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I'm looking for doraemon movies to download but there was only about 5 titles available on nyaa with english sub.
anyone know where else to find them? or maybe if you have some big collection maybe make a thread on /t/?
22 replies omitted. Click here to view.
There’s no way you kept this thread active for a month and a half.

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Anons, do you have the first two episodes of the BD Version of the anime 100 girlfriends? Please share someone
did you look on nyaa
Yes, but apparently no one has shared the BDrip yet, or I wasn't looking hard enough, either way I hope someone will share it

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Anons, I need the help of someone who actually knows how to remix music, or how to copy music using AI. Link below is Sustain/Decay by Drivealone, mostly known from Cyberpunk: Edgerunners. However, I discovered a post on an old Polish forum where the composer pasted the intended lyrics, and it turns out two verses out of four were cut.

My request is - is someone on here able to use AI/remixing/whatever to generate a version of this song with the full lyrics?


Here are all four verses:

Endless sustain
How did I get out again
Blown off the lane
Random constraints
Holding down my everyday's
Vital remains

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Basically me and my friend are not from burgerland and live in a country with pretty bullshit hate speech laws. He uses a vpn to post online but has a habit of flexing his impulse purchases on sites like twitter and reddit (watches, headphones, pc parts, peripherals, albums) with his handle. A lot of these things are niche and only sold by some specific websites here.

We had an argument where I basically said if anyone wants to track him, they can just contact the handful of websites that sell that item and easily track him using some basic breadcrumbs. He thinks I am being overly paranoid and something like this is not possible. Is there any case where this scenario played out?
If you just want to demonstrate that they are capable of tracking him down, then bring up the fact that people get arrested frequently for ordering child sex dolls, even when using a VPN. But what you are lacking here is a motive for people to want to track him down, for whatever “hateful” statements he has made online. Anonymous hate speech isn’t a top priority for most governments. The only reason I can see that they would look into his internet history if he were applying to the military or a public office. In my opinion, you are being a bit paranoid, but not because it is impossible to track him, but because there isn’t much motive to. Unless he’s going on German instagram and ranting about the Jews, he should be fine.
That depends on how sketchy the stores are, pissing off the wrong person or people, the person being in high places or being good at social engineering and the privacy laws in the countries of the buyer and seller. There are probably easier ways to track him down.
>people get arrested frequently for ordering child sex dolls
That's because they go through customs, not because they were ordered online.

Is there an online calculator that calculates the profit you would have gained by investing in a company given set perameters?

For example, if a company opens at a valuation of $1.6 million, and then in 10 years becomes $50 million, is there a calculator that tells me how much my "X" investment would be worth after that 10 years?
You just need to divide and multiply.

In your example, divide 50 million by 1.6 million. That gives you a factor of 31.25.

Any investment X would be worth 31.25X after that 10 years.

I truly hope you are not from the US. If you are, I feel sad that our country's education system has failed you.

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Kind of stumped here. Saw an image a few months ago that I didn't save because I'm an idiot.
It was of a young anime girl in a large steam-powered suit resembling that of a knight (warhammer vibes in shape, but not very detailed) with a sword. It looked pretty rudimentary, made out of brass/copper maybe although the image wasn't that highly detailed. She had dark hair, possibly blue or purple(?) and bangs I believe. I was looking for (classic) dnd-related inspiration when I ran into it. I believe I tried backtracing the source and it only leading to a wiki of a sidecharacter (or even worse, maybe oc) of some obscure game, manga, or anime franchise? Think it said something like the girl was disabled but used a steam-powered magic armor to keep adventuring. I've tried briefly sketching it from memory. Pretty specific so not in high hopes, but hopefully someone here saved it or knows what I'm talking about.

I need the text of this picture to be translated to English please

I understand the pic but I need it in English please
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>right click
>search with lens
This is about minium wage of Latinoamerican countries in 2024.

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i saw this happen in a different thread, for the same image an anon got a result but I didn't. does your geographical location have something to do with it?
I use yandex, saucenao just doesn't seem to work 90% of the time
when you click the saucenao button through 4chan it uses the thumbnail. occasionally, using the full size image can give different results. this may explain it.
Ah! thank you.

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Where would I go to get scans of the first volume of the Justice League
The 60s one? Just go to viewcomiconline or something.

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Is there a sample pack for the samples you hear all the time in Beatmania/rhythm game type of songs? You know what I mean
I guess no one knew what I meant
>I guess no one knew what I meant
Correct. Do you just want the game soundtracks?
No, the samples. The screams and the orchestral hits and turntable scratches and 1 2 3 4 5 6 do it
I suggest looking into beatmania simulators which I assume pack the samples with songs that the community makes for them
Find a discord community yourself though, I am merely a Taiko fag so I cannot help with your particular problem
An alternative way would be to find a game dump and sift through the game files grabbing all the sounds manually, if you have never done that before it would be really difficult however
Maybe you can ask the artists on Twitter (latterly X) directly, I'm sure chill people like kors k won't mind answering

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It looked like from the 80s.
2-3 minutes long.
It was about some people in different rooms with hats shaped like aircraft (helicopters, jets, airplanes, etc), and they were doing sounds with their mouths, very silly.

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Hey /wsr/ question that probably won't be answered: wtf is this gif from? I downloaded it ages ago (probably on either /v/ or /vg/) and I have no idea what it actually is of (don't even know if it's real) all I know is that it looks cool and I want to know what it is
Looked it up and found that it's apparently the chemical reaction between Bromine and Aluminium

Hello, sorry for the terrible image quality. Is there any chance somebody can tell me if the cross is religious or if it's just decorative jewelry?
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Is it really? Can't parents force their kids to weird heirloom jewelry like a general cross?
>Can't parents force their kids to
That's still a religious purpose
>B-but what if I'm an atheist wearing it ironically, or I actually worship the devil tee-hee
Congrats, that's still wearing it for a religious purpose. If you know *at all* and put it on, it is. The only moron exemption is outright not even knowing what a cross is
Thanks. Sorry I know I sound dumb and I am
Does it make me weird to pray for them if there's a possibility theyre already saved?
>Does it make me weird to pray for them
But if you walk up to them and tell them about it forcefully like religious types tend to do, yes
I no longer have contact with them so it's okay. I guess this thread makes me feel more at ease knowing perhaps I could one day see them in heaven

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someone posted a tapermonkey script a while ago to bypass the age restriction but i dont have it anymore
please post it, or any other way to bypass it
1 reply omitted. Click here to view.
You must be 18 to post on this site

Can someone here find or recognize the original source of these automotive mechanics videos? They are certainly old, and seem to be Australian but I can't find a tangible source for them online, only scattered youtube archives such as this: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLaukeqsMWUOCoI7_tTgB494kRPaSaREVY

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