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I hear conflicting information. Some say its Conservative and other people say it's been taken over by feminists and socialists. Even having a woman from a feminist death cult involved with killing 300 students become president. Are the men ultra sexist and evil? Are the women? Maybe both? Is there a lot of sex crimes like rape that go on reported? What happened to that feminist website with the male cp? Who are the eight goddesses and is 4B a cult? What is the Korean "4chan" (the one that's build like reddit) and are they involved in politics?
the answers would be totally different, depenent upon whether you mean

( a ) South Korea [ Republic of Korea ]
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/South_Korea ; or

( b ) North Korea [ Democratic People's Republic of Korea ]

they are two different countries i.e."sovereign states" about as different as the United States of America (under President Joe Biden) and Russia.(under the vile Dictator Vladimir Putin)
I meant South Korea
yeah he clearly meant south korea judging from his questions.
>I hear conflicting information. Some say its Conservative and other people say it's been taken over by feminists and socialists. Even having a woman from a feminist death cult involved with killing 300 students become president. Are the men ultra sexist and evil? Are the women? Maybe both? Is there a lot of sex crimes like rape that go on reported? What happened to that feminist website with the male cp? Who are the eight goddesses and is 4B a cult? What is the Korean "4chan" (the one that's build like reddit) and are they involved in politics?

If you look this stuff up, you'll find answers pretty quickly

There was a cult but it wasn't feminist. the first female south korean president was a member of a cult: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Park_Geun-hye
But she was part of a far right political party. Not feminist at all

The leader of the cult was also a woman but it was started by her father: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Choi_Soon-sil
The 8 goddesses thing is a reference to myth and also to that cult.

The death of those students happened after she was already president, and i cant find anything that says it was part of a cult sacrifice: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sinking_of_MV_Sewol

A lot of the information you hear on 4chan about south korea is total bullshit. This is the only place i've heard it being called a feminist cult. Im guessing they made a massive (and incorrect) assumption that any cult with a woman leader would be left wing and feminist.

4b movement is a radfem movement, not a cult and its unrelated to that female president: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/4B_movement
It has about 4 thousand members, in a country of 50 million.

SK is not india or the middle east, but its backwards in regards to womens rights.
The phones there have to have sounds because of upskirts. It's not regarded as full on rape if you assault an unconcious woman
>The phones there have to have sounds because of upskirts.

>It's not regarded as full on rape if you assault an unconcious woman

korea has problems with hidden spycams being used for sexual purposes:

they have a lot of issues with digital sex crimes:

some assorted articles:
do you guys also figure all this misinformation must be coming from North Korea/Russia
OP, go look up Hell Joseon and Korea's birthrate. Being a young male in Korea today is basically hell, that's why they're constantly complaining online. That being said, it's far from being a feminist cult and you should stop listening to /pol/. Also, anyone who says a female politician is far-right must have brain damage.
She belonged to the right wing party at the very least.
Thanks a lot. I wonder why they sank the boat

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