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Anyone have the micspam/youtube poop sound byte of the guy yelling "FUCKING FUCKING NIGGERS NIGGERS FUUUUCKING NIGGERS" to the tune of Running in the 90's? Can't find it through search engines now because of the no no word and I remember hearing it a lot in TF2 back in the day.

Looking for pics of tomboys being made to wear something girly and is all embarrassed/ashamed/flustered because of it
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Make a thread on /c/ with the ones in this thread, I'd be interested
I did see a general "tomboys" thread there and now I half suspect I should just post them in there. Or would that not go anywhere?

Basically, using my normal, naked IP, it doesn't find any seeders. If I use a VPN, it finds them instantly and the torrent starts.
Oddly enough, it seems that the torrent still downloads without a VPN, but it takes HOURS just to start.
Anyone know what may cause it? I'm using qBittorrent 4.5.5
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Uh...TCP? Is that it? TCP and μTP.

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What are some good sites to safely pirate PC games?
but in general if you go on TPB and search for a game, if it has the pirate skull logo and positive comments, it's generally safe
fmhy dot net
Great collection of resources.

I was just getting into One Punch Man, got the first 2 epiodes dubbed on the site I usually use but the others were not dubbed and the subs were way off

So yeah, any good place to watch (preferably dubbed) One Punch Man for free?
Thank you, brother

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Source please?
thanks! how did you find it?

There are over 600 chaptesr/stories to read, most of which are untranslated. What chapter/story do you recommend I start with?
Just start with the first volume of the viz release. The order doesn't matter and that'll give you a solid introduction to the series.

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>order headphones
>like 500 usd (these aren't them, but they're considered just as good)
>decide i don't want them anymore immediately after hitting purchase
>no cancel order button site
>open up dispute with bank, paypal, send their customer support a bunch of messages
>four days pass
>eventually get a reply: "we've refunded you go away"
>one hour later:
>"um actually it's left the warehouse so please refuse delivery ;)"
>but i work 8 to 5 and i can't take off
>but i live in area with a lot of animals and wildlife who regularly invade my porch and i'm not sure a note on the door would work as mugs and boots have gone missing
>also kind of want to keep these headphones, who doesn't want free shit
what do i do? is there any possible way i could get fucked if i just kept them?
i mean to post this on /adv/ but i'm so fucking tired... /wsr/ good advice i guess
they can say that since they sent them to you and you didn't return them, that you owe them money. you could say you never received them, although i can't guarantee that that will get you off the hook.
So you got headphones after being refunded? They have your address and payment information. They might try to bill you if you keep them. If your porch gets raided you probably want to set up some PO box to get pricey items delivered to you, or get it delivered to someone you know if you don't have the money to spend on some PO box. My sister mails her stuff to my address since she lives in a remote area.

Stega doc account have been terminated for unknown reasons does anyone have a whole youtube archive if they have their videos?

A bit unrelated to this but I remember that one comment from a now deleted youtube video of a compilation of Zagreb films and they stated that the last film of Yugoslavia from 1991 stated that the falling stars from an apple is a satire of European union flag and the fact that the post yugoslav wars animation that zagreb films is a shell of it's former self.
5 replies omitted. Click here to view.
Another bump for interest
Reupload a couple of them:
Most of these cartoons aired on the former serbian film klub channel
Another bump of interest

can anyone find the original image? i cant find it via google images or saucenao
heres something way worse

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Anyone know the girl in the Telegram?
Misato Katsuragi and Rei Ayanami from Neon Genesis Evangelion (1995)
The girl in front of the Iraqi flag.
>Iraqi flag
I don't care enough to Google what that flag looks/looked like, maybe ask /pol/ if you think that's common knowledge

dropped my OPPO A17 on the shop floor one too many times and the screen is completely fucked. the phone still works tho, it sat in my room for a whole month as an alarm clock until it finally ran out of juice. I want to extract the photos/videos i have from it but the phone isnt supported by the software anymore and it wont come up as a device on any computer ive tried.

Is there anyway around this issue or is all my info lost forever?
buy a display
recover data
(optional: RMA display)
Walk into a cellphone repair place, they change screens for $50
if it worked as an alarm clock, it still kinda works, doesn't it?
if it isn't possible to connect as a mass storage device, just move the stuff for instance to google cloud or to MEGA or something

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Hi. I have trouble posting so I'm not sure how this will go.

I'm looking for the original version of this creepy eye decal in its best possible quality and perhaps any relevant info on its source.
I've seen it used often including here (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uSu62ge8inw) so I don't assume it difficult to find but I'm not a tiktok shitheel and google is useless. So I would appreciate any assistance.

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Is there any site where stitches from currently airing anime are posted?

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Can someone make a chudjak wearing Korean traditional outfit with "nothing ever happens"?

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