmoon Teikoku Monogatari ~Dantoudai kara Hajimaru, Hime no Tensei Gyakuten Story~

Koushaku Reijou ni Tensei shiteshimatta node, Mental Otome na Ore wa, Zenryoku de Onnanoko wo Tanoshimimasu
Princess Candle
Maoujou de oyasumi

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Aye I got some software sending a automated email on a task being completed, this worked fine for the last 2-3 months no issues and now today the mail I am getting is missing most if not all the detail it is meant to include.

The weird thing is, if I forward that same mail, all the detail is present in the chain. I've confirmed this across 2 machines. Any ideas? using outlook

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I am working on a phone app that has a kitsch, fake-filesystem-like interface for storing information. However, I have included the ability to copy folders, and a user determined to softlock themselves could theoretically 1. duplicate a folder 2. move both duplicates into a third folder 3. go back to step 1 until the app's fake-filesystem (stored in an sqlite database) stalls out, softlocks, and breaks.

How do I give the user relative freedom to copy folders without letting them do dumb things like deliberately softlocking themselves/filling the fake-filesystem with crap?

Plz gib ideas. Thanks.
Why not use real folders under the hood instead of a database?
A good suggestion actually, and
probably what I *should* do.

Since no one replied to this thread
for about a day, I ended up disabling
folder copying at 1GB, with a popup explaining that it's to prevent the user from softlocking themselves easily (fortunately most people will never encounter this, and those who do will likely be trying to softlock deliberately).

So, a user *could* still break it by copying something like 20,000 files but it'd be
really hard and take 20 hours or so.

If I ever update the app to store more
complex/large stuff I'll probably go with this. But thankfully the file sizes of the db files are really small so it's not an issue.

What kind of screwdriver do I need for this. I’m trying to fix a third party Xbox 360 controller’s bumpers
security torx probably
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Get yourself a cheap 'security bit set'
They're handy to have around
Plus, you're always guaranteed to find some stupid proprietary fastener on the other side
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or grab an electonics bit set like this
just cheap chinese crap for 10 or so
The correct answer is an allen wrench, idk why the other replies are shilling whole sets and shit
>The correct answer is an allen wrench
No, idiot. There is a round peg sticking up inside the screw, preventing you from setting a Allen wrench or common torx bit into the screw.
This a common security screw called tamper proof torx. But we will tell him to buy an entire set because we cannot determine the size, picrel

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