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File: aquarium.jpg (104 KB, 1000x1000)
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I really wish I could remember the song but I only really remember some select details. It's your average 90s eurodance but it has a distinctly Oriental sound to it, and the lyrics mention Japan and karate, I think in the chorus if I remember correctly. Despite the image, I don't think it's by Aqua.
It doesn't mention karate, but maybe Butterfly by Smile.dk?
I initially thought it might have been Butterfly but I'm thinking of another song. Idk maybe I'm making the whole thing up unintentionally. I'm pretty sure there was a song like that...
it's also not Big in Japan
There probably is! It certainly sounds like something that'd exist. Maybe it's a different song by them? Since Japanese-y was kinda their whole gimmick.
Can you remember whether there was a male voice in the song?
Pretty sure there were/was only female voice(s). But I'm still not sure if it's real or imagined lol
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never mind found it myself! The song is called Kung Fu Beat, and while Japan isn't mentioned and there actually are male voices, it at least mentions karate and the Land of the Rising Sun, and it does sound very oriental

thanks for helping to prod my brain guys!
Nice! Happy for you

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