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Is it hard to install/ to get if I'm a basic user?
Do I need to pay anything to use W10 past 2025?
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Get Linux Mint
There's some kind of "copilot beta" that's on my work computers now.
If you ask the thing how to remove it it's like 'lol no you can't, but an admin can temporarily disable it using a few edits to the registry'
Is Windows 10 free now???
Don't you have to pay anymore at this point?
Yes and no.

no idea what that is. don't have it at home or at work. it was bound to happen at some point, i don't think it's a bad thing. if it works faster and better than the copilot on the website, without restrictions on messages and tokens, I'd use it.

search engines are utter and complete garbage these days(yandex and duckduckgo included). i use chatgpt and copilot for most of my searches and occasionally dorking when looking for something specific.
>paying for windows

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hello anons, i made an ai cover but theres a persistent echo voice by the original singer that isnt processed, can some anon with some audio processing wizardry help remove this foreign voice? thanks a lot...
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it's a slow board faggot, bumping too often will just make people put you on the ignore list
sorry i wont do it again

What are some fun recent (like came out this month) games that aren't Astro Bot, Space Marine 2 or Concord? It seems like that's all /v/ is talking about right now and none of those interest me.

Pic related is Warzone 2100 it's not a recent game but it's fun and you should check it out if you like RTS games.
i dont think anyone's talking about that for the reason you think lol. it's a lolcow game that had its servers taken down after 2 weeks of uptime because it was so fucking bad
Wukong? Deadlock?

Hey, Chuddie’s, can you write a 4 paragraph essay about the Industrial Revelution during the 18th and 19th centuries. I have a week to not get kicked out for 4th time. Thx.
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It's good for OP to know.
Teachers are very aware of ChatGPT and it's easy for them to verify whether it's been used. Using AI for assignments means a failing grade and possibly worse repercussions.
my WSR: how/where do you detect AI writing?
Don't believe this guy.
The essay is legit, he is just trying to con you into putting some real work yourself.

I'm really interested in the Gordon Kahl case, and want to gather as much information on it as I can.
The documentary "Death & Taxes" about the case is available on YouTube, however it's very much edited down and presented in a biased way, omitting pertinent information.
Going the the production company's website, it appears there's a 13+ hour "Miniseries" on sale, featuring all interviews in the regular documentary, but uncut and in their entirety. A sad number of the people interviewed in this work have since passed, so it's one of the only ways to get their uncut narratives.
However, the DVD set is a whopping $195.
I'm not familiar with torrenting or torrent sites, since my ISP shut down my internet some years ago for torrenting and made me sign something saying I'd delete all my torrented material and not do it again. Can anyone who's familiar with torrenting or torrent sites find out if this uncut 13 hour Miniseries is available anywhere online, before I go spending $200 for a DVD set on a shady website.
I would be sincerely grateful if, if it is available, someone could torrent the thing and upload it to mega.nz. However, given the length, and the obscurity of it likely meaning few if any seeders, I'd still be very much grateful just to know it's available without spending the money.

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plz recommend me manga or anime with mindfucking story or settings
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Not quite "anime" but it's japanese, Subahibi is a visual novel (pictures+text+voice+great background music), it's exactly what you want.

Very vague statement but heres some strong psychological ones if thats what you mean by “mindfuck”:

Alice in Borderlands
Drifting Net Cafe
Children (Miu Miura)
Venus Puts Fur On Me
Oyasumi Punpun
Blood on the Tracks
Boys Abyss
Flowers of Evil
Inside Mari
Terror in Resonance (Anime)
From The New World (Anime)
I Am A Hero
Fire Punch

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Kuuchuu Buranko

Does anyone know how to extract the models for the Longshot sniper rifle, the ammo it ejects, and Maria after processing from Gears of War 2?
It's never established what caliber the Longshot fires. It does eject a cartridge (with the bullet seemingly unfired) during reload, so it is modeled, but it's impossible to tell the size specifications from a glance.
That's where processed Maria comes in; canonically she's 5'5" ft, and after processing she's both barefoot and balding, making her height easier to gauge as a reference point for the Longshot round.
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Digital release when? Camprips?
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Commentary on the Content by Matt Walsh
also interested
bump until its released

I attempted to ask my neuroscience professor a few questions earlier, although I'm still not sure I fully understand. I'm hoping you guys can help.

1. How does an action potential work? I understand it as being the difference between the extracellular and intracellular voltages. In other words, the resting potential of -70 m/v describes the intracellular space as being 70 m/v less than the extracellular space.
But in order to reach the -55 m/v threshold to initiate an action potential, one would need to decrease the difference between the two (depolarize); in order for that to occur, one would either need to increase the intracellular voltage, or decrease the extracellular voltage. Only the latter (to my knowledge) is possible prior to the initiation of the action potential/the opening of voltage-gated ion channels, and I understand this process (of decreasing the extracellular voltage) as occurring due to an accumulation of Na+ ions.
However, these seem contradictory: How can one be decreasing the extracellular voltage when an accumulation of positive Na+ ions would, ostensibly, be doing the opposite (increasing the voltage)?

2. How do postsynaptic potentials (PSPs) — in the process of attempting to initiate or discourage an action potential — travel from a neuron's dendrites to its axon? Does it simply travel across the cytoplasm of the soma (although, if so, would the flood of ions traveling through affect the neuron's organelles)? Or are the traveling ions released into the extracellular space (and, if so, through what mechanism)?

3. In heterozygote individuals (one dominant allele; one recessive allele), are both genes on each chromosome pair expressed, that is, made into proteins? Or does expression only apply to the dominant gene?
If they're both expressed, manufacturing proteins which aren't used seems like a waste of energy — and, seemingly, would go against nature's tendency to prioritize efficiency.

Thank you!

Does anyone have that image where Misaki is like "It's not too late to change your hikokomori ways? Anon, that was 20 years ago! It's definitely too late for you now!"

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I played “Lies of P”on Xbox Gamepass via PC. I want to buy it on steam and play NG+. Is there a way to use my complete files for the Steam version? If so, simple steps please. Im horrible at stuff like this.

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Anyone know what this gif is from?
Palm Town
Thx anon!
No problem!

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How do I log into an already registered account on verizon irc again?
Enter your nickname, change Auth to "Identify to NickServ," and enter your password.

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Anyone has the ISO/FDIS 37003?

Also the ISO 22301:2019
>ISO/FDIS 37003
Currently in the approval phase, hasn't been published yet.
>ISO 22301:2019

Can someone edit the 3rd girl in this photo in the -ACK! hanging basedjak pose please? (not transphobic, just hate lesbians)
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Troons and fags like this are dragging the image of characters like Tomoko and pretty much an entire archetype through the mud, somebody do OP's request.
Hey now, I don't think that's true.
This is tipsy rambling from a bisexual person so forgive me, but hear me out if you'd like:

Ultimately, these people are embracing those characters because they see something lovable or perhaps relatable in them just like you do. That's cool, right?
Sure, you don't agree with them as people, and you're entitled to that right.
But you gotta understand that these characters' ability to be related to by people from different walks of life is part of what makes them so great.
You've got to try to just ignore those guys and not worry about being associated with them or whatever.
It's like loving a series that has a shitty or obnoxious overall fanbase. If you really love that series, you're willing to ignore those who also love it but happen to rub you the wrong way.
Don't let people ruin things for you, anon.
At the same time, maybe consider that there are always going to be fans of things you like that are completely different from you. Life's too short to let that get to you, man.
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I see your point and agree that ignoring such people would be the easy way out, however, I find these people to be so utterly infuriating that it's only fair I get to shit on them a little. Ignoring them is a lot harder if I want to actively discuss these topics, considering their understanding of the aforementioned characters is much different and, honestly, often less nuanced and dedicated than mine. It's easy to say "just ignore them" when you're not the one put in the same group as these people.
So, to put it bluntly, I'm right, they're wrong, and I WILL get pissy over it.
See I'd do it if u were transphobic
Well, I'm glad you heard me out, even if it didn't make much of a difference.
I shit on people like them and like you sometimes too so I kinda get it.
I just try to not do that if I can help it because it feels better that way.

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