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I reworked my web project. I lumped my image, video, and music threads into one feed.

Does it make sense that different media type threads have a different looking thread preview? Is it too confusing? I wanted to make them look different. The thread view is also completely different depending on the media type, and the style is reflected in the thread preview.

It kinda bothers me how empty the page looks, especially now that I hid all the personal folder stuff inside a collapsible menu. But maybe that will change over time.
Maybe you can try two threads per row
Currently it's quite hard to differentiate between the video thread and the image thread; the icon is there but it's too small to help. Maybe overlay a play icon over the videos (it doesn't have to actually play the thing)
As for the personal folder stuff you can put it on the same row as "new thread", maybe on the right side of the row. Not sure if that was what you did in a previous iteration but you can see if that works better
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Thank you fren.
I made the thread "cards" a bit more consistent and gave them smaller fonts. I think this looks better than the OP pic.
Will most likely do something about the coloring. I will have to think of subtle ways to differentiate between image/audio/video threads. At first I thought different colored background, but the result will look like a coloring book.

>As for the personal folder stuff you can put it on the same row as "new thread", maybe on the right side of the row
I've reserved it for the sorting buttons (newest/oldest/most replies).
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>Maybe you can try two threads per row

I did that in my very first iteration. Here's an old screenshot. I was never a huge fan of how many scaling issues it created, but yeah one thread per row creates more empty space especially with horizontal displays.

Also it's fun to look at old screenshots to see what I've learned. The logo here was way too big and there was way too much padding here and there.

for a high school wrestling team. Someone was really cool a few years ago and made me a Master of Reality ripoff in like 30 seconds. I hope Anon is still hanging around!

remove the WB logo

replace BLACK SABBATH VOL4 with NORTH CANYON RATTLERS. Letters stay white

replace Ozzy with a wrestler getting his hand raised. just one color, but purple instead of yellow. obscure/remove all logos, no background, just a guy. something like pic related

If Anon could deliver again I would be eternally grateful
Based Anon who made this...or another with shooping skills...I know you're out there
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Here's another
You are an absolute king. Thank you

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I just downloaded this and want to set my language to English however the instruction most Google searches give me do not work.
They tell me to go to Settings > User > Language.
When I go to User all I see is Privacy, Accounts and Username with none of these three having anything to do with language.
it's under Settings > User Interface, second from the bottom

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Got into anime a few months ago, in my mid twenties. I would like to watch some anime where the main character or someone with a lot of screen time are spiteful people and nobody likes them, maybe they are even incels, but anyway they have a stalwart belief system of their own on which they operate. Someone like Anton Chigurh from No Country for Old Men. Pic not related. Bonus pts if they are as "badass" as Vampire Hunter D.
kyoukai no kanata
welcome to the nhk
Oregairu S1
One Outs
Yondemasuyo, Azazel-san
Sakamoto desu ga?
The Tatami Galaxy
>anime where the main character or someone with a lot of screen time are spiteful people and nobody likes them, maybe they are even incels, but anyway they have a stalwart belief system of their own on which they operate.
Just look in the mirror everyday

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Post your favorite trailers for movies/video games/tv shows

final product doesn't have to be good
this trailer gave me inflated expectations for the movie
COD4-Modern Warfare
PC Gamer said you saw the trailer and thought "wow, what a good game". And then you played the game and thought "Wow, what a good trailer"

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What's the best model to translate text from other languages to English?

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What are they saying at 5:47
sounds like: toca kenny! as in, play kenny! in spanish
yo there!, >>1500273 is right,
they are saying it
I guess they are meaning play the fucking sax or whatever instrument the faggot plays.
thanks for the song.
Thanks mates
Thanks to you!

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who is singing this?

Idon't understand well your question, the vocals who knows, but the music seems to be sampled from the next artist/song:
Two Ibiza/Oh La La La
you can youtube it
Good luck
The vocals.
Sorry, I have no idea.
Good luck.

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best loli anime?
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it must stay alive
because it's worth it
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Yeah, but is he offering loli waifus?

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Hi, I have been a console gamer for most of my life. I got a PC like 2 years ago and only recently started playing games on it.
I play mainly modded Fallout and modded Star Wars Battlefront 2 2005. So far from Steam I have also got Half Life, Black Mesa, and The Orange Box for Half Life 2 and TF2 trolling.
My main point with telling these games is that I play all of these because they are PC experiences. I have a Series X (I regret buying it) with a bunch of games. I now want some games on my PC that I can either mod a shit ton with relative ease or games that are PC experiences.
Any recommendations for when the Steam Sale happens?
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What are some games that run best on PC and are exclusive to PC whilst on console they run like crap?
HL2:DM is free

What he said. Seriously...

Most games. There are tons of workarounds available on PC performance-wise.

Also, do not discount emulation. Deep customization there, especially so if you consider romhacks. Sky is the limit. Glad you made it out of the walled garden. Welcome.
Correction: HL2 is $0.99 USD until Friday and should come with HL2:DM
Factorio, but it doesn't seem like you're into that.
>I now want some games on my PC that I can either mod a shit ton with relative ease

>or games that are PC experiences.
Counter-strike 2.
Gold source and source games: there are a ton of them. I recommend Cry of Fear if you're into horror games. The original insurgency is good and people say the sequel is good too.
Killing floor.
Left 4 Dead 2 (it comes with the first one).

looking for that "angry video game neet" image with the anime girls dressed as the avgn and the guitar guy

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What is the best way to go about crowdfunding for neets at the moment? I would love to give back to a community by developing stuff( VN and rpgmaker games), helping other neets with yt content and maybe affiliate/dropshipping stores? >///<

Some info about me: 30ish guy, neet and has interests like chess(amateur), some knowledge in programming and creating graphic designs.
I have some ideas of making yt content like a proper video series on obsessive nerds managing their ebook library (calibre) or physical library through koha. comfy crafts and maybe even basic electronics stuff that I would like to learn and teach others.

I have Discord if anyone wants to give their two cents my way: _thegoldenapple
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hey what if you just got a normal job
>after a brief support
65 years isn't brief
did you pull that number out of your ass?
being a neet for several years, thats really depressing. I am sure any neet will tell the same

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Can someone transcribe this for me?
Just the melody section
Do Re Mi is fine, it's independent of the key, the problem is I don't have any instrument in this exact key
The free time section at the beginning is not necessary. Only once the percussion starts
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I'll do it if you can explain in detail what you need it for and specify the exact part that you need
I play the flute (bansuri) and I my ear is not trained, I can hum a tune but I can't put it in playing, especially since I don't have an instrument of that exact scale
Only the melody section once the free time section in the beginning ends. I don't need the repeating sections either

Anyone knows where to get ( if it's even exist) the original song (not music!) in "Nitori Get Down" remix? I found a 0:37s video ( https://www.reddit.com/r/touhou/comments/c80iee/classic_video_nitori_get_down_hd ) and it seems like it's the oldest one. And it's the one I need.
Same thing (but from different sauce and worse quality but I think it's the same song
Thing is this song ends abruptly and there's a similar remix https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fbJiRfIp_cU which is 5:40 long.

What I want to know - is there a longer (full?) version of the first song? I bullied ai chat a little about this topic and it says that the song is based on ZUN's track The Sealed-Away Youkai for Touhou 11: Subterranean Animism. And that the first one (old and short one) is also a fan-remixes like the one from youtube. But maybe there's a full version of that older remix too. Anyone knows anything about it or can help me find it?
Btw, I googled Japanese words/names that are given in the youtube video (in the link I posted) description and found nothing too. But maybe I missed it. Please help
Do you mean "Kohmi Hirose - promise"?
Holy shit, thanks a lot!

What's the name/surce of the Eerie "Oooooh" sound effect heard during the beginning of this Spongebob clip?
Thank you.

What sound effect? Can you give a timestamp?
it's one second in
It's just a low pitched ghost "ooh" sound. See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KzrM_YNmKTo
I'm looking for the original sound and sound library that was used, I've seen it used in places online so I was wondering if anyone knew
All these years, and I've never noticed the fish-bat...Incredible.

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