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Anyone have the picture of pepe crying clutching a laptop?
no I'm looking for pepe the pic I posted is obviously not the one I'm looking for
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maybe related?
No its like pepe holding a laptop I think he has a blanket around him but its red
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unfortunately not these either
he was holding it and standing up / walking
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I give up, but I will post some I found,
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unfortunately its not any of these either. hes clutching something I thought it was a laptop maybe its just a box or something there shouldn't be any screen light or anything. hes just holding it an chugging along really sad and crying almost like hes given up too.
If isnt a laptop, then
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Alright only last piece of information I can give is that originally I saw it in some thread that was like "what would you do as a 24 yo neet with no job experience, education or parents" or something like that and it was reposted on a bunch of boards like /biz/ and /adv/ with the same image. Only reason I didn't save it is because I thought I saved it the first time. I can't find it in the archives because I don't know the exact phrasology of the op.
>I think he has a blanket around him but its red
Like this?
Or this?
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Or perhaps this?
nah like draped around his shoulders you could still see his blue shirt
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Hey I found it. I think he was going the other way and it was zoomed out but this is the pic. Guess I was wrong about the laptop it was a pillow.
Well, it looks similar. Glad you found it.

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