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Does anybody have that pedo bear meme that says "We can just hold hands until you're 18"?
11 replies and 8 images omitted. Click here to view.
thumbnails are using the website front-end compression so that the page loads faster until you clicked open the new page to view/download the original file.
You're all so nice. Thank you.
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Anything left is a clear PNG wizout the white background.. Like seriously anons, thats kinda dis(s)appointing..
I'm retaining the original. what you gonna do with the transparent background?
Print it on a shirt and giveaway as a present

A guy i know went missing a few years ago and something still doesn't sit right about his disappearance, i will leave a link to the report in the comments and answer any questions i can to the best of my abilities.

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Can someone please help me find a site where I can order pure sodium nitride (at least 90%) and delivers in the US? I've tried searching but can't find anything.
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don't worry it's just for logging out of my minecraft account conveniently
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Look at my beautiful waifu Namonaki. Does she make you want to live?
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too flat imo

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There was this black and white cartoon I remember on youtube a while back of a crudely drawn guy (almost a stick figure, but he had a fat round body instead of a stick body) next to a big garbage bag. He just keeps repeating "aw shoot, aw shoot, it's ripping, I can't take the trash out now, it's ripping. I am never buying Hefty again, that's for damn sure. How can I take it out now? It's ripped."
It was a pretty stupid shitpost, but for some reason I thought it was the funniest shit when I was younger and I just can't find it anymore. It would be about ten-fifteenish years old. Pic related is my own drawing from memory of approximately what it looked like
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Couldn't find it on 4plebs, but I tried.

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What is a book, game, etc that has particular impacted you? Excluding addictions from the likes of MMOs or LoL.
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I read it in hs and it was so fucking boring what did you like about it?
Is that golden eye?
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Ohh yeah
the sexo

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where do you download music anymore?
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bober (.) icu
If you want crusty compressed music, this is the way to go
If you want good quality music, try rutracker
thanks niggas. ive been outa the game for a while. i was still using tpb lol but i figured it was just a honeypot now.
>was still using tpb
holy fuck you are retarded
i know. but it was my go to for like 15 years

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I'm looking for an anime picture of a blonde hair, blue-eyed woman wearing a Nazi SS Officer uniform and an eye-patch. She is usually drawn with a cigarette in her hand or mouth.

I remember seeing this around 2018 but I can't recall a name, if anyone knows the name or has a picture please post it.

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Can someone confirm if the cat in the image is from a funny/safe video? Ppl are commenting that it is from a video of the cat being dressed but I’ve never found it
seen it, wanted mind bleach, that cat was dead about a minute after the original image was taken

Can I get a torrent to Harry's Game? Can't find it anywhere

Anyone who can photoshop her hair color to be dark brown/black?
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looking for and old wiki site - sorta like an unofficial 4chan wiki. had articles on pretty much anything , written very 4chan style with barely any moderation . you could look up the article on moot and there would be complete slander and people writing anything .
would've last visited the wiki 2017-18 , probably taken down now but if any anon can remember the site would be really helpful
I think you're talking about Encyclopedia Dramatica. It has moved around quite a bit since I first saw it around 2008.
The current address seems to be edramatica.com

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Has there ever been an isekai where the MC actively tries to champion modern moral standard to its world? Something like no slavery, treating peasants well etc. doesn't have to be the main hook.
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The only time I can remember seeing an isekai protagonist actively fighting against slavery is in the manga Grand Dwarf ~ The Smalltown Craftsman's Skills Are Unmatched In Another World ~ though he seemed more upset regarding the treatment of woman and children, rather than slavery as a whole.

Reincarnated as a Sword is also anti-slavery, but that's less to do with the MC's personal views, and more the fact that he's wielded by a former slave.
Maybe a kingdom building isekai would have that sort of thing? I haven't read these, but they're in that genre:
Ehh I don't really trust "realist" title on a manga because it's almost always classroom of the elite tier edgelord logic
Yeah, sorry, I started reading them after I posted them and they're all shit
This feels high quality, surprised to see it's not by an already established author.
Goes to show how rare it is, there's so few isekai with an actual story and not just escapism.

Was stumbling around on vndb and got curious about a particular artist that has worked on a few visual novel's I've played. Her name is Chikotam (ちこたむ). On vndb, it say she hasn't worked on anything since 2018 so I'm wondering if she has a social media presence anywhere? Her official website doesn't look like it's been touched since 2020 and it doesn't seem like there are links to any social media. https://vndb.org/s1967
I looked up "ちこたむ先生" on twitter and apparently she was on the October 2024 issue of Dengeki Moeoh and made illustrations for merch last year.


Also, her Danbooru wiki page doesn't list anything other than her website.

It's not rare for artists to just up and vanish. In fact her having a wikipedia page is.
Thanks! My curiosity wouldn't get over it so it's nice knowing she's still around

Does anyone know where I can find Nutaku's Ninja Maidens game or gallery? They shut it down a while ago and now all the apk's don't work.

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Requesting her stomach to be shopped into @nataliaacevedo62's, please.
A sort of slim, yet still fit sort of look with plenty of emphasis on the tummy and V-line as shown in the references below.
Mainly just hoping for you to crop the video stomach onto her with changes to make it suit her better, although if you look up her username, there's plenty of good material.

I've attached some videos here you could rip from:

Feel free to remove the thong straps too if you want to just shop the video stomach onto the image instead.
Also feel free to redo the hips and waist ratio on her if that's easier too, so long as she has wide hips and a thin waist.
1 reply and 1 image omitted. Click here to view.
What's wrong with you? How many years are you going to spend on this shit?
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Nice, op picked up a ban
Dunno what for, but he bumps in the next couple days report for ban evasion

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