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does anyone have that worksheet that's asking who you would bring on a vessel that's leaving a ruined earth? some of the options are a drug addicted attorney, a jewish professor, a cop that's accused of assault and a muslim nursing student.

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Im trying to find a meme of a French Canadian filming and swearing in a funny voice at a statue in a window above him in front of an apartment complex and he uses the word "tabarnak"
Does anybody have webm or name of the video?

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ESL here.
>dead pool
What's the difference?
Deadpool is the name of the character.
A "dead pool" is a gambling game where you bet on who's gonna die next (I guess figuratively or for real).

In the comic and the movie, Deadpool gets the name from a "dead pool" they run on the bar where he (and a lot of assassins and mercenaries) hangs out.
Anglotards like to randomly make bullshit rules about their language. So sometimes words are put together for no particular reason.
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Anyone know the tv show the commenter is referring to?
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There might be a few Hungarians in some thread general on /int/. I dont think a lot of Hungarians visit this site.
I don't know which thread general to use

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change the angsty boy's yellow blood on his face and sleeves to crimson red

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i used to live in a bad low income apartment, and it was fine for the most part, and then i had mold start growing at an unknown location. i learned this by waking up at 3am to it, but i kinda... liked it? the mold smell made me feel nice (due to nostalgia probably from all the shitty places my relatives and cousins lived in and whatnot,) i got an entire online tech certification course done in a week, i was able to draw super well, i think it was giving me superpowers or something. i moved out a few months ago, and ever since then, i havent been as productive or creative as i was when i was smelling mold. does anyone know of a way to recreate that earthy, damp mold smell (not the shitty sour mildew smell) without leaving 5 humidifiers on in my room or some similar thing? (bonus points if there is a good way to recreate secondhand cigarette smell without smoking a pack a day indoors) :3
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>What happened?
-Anon never heard of a woman
I'd try a little bit of pachouli, it has that attic-y scent
There are none on 4chan, unless they post tits. Tits, or male, no exceptions
few years ago i went to sit on the toilet while the seat was up, almost sat on my balls, basically bruised my prostate or whatever and maybe nerve damage.
Sorry to hear that :(

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care to recommend me any other fast paced sperg comedy anime? i mean, as in, more stuff like di gi charat, teekyu and kill me baby which are things I have already watched and liked
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daily lives of high school boys
kohee zhelli
yuri seijin naoko-san
sakamoto desu ga
Jewelpet, especially Sunshine or Happiness.

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Hi /b/astards, just a few question to see if everyone's reaction pic folder is in order. I'm looking for a pic used as a reaction once in while. It's an oil painting or a cropped part of it of a an old white guy who does a strange face, like he's doubting something or silently mocking something. Can someone help please ?
Anybody versed in old painting of white guys smiling ? C'mon please

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https://x.com/StillHazoDDD/status/1799932415218975118 Sauce on this?

could you make both of these ppl female? thanks

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How do I figure out the boiling point and solubility in water of organic compounds in a general way? Say, x Ketone reaches its boiling point faster than y Ketone, or than z Aldehyde.
>How do I figure out the boiling point and solubility in water of organic compounds
Read that chapter in your textbook
it's not there
best practice in your case is probably to try to qualitatively bullshit it
>molecules with stronger net dipoles dissolve in polar solvents (i.e. water)
>boiling points are correlated with the strength of intermolecular forces, which are related to molecule size and dipoles present

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Could some good sir or damsel please vectorise this small logo? It's for my kid's school uniform, she outgrew hers already and I need to get another by muself. :-(

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That one meme where the person has a hand under their chin (sort of like image) with a smiling, open mouthed expression of "interesting" or "Huh, I like that" or "great idea" reaciton
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I do recall the drawing also had slightly more detailed eyebrows. Maybe not a unibrow but visibly there.

Sort of more in this style.
This is the emotion right here, albeit with mouth open and drawn stick figure-ish style (black outline, white skin, round head, etc)

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Can some anon help me to translate those answers? I'll list some that I (think I) got
>1 Xavier
>2 Oda ??? Nobunaga
>4 Brutus
>5 Yoshinoya sensei
>6 Iwasaki Chihiro
>7 Genre: Comedy ??????
>8-9 ????
>10 Like: Chikuwabu Hate: vinegar things
>11 Well... a bit ????
>12 Woman with a Parasol
>13 (St. Peter)? Pietà
>14 Japanese saw
The resolution is kinda shitty but its the one I got

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There is a meme video with constant zooming in on a graph with visible equation lines.
The stranger things opening music plays the entire time and ends with the the gnome meme. The OUGH gnomed sound plays and the stranger things music plays.
Requesting the file or where I can watch/save it.
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you piss me off

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