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File: spanish girl.png (1.14 MB, 809x1142)
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I need someone with an activated account in nyaa to contact a user https://nyaa.si/user/TardSubs so if he can seed https://nyaa.si/view/1407102 Please.
30 replies and 9 images omitted. Click here to view.
heh they definitely have those
seed it yourself

Thanks, anon. Not what I expected, but it works.
>seed it yourself
I don't have an account on any site to seed it xD but I will find somewhere to post it online at least.
seed it on nyaa. it's the same file.
I genuinely thought of this a few minutes ago. Well, after repeated tries and some google searches, I found how to seed it. At first the torrent didnt recognise the file. Thanks again, anon.

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Anyone know the source of the upper part?
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Does anyone know how to edit different video perspectives of the same event to perfectly sync up using sound/visual queues? Also does anyone know how to edit it so multiple videos are on-screen for one video?
There are two GTA RP scenarios I watched and I ended up taking the time to find five perspectives of each of them. It'd be really kick ass to see them all playing at the same time on the same screen in sync.
Pic related is one idea on how to edit it, but if that doesn't work them removing one perspective for just four is fine. If you're going to remove a perspective, please remove the last link in each batch; if you're okay using all five, please put the first link in each batch in the center.

First scenario,

Second scenario,

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.

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icebergs, video essays, deep dives, podcasts, etc
21 replies and 5 images omitted. Click here to view.
you could do a video essay about Pedro Pascal being an up and coming pervert. There's been a couple of videos and pics of him getting handsy with women and right now it's all being shrugged off
don't really care about ecelebs

I watched this anime years ago, and I seem to remember that Ebichu some times laughs with a laughter that sounds like this:
>Cho po po popopopopo!

Do I remember correctly?
What episode can I check to corroborate?
Ebichu bump!

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Seeking sauce on this image. Found on a random imgur with no further info.

Tried saucenao, iqdb, tineye, and google images to no avail.

Style reminds me of Dowman Seiman / 道満晴明, though cannot find anything indicative of that.

@mokusuke8 Twitter
Wow, how'd ya do that?
And also, I thank you on behalf of the OP. He's a bit... slow, you know.

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There was a webm being posted on tv or other boards with a short haired girl, blonde, very sweaty, using a dumbbell, wearing a tank top and she has hairy armpits. Does anyone have the webm, or name of the girl/movie?
She was probably wearing a beanie, outdoors. The webm is short, under 20 seconds

This shit used to get posted here all the time. It's a surreal couple of panels about a fucked up situation getting increasingly worse.

For example, the first panel will show a guy in a house fire, the second panel a zoomed out view of the fire department saving someone else and the guy getting burned alive, and then the third panel his black burned skin allows him to join a club for black people.

Another example is of a lady breastfeeding a baby, then it shows the lady is a man, then it turns out the baby is a midget.

The art all has that theme of messing with your perspective to make things worse than they seemed.

The art style looks kinda like old 60s diner paintings. Pic not related but it's similar on style.
100% thank you

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Can someone make the background transparent please?
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I admit this is the first time I've done this. So if another anon wants to do a better job go ahead.
I'm not one to buy figures, especially for coomshit, but this is extremely tempting.
Thanks but yeah theres still some areas that aren't full transparent.
You definitely won't after you learn it's 350 USD. They didn't make a lot of her.

Trying to create a grid puzzle with specific movements and generate the problem graph using graphviz::digraph in python. here's the code: https://pastebin.com/h96Nkmga

my problem is that all nodes assume their natural positions; (0,0) is on the top left, (2,0) on bottom left and so on. the bottom two nodes (2,1) and (2,2) are swapping positions though, and the edge crossing is causing overlapped labels. how do i fix this without manually setting node positions.
Why don't you want to manually set node positions? You already have them computed.

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A meme about a polish youth party leader with a caption like 'he can smell jews from a mile away'. Can't find it with bing's algorithm. Finder gets something nice I refound lately.

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I was trying to find some method to connect my mic and a program that would read the kana in the yukkuri voice so it would work in the same way soundpad would. Any ideas on how to do that?

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I'm making subtitles with text tool(top layers)
I want all of them to have the exact same position
As if I just need to copy paste the coordinates
But every tutorial only shows it on videos
ChatGPT is wrong
No, I can't just eyeball it, my sequence is 4k and in a small corner,
pirated 2022 ver.
sorry anon but you shouldnt use premiere for this.
either switch to subtitleedit or torture yourself for a few days and then switch to subtitle edit.

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Someone posted this in a /v/ thread no idea if this is hentai or just some manga but I couldn't find the source. Spent like a half hour looking. The filename was "koharu" but didn't help me find the source.
It's a hentai, page 23 of [nul_Neverland (Navier Haruka 2T)] Bokkin Mura ~Bokki shitara Nuitemorawanai to Ikenai Mura~
Thanks anon!

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Hi /wsr/

I'm searching for a video that I saw a while ago on either twitter or instagram.

This the video of police officers dragging a woman away from train tracks (I'm guessing because she wanted to an hero'd) and she is struggling and fighting to go back to the tracks. pretty sad video desu

I'm not 100% sure, but I think it was filmed in japan because of the officers wearing similar type of uniform. I couldn't hear the language because there was shitty music over it. Anyways they were asians.

Please I'm getting crazy searching for this.

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