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File: rabbit.jpg (68 KB, 848x555)
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Hello, I have not watched anime in about 6 or so years, and was looking to get back into it. Could you guys recommend me some series I have missed over the last 6 years? I don't really like slice of life, i'm more into things with mystery, can be goofy but i prefer mostly serious, good storyline, good action. It can be mecha, historical fiction, anything with an intriguing story and great characters.
Also, I am fine with shows that have tons of episodes but would prefer if there's like 26-50 episodes total.
Thank you very much
Also, they don't have to be from the last 6 years i am down to rewatch stuff
Made in Abyss
Jujutsu Kaisen
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seconding MiA
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oh boy are you ever in for a treat
Frieren - amazing art, story, character depth
Mushoku Tensei - degenerate frieren but male protagonist
Outlaw Star - prototype cowboy beebop, but better imho
Chainsaw Man - popular shonen, but popular for a reason.
i found made in abyss needlessly horrific, it could have just been cute moe-blobs go on a journey but it gets fucking unreasonably horrible,
oh wait i threw in outlaw star but that's from the 80's or 90's whatever it's still good.
Boku no Pico

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