Im looking for an anime. I only saw one clip of it. From what I remember, i had a girl who was either a cat girl or had fake cat ears on, trying to get the attention of some normal cats. She was saying something like “don’t be shy” or “welcome” to them, but they wouldn’t come to her. She then cried about it and that’s where the clip ended. Anyone have the show and episode this is from?
The Legend of Hei?
could be GoHAND's K/ K return of king someone add some connectors between the first and third part so I can stick them together rather than gluing them all by themselves? I tried it myself, but I fucking can't get the alignment between the two parts right. Either I'm way too retarded, or something is rigged
Ask in >>>/diy/3dpg
what browser should i use? i used firefox but i don't like it anymore. i want a faster browser that i can get extensions on. is ungoogled chromium good in that regard?
>>1518133based, I'm switching to it.
floorp works well enough
>>1518176i think i got an older version before got the latest one from woolyss and it works thanks
>>1517993Brave or Cromite
>>1518133Damm... I already liked the idea of switching to it, now I'm sure.
In season 8 episode 18 of NCIS (Out Of The Frying Pan) about 10-15 minutes from the end Leon sees Gibbs walk into the office and says "Gibbs"I took a video of it with my phone but the quality is kind of ass. Can someone clip it out in HD? It's on Amazon Prime
There's a movie I saw about 24 years ago, I think. The movie is NOT Wild America (Wild America has some similar elements but is a completely different kind of film). The movie I'm looking for must be from the 90s or very late 80s.It's about a family that goes on vacation north, almost to Canada, and the kids make a movie about a native myth about bears.Here's the order or events as I remember:>The dad worked at a photo developing place, and didn't like the job very much. He used to dream about being a film maker.>His son (11 to 13 or so) meets his very weird friend, and they go home.>The dad tells the kids about filming, shows them his old equipment, and then basically says "fick it, if you kids wanna make a movie, let's".>So the whole family (dad, son, younger daughter, mom) plus the son's friend go north where they know people, and visit a place where a Native American works with bears.>The Native American fellow tells them a legend about "mother bear", and they film him narrating. Then they film bears, and they edit it so the narration goes over footage of bears.>Then they go back home, and show their movie to the community, and everyone loves it.So, rings a bell?There are some other details I remember, but I don't wanna make the OP too long. Minor details in the next post.Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>1516721It didn't have "jokes", nothing that would make you laugh out loud, but there were funny situations.
Didn't I see this thread last year and the year before?OP is tenacious. Don't know your movie but good luck!
>>1517175I think it's the third time I made the thread, and sorry, but I have to find it.
How do I get rid of this stupid fucking recent search bullshit on mobile chrome?
switch browsers?
Get an iphone?
>>1518374Just put some black electrical tape over it
Gee, maybe go through the settings until you figure it out. need to identify this drum break. It sounds familiar, but I can't quite put my finger on it.
Does anyone have the companion drawing to Ecstasy aka Darks? I forget his name but I know it was aka Lights. I searched around but had no luck, I can only vaguely remember what it was.Feel free to also dump any funny Ecstasy aka Darks memes from the oldfag days.
4chanX no longer works on chrome, is this an update right? so is there a way to downgrade to a previous version, or fix it, or any other browser that is still compatible with it?
>>1518408Anon, it still work. Check your extensions and re-activate it.
lain sucks
>>15184364chanx users aren't that smart, please understand
Years ago some anon posted about his supposed job collecting and mixing some sort of body fluid for a mystery billionaire. I think it was specifically young men's cum? He had photos of bottles of the stuff in metal trays in a lab setting. Obviously this sort of vague memory is fucking impossible to sift through search results for, but does anyone remember the thread?
Why are you asking a blue board about something so filthy?
What is, in your opinion, the best and most complete way to learn how to draw for a complete beginner? Books, videos, guides, anything goes. Yes, I do know about the existence of /ic/, etc, etc. Most of the links don't work and other things are a bit scuffed
>>1517791Take a class?
>>1517791I do think /ic/'s beginner guides are pretty good. my personal suggestion is to go through Betty Edwards' Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain + the workbook. The book is popular for a reason. Buy the tools she wants you to use. Don't approximate it with whatever you have at home.
>>1517791You draw. You draw everything you see. That's it.
>>1517791Depends what is your end goal. Some people really have a niche interest or develop some area of focus over time. Like there are people who just love to do portraits. If I had to relearn how to draw Id probably would have studied books a lot more that cover human form, lighting perspective. Getting the boring out of the way is always better since you can learn to adapt it to your work a lot more organically than having to force it in. For example people who can only draw people in 2 perspectives because they never took the time to figure out how to draw things in several perspectives. Keep sketchbooks. Really discover what mediums you want to use for your art. Inks, pencils, pens, markers, brushes etc.
Want source on this art. Tried reverse search and by tags on gelbooru but no dice
Looking for that one photo where an overweight looking man with sunglasses in US flag apparel shakes his first at a skinny and possibly European man pinching fingers
Does anyone have any or know of any VHS archives of Audrey and Friends from 2000-2004? It's lost media now with no leads besides old rips from Milkshake.
>>1517895Very interesting. I might have to give it a look, thank you. I don't have any tapes to trade personally, so I hope they don't laugh me out of the community.>>1517896You know, crudely animated, web based 2000's animation with a "unique" style only fans of the weird and online, cartoon fans would appreciate
>>1517901People not only trade, but still and buy there, prices vary. Some VHS lots are 7 tapes for $12, some lots are 21 tapes for $30. Maybe you'll only need to buy one tape at a time from the seller.
>>1517944People not only trade, but sell and buy there*
>>1517944Sounds nice. Thanks anon!
Scrolling too fast on twitter and I saw this video of a short haired girl with glasses standing up and removing her jacket and she's got some huge boobs in tight sweater.The art style is a bit old looking but not really. I'm going crazy trying to find it since twitter doesn't keep track of watched history.Pic related she kinda looks like that.
Google how to access the cache on your particular browser.Sort by Date Modified, open the files from the rough time period you saw her. They may not have recognizable file types, but they should still work in image/video programs if that's the data they contain.If you only find a thumbnail of the video, reverse-image search it.
>>1517870I'm using mobile so I'm screwed, still can't find it
>>1517868LUCYYYYgreat anime
>>1518175What anime?