I was originally planning one of Chopin's nocturnes since I'm sure all the boomers that'll be there will love to hear one, but it might be foolish for me to try learning op 48 no 1 in three months, and all of the other ones aren't really impressive sounding enough other than op 15 no 1 which I also could not pull off. op 27 no 1 is a strong contender and I'll probably go for that one, but it feel like it might be boring for the last 2 minutes since there aren't really any showy parts to close off with.Which piece should I choose and settle with? Also there will likely be many girls there so ideally one that doesn't sound too feminine or fruity like most romantic era pieces do. Just put me on to something cool and good that everyone will enjoy and also be possible for me to play
>>1514924emperor, beethoven
carnaval, schummanyou can make a 5-7 minute excerpt of either of the two propositions
>>1514924Joe Hisaishi has wonderful piano music. There's sheet music available.
How would one go about finding more information on J.Y. Company 晶太, the publishers responsible for the infamous "7 Grand Dad" bootleg of Vinesauce lore?There's a lengthy article on the company available on the bootleggames fandom wiki, but all of the references lead to a blog which is no longer available and has not been properly archived. The links refer to a blog which was once hosted at masterdisk dot bytehost15 dot com. Because this is such a niche topic, and because this blog was potentially one of the most substantive writings on the topic, I'd imagine that the author of the blog is out there somewhere. I can't help but think that this person is most likely an authority on the subject.I have no experience with the Taiwanese internet, so it could be that there is a lot more information floating around that's inaccessible to the English-speaking world. There are quite a few photographs of J.Y. bootleg cartridges in circulation, so there are people who definitely know a thing or two.Is there a forum board of hobbyists or a specific person, i.e., a bootleg collector, that might have some more knowledge regarding this mysterious company?
Is there a community I can go to learn about self-castration? Specifically, female self-castration of the ovaries.>inb4 muh work safeMan it isn't sexy, trust me. I just hate myself.
>>1515095>female self-castration of the ovariesDamn, you gone die nigga.
>>1515097I mean yeah. If I just go for it then I'm probably going to bleed out and have the most embarrassing tombstone in the whole state, probably. That's why I want to at least have a clue of what I'm doing.
>>1515095Save your money and research tubal ligation.
When I look for martial arts novels all I get are nonsense fantasy ki shit that feels written in China.I'm asking for a martial arts novel that actually grounds itself in reality, but the fighting is absolutely a major element of the story, with detailed fight scenes and techniques
Anyone can find the original painting? Saw it on this record>https://www.discogs.com/fr/release/1679301-Prokofiev-Britten-David-Attenborough-BBC-Philharmonic-Tortelier-Peter-And-The-Wolf-Young-Persons-Gui BUT it's got to be from somewhere else.Help wud be appreciated.
Jane Ray is the painter
>>1515063Alright, this helps a bit. Thanks.
>>1515062Here FaceBook: janerayillustration
https://annas-archive.org/search?q=Jane+Raysearch in the books
I like the vibes of this image, is it from a movie or a show?
>>1515086i do not know, but it reminds me of that tim burton's christmas puppet movie, which i haven't seen, but the aesthetics are similar according to the posters
>>1515088You're talking about a Nightmare Before Christmas movie and yea it looks similar but I've seen the movie and it's not from there
Does anyone have any or know of any VHS archives of Audrey and Friends from 2000-2004? It's lost media now with no leads besides old rips from Milkshake.
>>1514393Official art
Anyone have a recommendation for an ai image generator (free or paid) that works well for a fantasy setting
Well, there's an app called AI Dungeon, its a text based dnd game, but it can be used for any kind of ai text roleplay. It also has ai images. Idk how they look, but they're paid
>>1514629Thanks. I’ll check it out when I get back from work. I made the image above with mistral le chat. I had been role playing this female mercenary who dresses up in a loincloth to infiltrate a goblin mine. Gets captured and taken to meet the goblin king. This was the image it generated. Pretty impressed honestly.
>>1514648i liked the image, the bad thing is that you have to register to generate images, i wonder if there is a good image generator but without registration
Can someone please help me find a site where I can order pure sodium nitride (at least 90%) and delivers in the US? I've tried searching but can't find anything.
>>1509513okay I'm trying to order from this website and have run into a few issues.I managed to get proton mail working but the site needs a phone number, name, address, etc. and doesn't accept paypal or throwaway debit cards.Any ideas on how to get around this? I do have some spare cash to spend if necessary.Thanks.
>>1515055same issues also apply to this website except they just give you a quote and no way to actually purchase>>1509506
>>1514489the hospitals need it more than OP, for MRI machines or whatever
>>1515055Just give them your phone number, won't matter much after you use it anyways.
>>1515076I don't live by myself though so I'd rather it be as untraceable as possible.
I need that one greentext where some guy's friend invites everyone to play his homebrew RPG where damage is calculated via rasterization and it had a ton of mathematical formulas.
>>1514866>where damage is calculated via rasterizationwhat? how would that even work, was the damage calculated per-pixel or something?
>>1514866Just as a ruleout, this isn't F.A.T.A.L (of "roll for anal circumference" fame), right?https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/F.A.T.A.L.
>>1514910Thank you had great keks at work
>>1514910That's the exact one, thank you anon.
Can someone with coding knowledge help me convert a save file? I recently bought card-an-ciel after playing a pirated version and I tried transferring my save file over but the official version keeps saying it can't read the gamedata or savedata. Anyone know how to fix this? I'd rather not restart 50 hours of progress.Thanks.
It could be the versions are different, check if you can set steam to download an older version.Nothing guarantees you'll be able to use your save file.
>>1513255I have experience reverse engineering game data/savefile formats and I can look into it, but I need the following things:>a copy of the save file you're trying to convert>the version number of the build you initially played on>the version number of the build you're trying to play on>ideally, somewhere I can get said builds of the game for free without having to look for them myself
>>1514878Just got home from the wagey cagey, I'll get all these to you soonThanks.
It's every God in this franchise based off or named after some real life God that people did actually worship at one point or another?
>>1515039>isn't something you GoogleHow did I just find thishttps://danmachi.fandom.com/wiki/CharactersClick on the names and see what it says about all these people in this terrible anime
>>15150422 seconds later, proven to be retarded
>>1515032nta but consider that fact that the thread WAS moved...
There's a Thor in Marvel, maybe there's a Hestia too. idk.why thef did you make a new thread on /a/ u high
Does anyone have any creepy and uncanny AI videos like this?
>>1514610>>1514754Requests aren't allowed on /wsg/.
>>1514765they absolutely are allowed inside threads like that
>>1514609Perfect woman doesn't exi-
What's the best AI for speech to text, and best AI for translation? I'm willing to put some work in to "fine tune" the models - whatever that means
>>1515014>speech to textStill Whisper, I think.https://github.com/openai/whisper>translationUse Deepseek v3 or R1 depending on how much you're willing to spend on this.
Does anyone have a torrent for A Boy and His Samurai?
>>1514951Thank you so much!