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Does anyone have any or know of any VHS archives of Audrey and Friends from 2000-2004? It's lost media now with no leads besides old rips from Milkshake.
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This is a British show btw, about girls and the internet
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"The adventures of a teenage girl called Audrey and her friends, who inhabit a modern world of text-messaging, the Internet and medieval love potions."

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Some proof of it on the Milkshake schedule in 2002

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>tfw she sees your penis
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Man, sometimes you see a screenshot of lost media like that and you just think to yourself "yeah, I can see why no one preserved this very well"
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These characters look like they're in constant pain and just happy to be animated. It's got such a charm to it and I want it found. Especially since everyone is offensively British, which makes it funnier. From the information we've gathered it was commissioned for 25 eps and animated by 3 people. The pilot is easily found on yt(from someone archiving it)and is actually pretty good. The actual show however recast some actors, so it's hard to say if the final product would be as charming.
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Crew notes
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official banner gif they used for advertising
>they used for advertising
Oh yeah, that screams "quality". Good banner, no wonder this was a hit.
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It got "quite" the cult following in New Zealand! Funnily enough I thought it was Australian at first because the accents are so thick and it has so much slang it's surreal. This is a bigger pic of Audrey btw
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This is the art that got me interested in it. How can you not fall in love with a show that has expression like this?
The fan stuff of this show is pretty funny
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Official art
maybe send an email to Channel 5?
Ah, many have tried but, most info we have gotten just says that they recorded over the tapes and have no records. The show was only animated by 3 people on contract and allegedly the whole staff was less than 10 people. Not even the creator has it, just some scraps of work materials and episode synopsis.

So you can see why this is one of the most obscure lost media cases ever. The seemingly only way to find it is a recording from Channel 5 on tv. The frustrating thing is the guy who found the pilot also has the finale on tape but, is too busy to rip it right now. And another show from that channel that was lost media from the same company was found and even included a clip from the show as a cameo but, it's only the intro.

It's truly a carrot on a stick search to try and find it. I'm just trying to expand eyes on the search so we can see who has a recording.
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Have you heard of this group or had any luck with them?
At first I thought this was a pregnant teenager
I haven't actually. Do you think they would have any British kids show tapes? Or are they the type to look down on a show like "this" you know?

Right? That's what I thought too
Who knows? I shit you not, they got everything from PBS Kids to PlayboyTV recordings.
What did you mean by "show like this"?
Very interesting. I might have to give it a look, thank you. I don't have any tapes to trade personally, so I hope they don't laugh me out of the community.

You know, crudely animated, web based 2000's animation with a "unique" style only fans of the weird and online, cartoon fans would appreciate
People not only trade, but still and buy there, prices vary. Some VHS lots are 7 tapes for $12, some lots are 21 tapes for $30. Maybe you'll only need to buy one tape at a time from the seller.
People not only trade, but sell and buy there*
Sounds nice. Thanks anon!

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