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Games that almost completely take place at night. 3D games more wanted.
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vampire the masquerade: bloodlines
Is 2.5D okay? Little Nightmares 1 and 2.
You might as well just recommend the original Yume Nikki.
>3D games more wanted
I like 2D games too.
persona 3 fes

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Could you make me a photo like this >w<?
Or do you have a photo similar?
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would like you to recommend me some loli anime to watch

(male mc plz, not like those where there is just a group of girls only hanging around or something)
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also i have already looked thru >>1465134 but didnt exactly find what i wanted, it was either what ive had already watched/some magical girl anime/female mc or just a bunch of little girls doing stuff without any male main, even side characters =X
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just finished it, very sweet very cute very nice c:
While we're here, could I get some loli manga recs? Don't care if there's a male mc or not, just want some good loli fanservice.
spam thread
do not engage

usagi drop

Can you recommend me some anime that has a solid romance plot/sub plot, fan service is a plus. I prefer the protagonist to be male but yuri is alright.
G Gundam, Might Gaine, Cross Ange, the Aquarion franchise (series 4 is airing now), Orguss, Godannar, Gravion, Star Driver, Acrobunch, and Bravern.
plastic memories

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I remember some guy uploaded to the internet videos (he is a game developer) of him struggling to learn blender and using it for the first time blind. It was pretty hilarious.

However now I can not find these videos.
Did he delete them?
Where can I find this?

He was trying to make a pink pokemon like creature for his game in blender and then tried googling how to make a pikachu in blender and getting absolutely overwhelmed.

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I have zero experience with alcohol. Please recommend me something good for a non-drinker and high in quality
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Bloody Marys are for alcoholics. You don't honestly think tomato juice, fish sauce, vegetables and spices, all mixed in with vodka will taste good?
>High in quality
You're worried about the quality of your poison? What do you mean by this? You're not buying bathtub moonshine.

The only thing I recommend to a non drinker is don't start. If you're committed to buying something that you can force down in front of alcohol snobs, buy a $30-40 bourbon, a $20 wine, or a lager imported from Japan or Germany.
>You're worried about the quality of your poison? What do you mean by this?
I don't intend to continue drinking regularly. Maybe once in a blue moon, so might as well get something good. That's my thought process basically.
>You don't honestly think tomato juice, fish sauce, vegetables and spices, all mixed in with vodka will taste good?
It does though.
I drank heavily for 20 years.

Go to a liquor store.
Purchase bottom shelf vodka.
Go to grocery store.
Purchase fruit juice.
how the fuck are you alive. are you still able to do math and solve puzzles?

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Could this video be made into a webm or mp4 without sound?
of course it can

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Does anybody know what song is this?

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What video was this originally posted on
You're really not helping
>Prior to August 2nd, 2019, YouTuber кocим made a comment on a now-unavailable upload of the song, writing, "this song goes very hard, love from Kazakhstan , I hate women so much it's unreal" (shown below).

He literally spoonfed you, you just had to spend 10 seconds looking.
thanks douche

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Does anybody know where this is from? A friend just sent it to me with no context and left.

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Does anyone knows the name of this model?

I know it might look AI but I have seen the stock images before the AI era.

Tried reverser search but never got the name.
Don't know but here's the shutterstock account and other similar photos of the girl
I see, that works shame I can't find the name
>shame I can't find the name
If you did find out her name she would marry you, give a couple of million dollars, and take care of you for life, right?
There is only one way to find out.

No, it's just an itch in my [spoiler]ass[/spoiler] brain because I see the photo all the time

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Hi, the marvel wiki says this on the page for Magneto's Helmet without listing the comic source.
I've checked Ultimate Magneto's, Quicksilver's, Jean Grey's, and Multiple Man's pages but can't find any references to that event.
If it is real, is anyone able to please post the name and number of the comic this happened or was referenced in?
You tried Chat GPT already right?, because this sounds like something it would be able to tell you.
I've never touched ChatGPT, so I wouldn't know.

Didn't have a childhood or teenagehood. Was sheltered. Experiencing it now. The EVA figures and fucking frutiger aero bullshit makes me want to shoot myself. Any semblance of substance is being replaced with cheap shit. Need recs for whatever will put me back in 2006-2015: anime recs, tech recs, etc.
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I enjoyed Ergo Proxy, though I viewed it through a similar nostalgic lens to you. Some online friends recommended it to me when it was coming out, but it took me years to actually sit down and watch it (when I wasn't a teenager anymore). I found it enjoyable.
If you're into cheesier anime, I've heard good things about Hellsing Ultimate. I was a big fan of the first anime adaptation when I was in middle school, though it ends on a kind of unsatisfying note due to outpacing the manga.
Thinking about Adult Swim shows of that rough era, if you haven't checked out Samurai Champloo give it a shot. Paranoia Agent was also very popular, but I only caught bits and pieces.
Gurren Lagann is also a goofy delight. I sometimes think of it as this weird high water mark of sincerity before a lot of mainstream anime shifted into isekai indulgence. It has a lot of wild power scaling, but the heroes also suffer legitimate defeats and setbacks, and the series has an oddly mournful tone by the end of it.
They all sound worth checking out, to be honest. I don't want to be picky especially since I haven't seen many animes to like, be picky, lol. Have heard those picks in conversation, but don't know enough to hold a convo, but I will absolutely check them out. Maybe ya'll will see me on /a/ soon :) Thanks for your wonderful suggestions and reviews
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Tech: iPods are essential, touch, nano, standard models, anything goes
Flip Phone of any kind that runs a Java OS. Or just any phone from that era.
PSP, PS2/early PS3 models. I'd say go for a PS Vita but the Vitas are so damn expensive.
Anime: >>1514778
you could also add stuff like Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha (peak in my opinion), Melancholy Of Haruhi Suzumiya (Manga, Anime and Light Novels), Elfen Lied, Clannad, or if you want just go on MAL and search for anime lists from the 2000s/2010s. Its a rabbit hole.

If you want to go full on early 2000s vibes, I'd say boot up a Loonix VM and fuck around with themes and shit that isn't necesarily frutiger aero but does fit in the 2000s style.
I finally got myself a Vita this Christmas after going back and forth on it for years and a 3DS. Still really wanting a PS2 and PS3.
> just go on MAL and search for anime lists from the 2000s/2010s.
Had no clue they had lists, woah. That's a shout, thank you so much.
>boot up a Loonix VM and fuck around with themes and shit
am loonix user. before I even saw this post, I was actually looking into wmaker and fvwm for mint (trying to force myself to use a distro for a few months, st least, regularly before switching out, otherwise, Id wanna try slack) today on my laptop for a late 90s feel. but I'd want something a lot later for my desktop

Also thank you for all of the other recs, including iPod. i miss my nano so much and was recently talking with a friend about mp3 players and was hit with major nostalgia. I am definitely gonna check all of these out and am about to scroll MAL's list so I can get a dedicated watchlist going, rather than just using my plan to watch as bookmarks lol
Check out >>>/w/2209409

what was that site people on 4chan used to watch stuff together? I can't remember its name
cytube, one of the sequel sites to synchtube
thanks a lot

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I'm autistic, with ADHD. I can't focus on trying to get better at all or even come up with anything to draw without just giving up and going back to looking at my phone and doing something else.
I've legitimately never been able to commit myself to any serious hobby and have gotten lazy over the years with my only actual one which is writing and the only reason I'm good at writing is because I wanted people to be able to understand what the fuck I was saying and I wanted to write good stories because I thought I'd never be able to make them in a visual medium, but that's it. I've never been able to commit to a serious routine, schedule, or anything. I just sit in my room online doing basically nothing.
Everything I try doing looks so daunting and impossible. I tried learning Source Filmmaker as a teen and I gave up immediately because it looked too complicated. I tried learning how to make my own games in game maker, gave up immediately and never touched it. Even something like drawing just looks so complex and impossible. This is what it's like for everything I try doing.
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Bullshit. What you really want is an excuse that lets you blame everyone else for your mental defects, and the longer you carry on the more pathetic it gets.
My mental defects are the problems preventing me from doing what I want. Now, can you give me actual advice for how to get around them?
kill yourself and hope you get reborn without the mental defects
I recommend either a therapist or hot lead.
I don't think there's a magic solution to your problem. Neurotypicals don't have this problem, and can't understand it, so they just keep spamming useless non-advice that seems obvious to them because that's what occurs to them naturally.
I've been in the same boat; Autistic, suspected ADHD, wanted to learn how to draw, gave up on it. It's not everyone's calling in life, and I've had to learn to accept that.

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