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Where in joshua tree is this?
Indian Cove Campground, Joshua Tree National Park:

You can "street view" / map walk along the motor vehicle navigable roads

Indian Cove Campground - Campsite
68917 Indian Cove Cir
Twentynine Palms, CA 92277
United States
No-frills campground for tents & RVs, with picnic tables & huge volcanic outcrops for rock climbing.

+1 760-362-4367

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mvp, thanks

can you help me finding regular show in Portugal Portuguese l (not brazilian portuguese)

i only found on prime video but too poor for that
Here you go, OP


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Hi, I'm Bernd and since the COMPACT magazine got banned in Germany, I'm interested in whether someone archived available volumes of it. I scoured the internet and managed to find a torrent for a good amount of older volumes that sadly didn't have any seeders.

I'm looking for this magazine, maybe for archival reasons, but also to find out what's so bad about it that it got banned. I prefer the PDF format, but if its zipped images that's okay too.

My first request on this site, please be nice.

>Jimiko (地味子, lit. "sober" or "quiet girl") is a term used to describe a female character with a plain (not necessarily homely), mousy, or unassuming appearance and/or personality or demeanor.
>Glasses, messy or unkempt hair, thick eyebrows, twintails or braids, freckles and baggy eyes can all often complete the look.

I'm looking for anime with this sort of character as the protagonist or as the main/winning girl. It seems most anime featuring jimiko have them as secondary characters with little screentime. Braids or twintails with glasses are a must. Pic related is what I'm looking for.

Any recommendations?
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There are a lot of doujins starring them I've noticed.
You're right, but Tomoko is more mojo than jimiko. Frankly I'd take watamote-like recommendations too (not bocchi), if there are any.
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Kuragehime, do not ignore anon!!!
The synopsis contains a tranny but it's a misleading thing, the show is actually good.
This seems like NTR
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bump I need this too
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Alright, alright I'll give it a try

I'm trying to remember an old newgrounds flash game.
It's a point and click, choose your own adventure game. I think it has two parts.
For each scenario you get multiple choices i.e. shoot helicopter fuel tank or shoot pilot.
If you know the game i mean, thanks
You might be thinking of Henry Stickmin
Just remembered.
Its "Ray"

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Can someone draw Donald Trump being knocked out by a coconut that fell on his head?
if someone draws the picture please put the coconut song on it

it was narrated on a post shared on /x/ story was about a friend group who smoked weed in the woods and saw a humming water tower like creature and ran away with a car they all woved not to speak of it before doing so and some people claimed seeing the same creature i tried searching it up but couldnt find anything
do you remember the channel name or any details about it?
find the post again on \x\ board

I was wondering if anyone here could color the sun cross behind the skull and knives emblem red and outline the four white rays on it in the same shade of red. Some other guys and I are doing a WW2 where the British NS that were more open about their beliefs before the outbreak of the war had a militant underground wing that they all eventually joined when they basically became enemies of the state. Our RPs are inspired by HoI games

Could anyone recc me some playlists with music like this? Preferably anything super harsh and maybe a lil violent or sexual too in its lyrics.


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I'm looking for a video of two women collegiate wrestlers wrestling and one of them has the other in a headlock but the one in the headlock suplexes her

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anymore pics of chinese people doing things like this? some kind of farming or bot-like mega setups
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In the next page, the two scientists prove that intelligence is a social construct, and each win a Nobel prize.

i remember seeing a vkdeo once that had AI cops arresting people in funny situations, like this one: https://youtu.be/p2uZ4WeU1_4 but with cops instead of wizards. also it had full AI voice acting
1 reply omitted. Click here to view.
guys I'm getting tired of having to wait and then doing the captcha only for the timer to restart like it's broken and also I'm pretty sure the put the captcha correctly but it still says mistyped captcha. I post on mobile app read Chan and sometimes on mobile. what should I do to have a decent experience posting on 4chan? I don't have any money
works on my machine
it works on your machine when you're trying to make a thread because it's probably impossible for me to do that
Pretty sure you just keep failing the simple IQ test that captcha is.
>Verification not required
nope, just tried to make a thread right now and waited the whole 300 secs and when that ended I clicked on get captcha and it counted down from 300 again. so... yeah...

When I was like 12, I saw in some scifi thing in a museum someone had a virtual aquarium, which was just a tv screen with an animated wallpaper showing a little mosasaur swimming around doing mosasaur stuff. I went home and frantically searched for it online but it didnt actually exist.
Today I have searched for it again and it still inexplicably does not exist, in fact I found barely any aquarium wallpapers at all for wallpaper engine.

I literally just want an HD video of a small prehistoric creature frolicking in a tank, I can add it to wallpaper engine myself. Any prehistoric creatures are fine really, as long as the environment looks artificial, I want to look over and have it seem like I have a little animal in a tank on my desk.

I'm sure little videos like that exist, but google is not being helpful. If you know of anything please share, thanks.
Ask on /an/, paleoschizo or his enemies will know.

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I'm looking for an image of Klee from Genshin Impact in bondage, laying on the floor. If I remember correctly she was also wearing a red skinsuit and she was the only character in the image. Artist source would be appreciated as well
Edge your chode on over to >>>/r/, partner
that's hot, bumping for interest
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bump, Klee is fucking sexy

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