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I'm having a problem accessing 4chan through my router. I've scoured the internet, I've done a bunch of shit. To make a long story short, it's specifically the router, I can access 4chan on mobile network or if I bypass the router and direct connect to modem. I've hit the netgear forums (I have a nighthawk AX5400 router and the modem is a nighthawk CM1000v2) and the only help I've had is from a furry who refuses to read what I've posted in the op.
Here's a link to the thread
This seems to be an issue others have with random other websites and I've tried everything they have. I needs help, and I'm tired of needing to be on mobile data to browse this place
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I'll give it a look when I get home tonight
Interesting, using https://4cdn.org/ I now get pic related. I also tried just 4chan.org and it looks like that too. So now I have styles loading but not images....
But as I'm trying to post (while on wifi) it says connection error. This would be on my phone, let me try my laptop....
Nooope, laptop is getting the usual blackness. I guess it was just remembering stuff in the cache on my phone from earlier
That was supposed to be blankness not blackness. Fucking auto cucumber I hate using my phone for 4chan
Going to go out on a limb and suggest setting the DNS to something other than what your ISP provides. Try setting it to or in the router.

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I'm looking for more books that are along the lines of stuff like pic related or Revolution in the Head by Ian Macdonald: extensive looks at a band or solo musician's discography that talk about who exactly performed on each and every one of their songs.

I'm also curious as to what genre or niche these kinds of books may be considered as so I could try and look for some more of them myself.

Ok bros there was an AMV of Highschool DxD on youtube awhile ago. It had a song in the background that I believe was called romantic. Lyrics were, "so romantic, you so romantic, the way you talking, the way you do damage." And part of it was "that's just one of your talents."

Furthermore I recalled the lyrics also saying, "got some money in my bag that shit flowing." or something along those lines. Had Asia Argento in the cover if I recall right with a light blue background. Ended with Rise looking down from the window.

If I can find either the song or AMV I would beyond happy. I have looked into different amv artist I followed at the time like Scroll and another one that got removed (had a nicotine patches evangelion AMV that had a lot of views).

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Zoneless Zense Zero or Wuthering Waves?

I know people will say oh they're better in they're own things, but consider this: I really loved Azur Lane, so I prefer if the game I play have a simple yet attractive gameplay and there's a lot of f2p options to get most of new characters/collectibles.
zzz is more chill if that's what you want
Point for zzz then

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Who is this black man from Lethal Weapon 4 ending scene?
Bill Henderson maybe? He's credited as "Angry Patient" on Lethal Weaon 4's IMDB. https://m.imdb.com/name/nm0376347/mediaviewer/rm3842228992/ - an image of him in the 90s, for comparison.
Ty sir

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I asked this yesterday and anons seem to underestimate how big of a noob I am.


How do I install this? Do I create a separate conf file for this script in my %AppData%\Roaming\mpv\ folder? or do I add the script to the pre-existing mpv.conf file?
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MPV has a custom directory (actually two, it seems) for user scripts, mentioned in the github instructions.

%AppData%\Roaming\mpv\scripts or Users\user\scoop\persist\mpv\scripts

What you want is to get the mpv-cut script in that directory.
The script is on git-hub, a website for hosting source code, made to work with git, the industry standard version control system.
%AppData%\Roaming\mpv\scripts or Users\user\scoop\persist\mpv\scripts

To get that script in the script directory, you have to run the program "git", while in that directory.

git clone -b release --single-branch "https://github.com/familyfriendlymikey/mpv-cut.git"
This is typically done from the command line, on windows this is the cmd program.
But that is not all; as you can read on the github page, ffmpeg (a popular program that edits media files) needs to be added to your PATH, a variable that stores the locations of the programs you can directly recall from you command line.

In short, the four things you need to do are:
install git
install ffmpeg
add ffmpeg to your PATH
follow the instructions on the github

If you think the command line is scary, you should read a tutorial or something, because you actually need it here.
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I already have ffmpeg installed
did I do it correctly?
Yeah, that's it.
Check if you can run the ffmpeg command.
If you can, you're normally good to go.
If you don't, you have to add it to the PATH

I think it was published in the last 10 years.
i saw it on a fanslation site.
it was black and white.
the core idea of the manga was there were these magic cards that you could trap people inside by finding out their greatest fear or something.
its not yugioh.
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it isn't a junji ito manga.
It kinda reminded me of death note art style, and the theme.

It wasn't a short story, i think it was a full manga but ongoing.
Play Baten Kaitos anon. Both of them.
Not what I was looking for at all, but ok i guess.

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im trying to fin a comic i finished at some point.
i finished it in september of 2022, so i know it was finished by then at the latest.

The biggest detail is that there was a villain in it (possibly the main villain) who was really lucky because they drained luck from people around them. Or maybe it was cause they made everyone else unlucky, and seemed lucky by comparison.

I think it was a manhwa or webtoon, but it also could have been a traditional webcomic (or maybe a print western comic). This part is more tenous.

Its possible it was a garbage comic, cause this is all the information i have about it and i dont remember anythign about it. I only know this becaue I mentioned it in a text conversation, and i came across these texts again.

img isnt really related, only vaguely thematically connected.
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this should become the new 4chan logo
bump pls

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Anyone have that meme of some guy in an interview saying "You ever fall in love with a cartoon character" (or something along those lines) and it's a series of edits dedicated to Tamaki? If not that then just the interview's source would be fine

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Name all the anime in this pic. I know Evangelion and Lain.
is this list correct?
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You can crop the picture and then reverse search it.
Many reverse image search engines have an in-built crop function, like yandex here.
Ok, enough pedantry.
Clockwise, starting from the top left:
The Tatami Galaxy
Ergo Proxy
Haibane Renmei
Ghost in the Shell
Kaiba (pic related)
Welcome to the NHK
Angel's Egg
Serial Experiments Lain

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Mostly, Punpun is incorrect (but also one of babby's first deep mangas)
Mushishi is also not on the image.
Some things are missing.
Otherwise pretty good.
lain sucks

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I always liked this cartoon; it's pretty powerful for how simple it is. I'm curious where it came from; who drew it, what it was published in, etc.
99% of the time it's uploaded, it's with shitty wikipedia flags for Israel and Nazi Germany photoshopped over the real flags in the actual cartoon for whatever fucking reason. Pic related is the only original I could find, here,
However it doesn't have a source, either. The artist's signature in the top left is illegible to me, just the date1 Aug.06. The woman has three characters written on her, the first two are Korean saying "레바," Or "Leba" for Lebanese. I can't tell what the third character is; I don't speak Korean, and handwritten google translate isn't turning up a result for it like it did the first two.
So it depicts the 2006 Lebanon War, was drawn at the time, and almost certainly by a Korean artist. That's all I've got; if anyone can find more, I'd appreciate it.
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I mean, they are Nazis, so it's true. It's just the artist managed to portray it in a creative and artistic way.
Ahh that explains it. Simple it is.
Rate my political cartoon on a scale from "powerful" to "OWERFUL!!! "
I'm not the one perpetrating a genocide lol
Keep seething; it bumps the thread for me
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I fixed this cartoon for you so it is actually powerful. The reality is the Jews have ALWAYS and I mean ALWAYS been the bad guys.

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requesting dl link or torrent for A very good girl. Tried torrent on yts and 1337 but it couldn't receive data.
much obliged anon

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best loli anime?
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really? nobody knows what im talking about?
ask >>>/r/
I mean the broom part sounds like a scene in Strike Witches but that's all I got
Netrunmon the Movie
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Sewayaki Kitsune no Senko-san

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I'm looking for YouTube videos that encourage people to hurt or kill themselves. Bonus points if it involves burning oneself with cigarettes..

I've been having urges to hurt myself again and I want to find public videos telling me to do it.

> Pic unrelated
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If your first thought upon seeing someone displaying their emotions and a need for help is that they must be queer or an incel, I feel sorry for your upbringing.
the glowie doth showie
there are no videos like this and if there were they would be taken down quickly
Don't be too sorry, this is 4chan. You're not ruining some high quality comunity by making one thread here.

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What is the anime/manga about a robot working in a cafe? It's apparently really good
Yokohama Kaidashi Kikō

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