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I'm looking for cute/childlike media, anime / cartoons / manga etc., anything goes. The problem is, a lot of it is aimed at kids, and/or just isn't terribly good (all the preschooler cartoons).
What I found so far is: Miyazaki, Azumanga & Yotsubato, Chi's Sweet Home, Binchotan. Any other recommendations? I guess CGDCT & Iyashikei stuff works, but it's surprisingly hard to find good ones that focus on cuteness per se.
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I'm just trying to clarify what exactly you want since what you're asking for is treading a thin line. You say you want something that focus on cuteness which sounds like you don't want something too heavy, but you also say you want something interesting to watch as an adult and didn't like Non Non Biyori because it's about nothing, which sounds like you don't want something too light and episodic. You also say you're not that interested in the high school aspect but you listed Azumanga Daioh as one of your examples. Is Shoujo Shuumatsu Ryokou too heavy? Does Hakumei to Mikochi strike a good balance? I'm guessing something like Hamtaro is off the table since it's a kids show. What about Poyopoyo? Either way, try Pui Pui Molcar. It's a must watch. If you're looking for childcare/cute kids anime, in addition to Gakuen Babysitters, there's a lot more you can choose from such as Aishiteru ze Baby, Hanamaru Youchien, UFO Baby, Chibi Devi, Usagi Drop, Barakamon, Amaama to Inazuma. For manga, try Gokiburi Gijinka/Gokicha and Ryuushika Ryuushika.
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Didnt read through the whole thread but just finished gal & Dino on /a/ and it was great
Thanks for the recs.
Well, I'm not sure what you mean by "heavy", I just wanted something more or less uplifting and upbeat. I don't want overly sad manga that may be cute but is depressing.
Non Non Biyori just didn't have much to capture my interest in the very first EP, that's all. I just saw virtually no jokes or anything to hook me. Felt like I was missing something because I wasn't Japanese. Again, I'm ready to give it a second chance.
Most anime is set in high school, the question is what's the focus — cuteness/gags or high school life itself. In Azumanga, it's more about comedy and cute stuff first. I'm not really looking for high school drama and the like.
Girls' Last Tour sounds heavy, but I'm reading Shimeji Simulation right now so I guess I could stomach it. Still I'd prefer something more upbeat, if possible. If it's all brooding and depressing, I'd rather not.
I was going to read Hakumei to Mikochi, yes, that's right down my alley. Poyopoyo sounds fine too, as long as you can watch it as an adult and not want to kill yourself.
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wata no kuni hoshi
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mahoujin guruguru

I'm looking for a rip of the texture for the Amala Drum in the HD remaster of Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne. Any help would be appreciated.
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I can't believe you're still bumping this. For the sake of everyone's sanity I've torrented it. Let's see what I can find.
Did you find anything?
stop stealth bumping, and we all know you're the same one stealth bumping the "Voronoi cell" thread
This thread has 240 posts. He'd hit the bump limit if he didn't abuse stealth bumping.
The solution is to post in these threads every single time he bumps them. Call him out, say "bump" while sage posting, whatever

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I'm trying to find the Voronoi cell of Lonsdaleite, but my computer is a PoS and can't compute/render it.
I'll post the raw point cloud coordinates here; have to split it to fit character limit.
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OP, are you still here? My computer isn't too terrible, tell me what software you're using and I'll give it a shot.
Mathmatica, but there are plenty of other options.
stop stealth bumping, and we all know you're the same one stealth bumping the "Amala drum" thread
my farts smell great today, as usual

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What movie is this samurai clip from? (Obv not Jackie Chan)

I think the actress is either Etsuko Shihomi or Akane Kawasaki, but I'm not sure.
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Another clip, I assume from the same movie
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Failing that, i'm open to recs on some good female samurai kino

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Who is this character?
Lucid Atray from the video game Eternal Fantasy 3: Perpetual Blue

Trap btw
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>Trap btw
Holy based and thank you. I'll find a way to play this game right this instant.

May I ask how you found him? Because when using google and yandex all I got were people using him as a profile picture.
Or maybe you already knew about the character, in which case, nice job bro!
>May I ask how you found him?
Google and yandex
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That's frankly embarassing and I can see how you did it now. The problem is so many results show up that you can't decide what to click on, but it becomes obvious when you see two separate entries and they're of a more zoomed out version of the image. I should have just kept scrolling to see one or two identical reults as opposed to clicking on anything remotely sounding like a name. I'm just typing this to remember it.

I was also about to go on a rant about how the game seemed ridiculously obscure as I could only locate it on igdb and not on moby games or vndb, however I found several files on Vimms Lair.

Well, I'll see if this thinkpad can handle running duckstation and a controller. You have my thanks once again for this.

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Where do I go to watch City the Animation with English captions as soon after its initial airing as possible?
torrent it

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I'm trying to find a website where people would post roleplay threads. Specifically there was a thread about a Warhammer Fantasy elf and people would get to steer the story by voting on several options. They were also able to pick the backstory of the character and I think they voted on making him an elf from Cothique.

Anyone know anything at all?
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i think the hunger games does that but that's not what you're talking about clearly. i do kind of remember something like vampires the masquerade having a website based on their activities in an irc group on undernet but that room is no longer around. oh well. fuck if i know. posting anyway because 4chan

Who's the original artist? saucenao can't find it
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Anyone know the name of a game where you play as a little astronaut driving a vehicle around? The game is not finished yet and the thing that stands out is that you have multiple companions and one of them is a giant primate-girl with white fur. There is another companion that is kind of a giant squid looking girl thing. It's barely in alpha but I have lost the guy working on it. It is very rarely posted on other boards. I have no success finding it. If you have seen the companions you would recognize it immediately it's pixel styled if I remember correctly but on such a resolution that it might as well not be "pixelart".

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Games that almost completely take place at night. 3D games more wanted.
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vampire the masquerade: bloodlines
Is 2.5D okay? Little Nightmares 1 and 2.
You might as well just recommend the original Yume Nikki.
>3D games more wanted
I like 2D games too.
persona 3 fes

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would like you to recommend me some loli anime to watch

(male mc plz, not like those where there is just a group of girls only hanging around or something)
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also i have already looked thru >>1465134 but didnt exactly find what i wanted, it was either what ive had already watched/some magical girl anime/female mc or just a bunch of little girls doing stuff without any male main, even side characters =X
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just finished it, very sweet very cute very nice c:
While we're here, could I get some loli manga recs? Don't care if there's a male mc or not, just want some good loli fanservice.
spam thread
do not engage

usagi drop

Can you recommend me some anime that has a solid romance plot/sub plot, fan service is a plus. I prefer the protagonist to be male but yuri is alright.
G Gundam, Might Gaine, Cross Ange, the Aquarion franchise (series 4 is airing now), Orguss, Godannar, Gravion, Star Driver, Acrobunch, and Bravern.
plastic memories

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I remember some guy uploaded to the internet videos (he is a game developer) of him struggling to learn blender and using it for the first time blind. It was pretty hilarious.

However now I can not find these videos.
Did he delete them?
Where can I find this?

He was trying to make a pink pokemon like creature for his game in blender and then tried googling how to make a pikachu in blender and getting absolutely overwhelmed.

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I have zero experience with alcohol. Please recommend me something good for a non-drinker and high in quality
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Bloody Marys are for alcoholics. You don't honestly think tomato juice, fish sauce, vegetables and spices, all mixed in with vodka will taste good?
>High in quality
You're worried about the quality of your poison? What do you mean by this? You're not buying bathtub moonshine.

The only thing I recommend to a non drinker is don't start. If you're committed to buying something that you can force down in front of alcohol snobs, buy a $30-40 bourbon, a $20 wine, or a lager imported from Japan or Germany.
>You're worried about the quality of your poison? What do you mean by this?
I don't intend to continue drinking regularly. Maybe once in a blue moon, so might as well get something good. That's my thought process basically.
>You don't honestly think tomato juice, fish sauce, vegetables and spices, all mixed in with vodka will taste good?
It does though.
I drank heavily for 20 years.

Go to a liquor store.
Purchase bottom shelf vodka.
Go to grocery store.
Purchase fruit juice.
how the fuck are you alive. are you still able to do math and solve puzzles?

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Could this video be made into a webm or mp4 without sound?
of course it can

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