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What year date did this cartoon short came out? Pic not related.

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Can someone find me a higher res version of this vid?

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I need help looking for an obscure anime character, I think from a video game. Details as follows:
1. blond with thick eyebrows
2. Hair down
3. I think she was from a video game that looks like FGO's animation.
4. I think she was wearing green armor that showed her belly button
5. might be a nameless character
6. I think she was dual wielding blades? I remember some keywords being occult or alchemy or something.
I'll add more details when I remember them.
pic unrelated
7 replies omitted. Click here to view.
come to think of it, I may have had a blue light filter on my phone when i saw her so maybe her armor is blue instead of green.

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Can someone please help me find a site where I can order pure sodium nitride (at least 90%) and delivers in the US? I've tried searching but can't find anything.
15 replies and 3 images omitted. Click here to view.
>a site
do not exist, try finding friend with l2p or tor

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Could someone explain in layman's terms how good or bad diet soda is for you? Specifically Pepsi Max? If I drank 1 can a day for example, what would that do to me?
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>studies say,,,

Studies don't typically say what you think they do.

a twin of yours never tasted a cola and you consumed one for life, if we compare them at the end of their days we will find several anomalies in your body that are not present in your brother, which are quite obvious even for npcs, obesity, insulin resistance, corroded teeth, weakened bones, altered intestinal flora, etc. do what you want my friend, but when your body fails because of your stupidity do not blame others
in the cemeteries
Talk is cheap. Show me.
Yes, so have a glass of water afterwards and continue to brush and floss thrice daily as usual.

Enjoy your soda!
say goodbye to you're teeth

Help find archives of Lotti's works
The link to Google Drive has been removed or blocked.
I attached her work to make it clearer and who I am if you need additional information write to me I will try to answer

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Requesting a way to download videos/short s from youtube up to 8k. Site or extension.

No ads bullshit.
No software.
No console shit.

Just a simple site or a firefox/chrome extension that will add a simple button.
10 replies and 1 image omitted. Click here to view.
There's an online site for yt-dlp hosted by some guy as well ytdlp.online
Use OBS and screen record the video is the only useful answer i got that isn't a scam
>No console shit.
neck yourself


there are like 3-4 basic commands you need to know
IF you are doing it manually
-U, --update Update this program to the latest version
-F, --list-formats List available formats of each video.
--merge-output-format FORMAT Containers that may be used when merging
formats, separated by "/", e.g. "mp4/mkv".
Ignored if no merge is required. (currently

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>I want to do something
>why should I read something to obtain information to accomplish the thing I want to do?

I really hate this stupid entitled cunt mentality
yt-dlp is exactly what you want to use, no exceptions. I usually use this command:

yt-dlp -f 'bv[ext=mp4]+ba[ext=m4a]' --embed-thumbnail --embed-sub --embed-metadata 'THE_URL_GOES_HERE' -o '%(channel)s - %(title)s.%(ext)s'

That gets me the best quality file that is formatted in an mp4 container, works on iOS, most tvs, etc. If it's an age restricted vid or private or somethin I ask it to grab the cookies from my browser:

--cookies cookies.txt --cookies-from-browser vivaldi -f 'bv[ext=mp4]+ba[ext=m4a]' --embed-thumbnail --embed-sub --embed-metadata 'THE_URL_GOES_HERE' -o '%(channel)s - %(title)s.%(ext)s'

And you can dl an entire page or just a playlist, instead of a single video, just use the page url for the playlist or whatever.

I'm looking for a rip of the texture for the Amala Drum in the HD remaster of Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne. Any help would be appreciated.
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other than just to troll /wsr/, why would you need this exact texture? 2 hours in mspaint and you'd have something higher quality anyway
Is this really how you amuse yourself?
Some people amuse themselves by torturing animals. This guy is just on that spectrum
I can't believe you're still bumping this. For the sake of everyone's sanity I've torrented it. Let's see what I can find.

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I'm trying to find the Voronoi cell of Lonsdaleite, but my computer is a PoS and can't compute/render it.
I'll post the raw point cloud coordinates here; have to split it to fit character limit.
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Try >>>/g/
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I found a PDF of the topview and I think I am right

this is interesting, very much so
I am obsseced now
That's a 2D graph, not 3D.
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Am I doing it right?

I remember seeing a .gif of Alex from Street Fighter V doing sit-ups super fast, but I can't find it on my PC and l haven't had any luck looking it up.

Does anyone here have it?

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I followed this guide to get a token and install SillyTavern, but I don't know how to set a proxy password as per last step.
How do I set one please?
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bumping this
In Sillytavern, make sure you have the connection profile menu open (click the plug icon on the top bar). In that menu, set your API to chat completion, then select a chat completion source. I prefer Claude but custom works fine.
If you set your chat completion source to custom, there will be a field called Custom API Key. Copy your copilot token from the folder you put the script in and paste it into the the API Key field.
If you set the chat completion source to Claude, it's the same process but the field will be called Proxy Password. If set to Claude you can also assign a name for that specific connection profile and save it by pressing the floppy disk button.
Fair warning that copilot's a finnicky access method and github's ban happy so you probably won't get a lot of use.
Thank you very much anon.
Pic thumbnail is ccuuttee

Looking for a copy of this cartoon series in English.
I know it's on youtube but wondered if anyone had a working torrent or MEGA for it?

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The sun is beginning to sink ion this one.
So one last bump and I will try again later.
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I keep forgetting that the shitty mods have limited the number of pages.
(she's actually from Once Upon a time :Man but I'm sure she shows up.
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Try asking the torrent board on the cartoon thread for some copies, pretty sure they have some

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How is this hairstyle called?
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I forgot what it was called officially, but it's often referred to as "feathered" hair. Probably an 80's thing
>Probably an 80's thing
Dang dude i wish my future gf had those bangs which makes me like 40-50
>How is this hairstyle called?
That's a butt

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Someone plz make an AI dub of neco arc singing https://voca.ro/196liVdGd1nQ and then post it here plz and thx
Also please do one of Hank Hill

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How come i cannot acess to this website just recently?

Because you jerked off too hard

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